Debate team tryouts

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Brenda's POV
Brenda felt like she was getting used to her school and thought she could do some extracurricular activities as well. Then her friend Clare came to her.
Clare: Hey girl how are you
Brenda: Fine... I guess
Clare: Are you still upset about last Friday
Brenda: Well um kinda..
Clare: Brenda come on forget about him he's not worth it.
Brenda: You're right and you know what, I know just the thing to take my mind off things, a club.
Clare: Well I wouldn't go that far but hey whatever works for you.
Brenda: I mean my brother just joined theater club and he's really doing well here and it's about time I do the same.
Clare: Are you ever going to invite me over sometime, I mean the way you talk about them they seem like great people to meet?
Brenda: Hmm maybe one day.
Clare: Ok so their meeting in the gym for sign ups at lunch.
Brenda: Alright well people have told me I'm great at arguing.
Clare: Let me guess those peoples names all end in Nabal.
Brenda: Well I mean i i guess.
Clare smirked at Brenda
Clare: Mmhmm.
Brenda: But I really am a great arguer I mean one time me and my brother..
Clare: Relax I'm just messing with you girl I believe you, so you want to go practice?
Brenda: Sure.
Brenda and Clare go over her talking points and what she's going to say at tryouts.
Clare: Hey Brenda you ready to go to tryouts.
Brenda: Yup I'm totally ready for this.
Clare: you got this.
Brenda: yeah I got this.
Brenda went to the gym and saw a little pink rabbit.
Brenda: hi is this the debate team tryouts.
Anais: hi yes I'm anais what's your name.
Brenda was shocked when she looked at her
Brenda: (Stammers)oh um I didn't expect to see someone so..
Anais: Short?
Brenda: Oh um no I just never saw someone so..
Anais: young.
Brenda got embarrassed and started walking out the door.
Brenda: I'm sorry I've should've have said anything I won't come back I..
Anais: WAIT.
Brenda: I'm sorry I'll just go.
Anais: it's ok a lot of people have made comments on my age your not the first, and to be honest maybe not the last.
Brenda: ok hi I'm Brenda.
Anais: hey Brenda so what are your reasons for trying out for the debate team?
Brenda: well back home I always struggled to find people who actually like me for me, and i thought that maybe if I joined a club I actually could, Besides I always had thing of proving my point of view.
Anais: wow so here's how this works I'll give you a prompt then you respond to it, ok?
Brenda: got it.
Anais: School lunches
Brenda took a deep breath and began.
Brenda: People have said that students should eat three meals a day including lunch, but how can eat lunch without a proper meal, schools across the country are giving out unhealthy foods to the future generation of the nation and it needs to stop. I propose we give out fruits and vegetables to all of the schools in California, and someday the United States.
Anais: nice job well with everything I've seen you did a great job we'll post results next week.
Brenda: wow thank you bye.
Anais: wait do you know anyone named Darwin?
Brenda: oh yeah my brother does, why?
Anais: I knew your name sounded familiar Darwin talks about you guys all the time.
Brenda: oh um.. thank you.
Anais: oh no problem bye Brenda.
Brenda waved goodbye and rejoined Clare.
Clare: Soo?
Brenda: she said I did great.
Clare: I knew you would, see you had nothing to fear.
Suddenly the home bell rang.
Clare: Well I got to go see you tomorrow b. Brenda: Bye Clare.
Brenda started to walk away then bumped into marun.
Brenda: Oh hey bro, you ready to go home?
Marun was smiling so big and had red cheeks.
Marun: (stammers) Y-yeah ssure.
Brenda: Why are you smiling like that?
Marun: Reasons.
Brenda: And the blushing?
Marun: Who's blushing?
Brenda: The blue dragon that's right in front of me.
Marun: Umm reasons...
Brenda smiled slyly...
Brenda: What's that?
Marun: What's what?
Brenda: The thing in your hands?
Marun: (normal) A piece of paper.
Brenda: What's on the paper?
Marun: Uhhh stuff.
Brenda: Marun stop, you know I hate that.
Marun: Stop what?
Brenda: That thing you always do when your hiding something.
Marun: Whaaaaat when have I done that?
Brenda: Are you kidding me?
(Flash back)
At the mall
Brenda: Marun where's josh?
Marun: I umm...
Brenda: is he here at the mall?
Brenda looks behind him.
Brenda: is he cheating on me?
Marun: well I mean...
Brenda: he asked you to stand guard didn't he?
Marun: have I told you how good your hair...
Brenda: ok you can stop I'm breaking up with him.
Marun: okay.
Brenda: or that other time when you came from school.
Brenda: Marun what happened?
Marun: oh don't worry about me.
Brenda: you literally have a black eye.
Marun: oh do I?
Brenda: yes you do, who did this?
Marun: can't say.
Brenda: why not?
Marun: because they'll hurt me later.
Brenda: just tell me, was it john.
Marun: no.
Brenda: miranda.
Marun: nooo.
Brenda: Jacob.
Marun; uhhhh...
Brenda: ok it was Jacob.
(Flashback end)
Brenda: Or that other ti...
Marun: Alright alright I get it.
Brenda: Now come on Marun you can tell me anything right, you trust me?
Marun: Yeah.
Brenda: Now just tell me what's on the paper.
Marun: A phone number.
Brenda: Ok thank you, so ready to go home?
Marun: yeah.
Marun and Brenda walked outside.
Marun: Well mom and dad aren't here want to walk, or should I say float home?
Brenda: Very funny Marun.
They started walking
Marun: so did you have a good day today.
Brenda: yeah guess what I tried out for the debate team.
Marun: Awesome I hope you get on the team sis.
Brenda: Thanks how did auditions go?
Marun: Fine, and I even made another friend. Darwin's brother.
Brenda: Wow well I hoped you get the part bro I mean the sacrifice I made last weekend for better be worth it.
Marun: What do you mean sacrifice?
Brenda: I mean all weekend I've been hearing I am not throwing away my shot nonstop and it was driving me bonkers.
Marun: Aren't you being dramatic much?
Brenda: You literally rehearsed it in your sleep we couldn't sleep at all.
Marun: Sorry.
Brenda: It's fine although hey I forgot to ask who gave that phone number.
Marun: oh um I don't think it's that impor....
Brenda: Marun.....
Marun: it's just Tina ok.
Brenda stopped and had a realization.
Brenda: that's why, the blushing.
Marun: um sis you ok?
Brenda: she likes you..
Marun: whaaat what are you talking abo..
Brenda: come on Marun there's no point in hiding it and her giving her phone number to you only confirms that she has feelings for you just as much as you have feelings for her.
Marun: But I..
Brenda: Come on she didn't say anything that even remotely showed her having feelings for you?
Marun: She just said I did a good job.
Brenda: Uh huh.
Marun: Gave me her phone number.
Brenda: Right.
Marun: And whispered in my ear about liking guys with soft scales.
Brenda: Ok cool... wait.
Marun: Umm well I'll get a head start home see you Brenda.
Marun started flapping his wings and launched to the sky and started flying home.
Brenda: (Shouting) MARUN come back here!!!
Brenda started zooming after him and the two of them were making their way home.
To whom ever is reading this I have returned from writers block and have begun writing again and hopefully you will get another part soon. Till then I hope you guys have a good day.

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