First day part 1

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Marun: Ok Marun this is your first day of school no big deal it's just a new life in a new school in a different town.
Mom: Don't worry honey your over thinking this.
Marun: really you think so I am just worried I will make a bad first impression.
Mom: don't worry you'll be fine.
Marun: ok.
Mom: Oh Marun.
Marun: yah mom?
Mom: I love you.
Marun: I love you too mom. And so Marun starts walking until he comes up to the bus and sees the bus driver a big orange dude with a friendly face. Rocky: hey there dude nice to meet you I'm rocky.
Marun: Hello sssir.
Rocky: No need to call me sir just rocky is fine and hey it's ok first day jitters are normal. Marun walks on the bus looking at all of the kids staring at him. He looks around and sees a few faces. A floating green eyeball, A small bull, a ballon, a cactus, a ghost, a chin, a robot, an ice cream, a nut, and a potato. So marun decides to go sit with the ice cream girl.
Sarah: Hi there I'm Sarah what's your name?Marun: (stammers) Mmmarun.
Sarah: hi Marun nice to meet you you new here.
Marun: yah.
Sarah: well I hope you like it here.
Marun: (normal) thanks. Marun gets off the bus and heads to Mrs.Simians class.
Simian: Hello class today we have a new class mate now come now and introduce yourself. He gathers up his courage and speaks.
Marun: Hi my name is Marun and I just moved here from New York.
Simian: Now take a seat since this is your first day you can just sit there and do whatever. I looked around and decided to sit right next to the digital kid.
Marun:Hi there what's your name?
Ocho: My name is ocho.
Marun: Nice to meet you.
Ocho: So let me guess you want to meet my uncle?
Marun: What?
Ocho: Oh it's just normally people don't talk to me unless they want to meet my uncle.
Marun: Oh I was just hoping to talk to you.
Ocho: Oh wow thanks. So they talked for the rest of class.
Marun: See you later ocho.
Ocho: Nice meeting you Marun.
Marun: Bye ocho.
Marun walks out of class and sees a blue cat a pink rabbit and an orange fish. Marun: Hi what's your name.
Marun: Hellooo.
Blue Cat: shh. Quiet.
Marun: oh ok. He starts to walk away when the orange fish said.
Orange fish: wait.
Darwin: Sorry my name is Darwin and that is gumball he is trying to see if he can find the invisible man.
Marun: Oh well it's ok see you guys later.

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