First day part 2

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Marun continued with his day until lunch. He got a cheeseburger and fries then he tries to figure out where to sit then he sees a dinosaur that was sitting by herself. He was coming by her table until ocho and Darwin stopped him.Ocho: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Marun: why not?
Darwin: Tina is not considered the friendly type.
Marun: maybe all she needs is a friend. Darwin: Ok don't say I didn't warn you. Marun sits right next to Tina then Tina eyes marun.
Tina: What are you doing?
Marun:I saw you were sitting here by your self and thought you wanted some company can I sit here?
Tina: If you want.
Tina: So why did you move here?
Marun: Why you asking,are you curious?
Tina growls
Tina: No.
Marun: Oh well my mom got promoted and we had to move here.
Tina: Oh sorry you probably miss all your friends back home.
Marun: Nah it's ok back home I didn't have any friends.
Tina: Oh I'm sorry. 
Marun: It's ok this is actually a nice change of pace it's only day 1 and I already made 4 friends Darwin, Ocho, Sarah, and you.
Tina: You really want to be friends with me? Marun: Of course why wouldn't I.
Tina: It's just people think that I am a brute just like my dad.
Marun: Well I don't think so I think you are pretty nice.
Tina: Really?
Marun: Yah it's like I always say don't judge a book by its cover.
Tina: Thank you. Then they continued eating their lunch.
Marun: Bye Tina.
Tina: See you soon Marun.
Marun walks over to Darwin and Ocho their jaws hanging.
Marun: What?
Darwin: Wow you just had a whole conversation with Tina.
Ocho: And she was nice no fighting at all just one growl.
Marun: See I told you you just have to see things from another perspective. Ocho and Darwin grinned.
Marun: Why are you smiling like that?
Ocho and Darwin: Oh nothing.
Then the final bell rang it was time to go home and there was his mom a dragon like him but she had pink scales instead of blue ones.
Marun: I thought you weren't picking me up today.
Mom: Well my shift ended early so I decided to drop by.
Marun: Thanks.
Mom: My pleasure hey are those your friends. Darwin and ocho stepped forward.
Darwin and Ocho : Hi Mrs Nabal.
mom: Hello boys it's nice to meet you.
Darwin: Nice to meet you too.
Mom: Thank you for being so kind to my son. Ocho: Actually he was so nice to the both of us he's very sweet.
Darwin: Ok Marun see you tomorrow.
Marun: Bye guys.
Marun's mom starts the car as Marun waves good bye to his friends.
Mom: So how was your day sweetie?
Marun: It was fun I think I'm going to like it here. Marun's thoughts:Well Marun day one and you are making a few friends already can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

My life in ElmoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora