Dance competion

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It's Friday Afternoon and it's almost time for the dance competition and marun is practicing his dance moves for the competition. Ocho: you think he's ready
Darwin: oh yeah definitely what do you think.
Ocho: yeah your right. Ocho: hey marun you ready.
Marun: yup I feel fired up I wonder how many people showed up. They took a small step outside the school and were shocked at what they saw.  There was Sarah,Alan, rocky, Tina, Even marun's mom was there smiling with her camera in hand.
Marun: you know maybe this was a bad idea you know there's always next year and I am sure they have enoug..
ocho: oh no you don't come on your going to do great I know it.
Alan: next up gumball Watterson. Gumball came and began to walk wierdly by putting one foot in front of the other but then he wiggled his arms like noodles then finally attempted to spin but landed on his bottom.
Alan: Nice job gumball good attempt.
gumball: ow ow ow.
Alan: up next Marun Nabal.
Darwin: I told him to practice now he's going to be sore for the weekend.
Marun: the competition is pretty tight.
Darwin: you got this Marun me and ocho believe in you.
ocho: yah dude we will be in the audience cheering you on. He came to the stage took a deep breath and began. The music began to play and he felt the rhythm in his scales. First he began with a slide to the left with the left hand out and the same on the right. Then he does a backflip then in the middle of his flip he begins to fly. Making a looped e loop and then  landed on his two legs. He began taking deep breaths. Marun: ta da. Then the crowd starts cheering. Marun goes back inside to wait for the results. Then ocho and Darwin followed him inside their jaws dropped.Marun: so what did you guys think.
Darwin: that was AWESOME where did you learn to dance like.
Marun: Oh well my sister was in a dance troop before we moved here so she taught me a thing or two. 
Ocho: see I told you you were going to be great your definitely going to win.
Marun; aww thanks guys well I hope you're right.
Alan: ok we Tallied the results but before that thank you because of you we managed to raise 20,000 thousand dollars for the homeless, so without further ado the winner of the dance competition is Marun Nabal. The crowd starts cheering. Alan: congratulations Marun and here is your prize a year of free unlimited ice cream.
Marun: thank you this is an honor. Then the crowd starts to disband.
Ocho: Congratulations buddy see I knew you could do it. Marun gives ocho and Darwin a hug.
Marun: Thanks for supporting me I couldn't have done this without you guys.
Darwin: No problem Marun that's what friends are for. Suddenly Tina comes over.
Tina: Hey those were nice moves Marun you must practice a lot.
Marun: Nah it was nothing I bet anyone could've done that better than me.
Tina: well I thought that was cute. Marun and Tina both blushed.
Marun: y you r really think so?
Tina: y yeah so see you on Monday.
Marun:  y yah see you later Tina. Tina walks and marun turns around seeing ocho and Darwin smiling his face turns red with embarrassment. Marun: what?
Ocho: well it looks like somebody's has a crush. Marun: what makes you say that.
Darwin: come on "your dancing was cute" she was clearly flirting with you and both of you were blushing how could you not have a crush on her and she clearly has one on you.
Marun: a I hmm we shall see..., well guys how about me and my mom take us out for ice cream my treat.
Ocho: wow really.
Darwin: thanks Marun.
Marun: sure what friends are for but hey guys? Darwin: yeah marun? Marun: maybe we could text each other you know to keep in touch. Ocho: oh I completely forgot to give you my phone number I can't believe it. Marun: it's okay I didn't think you guys would want it. Darwin: why wouldn't we marun we are friends now. Marun: yeah friends. Marun smiles, then the trio heads out the school ready to enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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