classes Part 1

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It's Monday in Elmore and marun had a great week last week and meet some new friends but now it's time to work hard and get good grades. Marun: hey guys.
Darwin: hi marun
Ocho: hey guys
Marun: So how was your weekend.
Ocho: Awesome I played golf with my uncle. Darwin: me and gumball played legend of zelmore.
Marun: oh cool well I read Harry Potter book 1 on the weekend.
Ocho: neat hey marun do you remember your classes.
Marun: yah first is math,Than Science,Than Geography,than we have lunch afterwords, Than Finally home ecc
ocho: oh I forgot you and I have math together right.
Marun: yup and me and Darwin have geography class.
Darwin: yah well I hope I do well.
Marun: you'll be fine just work hard and believe yourself. (Bell rings)
Marun: ok well see you later.
Ocho: ok see ya Darwin: see you at lunch. Marun enters Mrs Simian's class room.
Class: good morning Mrs simian.
Mrs simian: hello class today we will be learning on how to find the unknown now can anyone tell me how to solve this equation. She draws the equation 30 times x = 120 x=? Marun rose his his hand. Simian: yes. Marun: inverse operations. Siman: very good. After explaining Mrs Simian passed out a math sheet Mrs simian: ok class now partner up with a student and work on this paper. Marun decides to work with Sarah and they work on the paper. Sarah: ok so if 80 + x equals 137 what is x.
Marun: 57?.
Sarah: correct.
Marun: okay so if 30 times x is 270 what is x? Sarah: 9.
Marun: yup. Marun and Sarah finished their papers and gave them to Mrs simian: good work you two you both get an A.
Sarah: Awesome. Sarah and marun went to there seats.
Marun: so Sarah how was your weekend. Sarah: watching gumball, making fan fiction the usual.
Marun: cool what type of fan fiction.
Sarah: Any really because love can be in any form.
Marun: Agree. (Bell rings) Marun: ok see you later Sarah.
Sarah: bye marun. Sarah switches to her other fanfic Sarah:good thing he doesn't know about this one.she continues working on it with a drawing of Tina. Next marun went to science class with mr.small.  Mr.small: good morning class.
Class: good morning Mr.small.
Mr.small: today we will be learning about what makes objects in our planet now can anyone guess what we are made of.
Gumball: skin and bones.
Mr.small: not quite anyone else.
Marun: Atoms?
Mr.small: correct we are also made of neutrons and electrons.
Mr.small: so today we will be drawing models of atoms. So mr.small showed them how to make a model. Then mr small passed out the papers. Marun began to draw the electrons in the first circle then Aline the neutrons in the second. Mr.small looked at it. Mr.small: good job marun.
Marun: thanks.
Mr.small: everything is made of atoms the school, that desk, even you and me.
Class: oooo Mr.small: cool right see that is the amazing discovery's of science, class dismissed. (Bell rings) After class was over marun went to his next class geography with Mr,Corneille. Mr,Corneille: good morning class.
Class: morning.
Mr,Corneille: today we will be learning about Elmore now does anyone know when Elmore was founded. A robot boy raised his hand. Mr,Corneille: yes Bobert.
Bobert:1854 by Jayden Elmore.
Mr,Corneille: correct.
Mr,Corneille: now there are many things we have an Elmore like the mayor's office this school and Elmore park and we are so lucky to be surrounded by it and all of its wonders. (Bell rings) Mr,Corneille: class dismissed. Then marun walked out of class ready to head for lunch.

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