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Marun: First day of rehearsals
Brenda: You know I still don't understand why you're going today, I mean aren't you the understudy
Marun: I've told you every person in theatre has an important part to play, I mean weren't you only a background dancer to the swan lake show.
Brenda: Yeah?
Marun: And you showed up because..
Brenda: Because mom would refuse to drive me home ,and took my phone if I didn't go.
Marun: Eh close enough.
Brenda: Whatever you little overachiever.. good luck on the presentation.
Marun: Thanks good luck at debate practice.
Darwin: Hey Marun
Marun: Oh hey Darwin um where's ocho.
Darwin: Oh umm..
Ocho came running from behind.
Ocho: Sorry guys I was late I had um a transportation issue.
Darwin: Yeah transportation.
Marun looked at them sweating intensely.
Marun; You guys ok?
Darwin and ocho: Yes!
Marun: Alright just remember I'm here if you need to tell me anything.
Ocho: We're fine Marun honestly
Marun: Anyways, Darwin you ready for the presentation.
Darwin: Yeah me and Bobert are going to do a comparison between Modern life and his life.
Marun: Cool.
Ocho: So Marun what are you and Idaho doing
Marun: Oh we're doing a presentation on farm culture and how much that's needed for the food of today.
Ocho: Wow that's cool i didn't realize that Idaho's family is part of a process that impacts our lives so much.
Darwin: Wait Marun aren't you putting something from your family in the project.
Marun: I um...
( Bell rings)
Marun: Well time to get to class me and Idaho are going to prepare more before geography class.
Ocho: Marun.
Marun quickly goes into class leaving Darwin and ocho in wonder.
Ocho: That was weird.
Darwin: Yeah wonder what that was about.
Ocho: He's right though, we should be getting to class.
After class Marun decides to pay a visit to Mr.Corneille
Mr.Corneille: Hey Marun how's it hanging.
Marun: hey mr Corneille I wanted to talk to you about the project.
Mr. Corneille: look if it's about the presentation today I can totally extend the du..
Marun: no it's finished it's just I had a question about the requirements.
Mr. Corneille: sure go ahead.
Marun: Do we have to mention both our families traditions to get credit.
Mr.Corneille: no I've had Students do other things to meet the requirement you would just have to emphasize more on one culture comparison.
Marun starts walking away.
Marun: good than..
Mr.Corneille: hold on their Marun.
Marun walked back inside
Marun: Yes Mr.Corneille
Mr.Corneille: I thought you would want to talk about your culture after all you've only been here for about a week.
Marun: I know, it's just I've always been trouble at my old school.
Mr.Corneille: trouble well I don't really see you as a bad kid so..
Marun: I don't think so it's just every time I present my self it's just.. something always happens and..
Mr.Corneille looked at Marun then looked at his profile.
Mr.Corneille: it's okay I understand... Well class will start in five minutes so just take a seat and Marun.
Marun: yeah?
Mr.Corneille: if you ever need someone to talk to about well anything you can always talk to me.
Marun looked at him at silently said.
Marun: thank you.
Marun took he seat and waited for class to begin.
Mr.Corneille: Ok class now it's time to present your culture projects now let's start.
As several groups gone by Idaho and marun were making final edits to the project.
Mr.Corneille: Okay and for our last Group Marun and Idaho.
The boys came to the front of the class and Idaho whispered.
Idaho: ready Marun?
Marun looked at Idaho and nodded
Marun: Mhm
Idaho: So Today we're going to be talking about one of my Favorite things in my life farming.
Marun felt frozen as he looked at the class.
Marun: ( stammers) Farmers ar-r impr-portant b-becaus-se
He looks back at the class and sees his friends giving him a reassuring smile. then he takes a deep breath and begins.
Marun: (Normal) Farm culture is much more important than people realize, without farmers we wouldn't have any of the foods we have today.
Darwin: I have a question.
Marun: yes Darwin?
Darwin: What's the process for farmers?
Marun: First a seed has to be planted and taken care of, watering it, giving sunlight, even nurturing it. Afterwards the farmers have to collect their product, ship them, and start again all without a word of thanks from the city for years and years.
Everyone looked back at them with tears of sadness
Sarah: wow
Darwin: I had no idea how much effort was put in for all of our food.
Marun: so you see we need farmers more than we realize and without them I don't think we would've survived.
Marun and idaho were walking back to their seats untill the whole class started clapping.
Darwin: woo
Sarah: good job
Gumball: I'll say
Mr. Corneille: nice job boys.
(bell rings)
Mr.Corneille: Alright class dismissed.
Marun walked out of class and walked outside to the empty classroom where practice was.
Then Darwin came.
Darwin: hey buddy.
Marun: oh hey um where's ocho?
Darwin: (nervously)oh umm he went home.
Marun: oh ok.
Darwin: (normal) Hey you did great though, so you going to practice?
Marun: yup.
Darwin: even though you didn't get an actual part.
Marun: Yeah un case they need me.
Darwin: You're a good person you know that.
Marun: I try.
Darwin: and a good person always has friends to depend on, you know that.
Marun: ( Reassuringly) I know.
Darwin: Good because I want to make sure you know you're not alone,Anyways see you later my friend.
Marun: Okay see ya friend.
Marun smiled and made his way to practice.
( Brenda's POV)
Anias: ( snippy)Alright let's get to it.
Everyone in the room was startled by Anias'es tone.
Anias: Sorry it's just we only have a few months before competition and I want to make sure we are ready.
Blue kid: Don't worry Anias we got this.
Anias: Your right Josh we'll be ready.
Josh: Besides Kratok believes in us
Anias laughed nervously. Anias: Rrright.
Bobert: I calculate a 98 percent chance of success.
Anias: good optimism bobert but we have a lot of work to do, But let's start off by introducing the newbie Brenda Nabal.
Everyone started clapping and Brenda was blushing.
Brenda: (nervously) H-hi everyone.
Brenda's thoughts: oh great now I'm acting liking a certain someone I know,way to rub off on me Marun.
Bobert came up to her offering her a hand.
Bobert: welcome to the club.
Brenda shook his hand.
Brenda: Thanks.
Anias: Alright so like I said Our competition with Ridgewood High is in a few weeks so we have to be ready to do our best.
Josh: Come on Anias this is Richwood we're talking about.
Yellow banana: yeah remember how easily I crushed them in that school dress code debate.
Anias: Right but did Banana joe really need to demonstrate without clothes on.
Josh: Don't look at me he thought it would make a stronger case.
Anias: Are you kidding we almost got disqualified for public nudity.
Joe: I.. Good point.
Anias: Anyways we have a different topic this year, is beauty only skin deep?
Joe: Really well this is going to be easy.
Rainbow kid: yeah everyone knows all chicks beauty is on the outside.
Joe: no actually Tobias on the inside right Brenda.
Brenda: I ummmm.
Anias: GUYS.
Everyone looked at Anias with shock.
Anias: We're all on the same team so we all need to work together, Anyways we are on the side showing that beauty is only skin deep.
Tobias: But it's n..
Anias: Anyways I want all of you proving our side the next couple of weeks and whoever does the best will represent us during the debate battle.
Tobias: well you might as well hand that to me because no one can beat me.
Anias: you lost 20 points last year by saying and I quote "If we don't get uniforms then guys will never get to witness the true beauty of a girl."
Tobias: uh whatever.
Anias: alright guys so I want all of you guys to start drafting your arguments and have them ready in a week.
Suddenly they heard a ringtone go off.
Anias: oops I forgot to mention about my alarm, well I guys see you next week with your rough draft arguments.
Brenda walks out of the class.
Anias: wait Brenda.
Anias starts walking up to her.
Brenda: Oh sorry did you need me to do something or did I forgot something.
Anias: no I just wanted to  let you know Not to worry about the argument draft not a lot of people get picked their first year of debate.
Brenda: Oh no worries I once wrote a 5 page essay all about Egypt and it's culture.
Anias: Wow I got to say I'm impressed well then see you next week.
Brenda: bye Anias.
Anias: see you next week.
Brenda was making her way to the theater door until she saw someone.
Brenda: Clare?
Clare: oh hey Brenda just wanted to see you after practice, so how did it went?
Brenda: It went pretty well I've got to say I need to make my rough draft argument by next week.
Clare: What's your argument about?
Brenda: Well we're trying to prove why beauty's only skin deep.
Clare: wanna know my opinion?
Brenda: sure.
Clare: Beauty is only skin deep because if we only hired people based on their looks instead of their skill we would work with people that know absolutely nothing and make zero progress.
Brenda: Huh you're right thanks for giving me that perspective.
Clare: No problem,so is this making you get over you know..
Brenda: Yeah I'm doing great.
Clare: Good cause to be honest all boys are kinda jerks you know.
Brenda; ( laughs nervously) Yeah well may..
Marun went up behind them.
Marun: Hey Brenda.
Brenda and Clare turned around surprised to see him.
Brenda: Oh hey Marun.
Marun: So who's your friend.
Brenda: Oh um Marun, this is Clare, and Clare this is my twin brother Marun.
Marun extends his hand.
Marun: Hi it's nice to meet a friend of Brenda's.
Clare shakes his hand.
Clare: Nice to meet you too.
Marun: I like your hair.
Clare: Thank you, your scales are very shiny.
Marun blushed and started getting flustered.
Brenda: Alright you little goofball now just go outside I'll be out in a few.
Marun walked outside of the school.
Clare: Ok I take it back I guess not all boys are jerks.
Brenda: Not jerks but maybe a little annoying.
Clare: He's so adorable.
Brenda: Yup that's Marun for you the smart, annoying, nervous, friendly dragon, and I couldn't imagine my life without him.
Clare: Well I got to go bye b.
Brenda: See you later c.
Brenda goes outside where Marun was waiting for her.
Marun: So did you had a good day?
Brenda: I'll tell you when we get home, how did the presentation go?
Marun: Great me and Idaho both got A's.
Brenda: See I told you you'd be okay.
Brenda stopped walking and started hugging Marun and Marun was shocked at first but hugged back with his tail wagging a little then  they stopped.
Marun: Woah what was that for?
Brenda: oh well, just because anyways let's go home.
Marun: alright.
Then they both lifted in the air and made their way back home.
(Well there you have it another part, But unfortunately with my schedule I might not be able to update as fast as usual but I promise I'll do my best. Till next time have a good day.

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