New Project part 2

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Its been 2 hours since school got out and Marun was walking with Idaho to his house.
Idaho: How you doing Marun we're almost there.
Marun: Ok it's just really hot out here.
Idaho: And we're here.
Marun looks around as he notices they are surrounded by dirt and sees a small farm up ahead.
Marun: So is that it?
Idaho: Sure is.
They approach the farm and marun sees 4 other potatoes.
(A/N Since these characters don't have names I'll fill in the necessary information.)
Idaho: meet the family Marun this is my ma
Ma: Hi there nice to meet I'm Idaho's mom.
Idaho: my pa
Pa: hey nice to meet ya.
Idaho: uncle bob.
Bob: nice to meet you young man.
Idaho: and little tater.
Tater: hi Idaho's colorful friend.
Marun smiled warmly and said.
Marun: it's nice to meet you all.
Ma: we were just about to have dinner why don't you join us.
Marun: oh i couldn't I don't want to overstep my sta..
Pa: nonsense you're our guest and there's plenty for everyone.
Tater: yeah won't you stay mr pleeeease.
Marun: wellll.... Alright.
While they were waiting Idaho and Marun started to plan their assignment.
Idaho: so you have an idea for our culture project?
Marun: oh well I was thinking we could do a presentation on farm culture and the importance to society.
Idaho: sure but don't you want to talk about your culture as well.
Marun: oh umm I'm sure that's not necessary i mean there's so much farming has to offer.
Idaho: well sure but don't your family have a culture as well.
Marun: well it's not that we don't it's just...
Marun quickly changed topics.
Marun: how about let's go check up on your family I can't wait to try that broth it sounds delicious.
Ma: Boys dinner.
The delicious aroma of chicken and broth filled marun with delight as they sat down and waited for the food.
Ma: here is chicken broth with rice.
Pa: mmm so good.
Ma: nuggets for little tater.
Tater: yeah buggies!
Ma: and i did a reading on dragon food so for our guest chicken broth with berries on the side.
Marun: yes I love berries.
Ma: good now eat up everybody.
Bob: now where's my glasses.
Idaho: on your head uncle.
Bob: oh okay, well what you scamps waiting for a kiss on the cheek, eat up already.
The boys ate their food making marun melt in pure taste sensation.
Pa: so Marun Idaho's been telling us that you're new to Elmore and have lived here for a couple of months.
Marun: oh umm yeah and so far it's been great.
Ma: so.. what brings you to Elmore.
Marun: Oh well my mom got a promotion so we moved here to be closer to her job.
Bob: so is that the only reason you moved from The big city to this small town whipper snapper.
Marun: well ummm.
Ma: Bob leave him be he's a guest here.
Bob: alright fine.
Marun kept eating and finished his meal.
Marun: thank you for the hospitality Idaho's parents but I must get going.
Ma: well it was nice having you sweetie.
Pa: yeah your a good influence to Idaho here.
Marun: oh um thank you it was nice meeting you all.
Marun leaves the house and was about to head home till..
Idaho: Marun wait.
Marun: did I forget something?
Idaho: no it's just are you sure you don't to include anything from your culture in the presentation.
Marun: oh um naw it's ok besides I don't think anyone wants to hear about my family history or culture.
Idaho: well actually I would be very intrigued but it's okay you don't have to if you don't want to.
Marun: yeah anyways see you tomorrow.
Idaho: ok... hey marun.
Marun: yeah.
Idaho: where you came from does not define you it's who you choose to be.
Marun stopped and thought a little but then said.
Marun: thanks Idaho see you tomorrow.
Idaho: wait how are you getting home?
Marun flaps his wings.
Marun: I have my ways.
Idaho: why didn't you do that to get here.
Marun: I didn't know the way, I wanted to see what you do to get to your house everyday, and besides I didn't want to leave you behind.
Idaho: well thank you, you know not many people would have survived the distance but you did well for a city person, well anyway see you tomorrow.
Marun: bye Idaho.
Soon marun gets a text on his phone.
Brenda: hey when are you coming home.
Marun: it will take me 2 hours.
Brenda: by what.
Marun: on foot.
Brenda: and by wing.
Marun: 10 minutes.
Brenda; k see you then.
Marun starts flapping his wings and makes his way home.
(10 minutes later)
Brenda: hey bro finished the project?
Marun: uhh yeah I did.
Brenda: what's wrong.
Marun: oh umm don't worry about it.
Brenda: marun.
Marun: just.. I'm going to my room.
Marun sits on his bed in deep thought until.
Emma: hey sweetheart you want some chicken?
Marun: I'm not hungry.
Emma: are you okay?
Marun: why wouldn't I be?
Emma: well you're always hungry for some food even that time we went to that Chinese buffet.
Marun: no it's okay.
Emma: Come on talk to me.
Marun: Do you ever wish you could change who you are or where you came from?
Emma: Now why would you want to do that, is it because of last time..
Marun: it's not just that, it's every time I open up to others it always.. it always.
Marun got tears swellled up in his eyes and looked as if he was about to cry.
Emma: hey it's ok there's nothing wrong with you, your prefect just the way you are.
Brenda: she's right you know.
Brenda came by the door and overheard everything.
Greg: Brenda we talked about this, no snooping in private conversations.
Brenda: He's my brother it's part of my job.
Marun started crying in his pillow.
Brenda: hey don't cry those jerks in New York can't tell the difference between your and you're.
Marun: (sobbing)I just don't want to be seen as a monster.
Brenda: your not a monster, in fact far from it.
Marun; aren't people afraid of you though.
Brenda: so what if they were I'm not giving bullies the time of day and plus people don't mess with me then.
Marun: really.
Brenda: yeah I'm only hanging out with people who like me for me not for my grades or if they're afraid.
Greg: now stop crying please you know we don't like to see you upset.
Marun: (normal) Okay.
Greg: Well I'm going to bed night Marun
Emma: Night sweetheart love you.
Marun: love you to.
All who was left was Brenda.
Marun: Aren't you going to sleep.
Brenda: Don't you remember, I sleep with you.
Marun looks at the bunk bed above him.
Marun: oh right.
Brenda goes above him on to her bed.
Marun dials his phone.
Brenda: Who are you trying to call?
Marun: She's probably not awake anyway so I might as well...
Tina: Hello?
Marun jumped in surprise and waited.
Tina: Hello anyone there?
Brenda: (whisper) Say something Romeo.
Marun: (stuttering) h-Hi
Tina: Oh um hi Marun didn't expect you to call me.
Marun: y-You want t-to talk.
Tina: Sure.
Marun:(stuttering stops) Okay unless you're not in the mood tonight.
Tina: Of course what do you have in mind?
Marun: um how about 20 questions?
Tina: Sure.
Marun: What's your favorite subject in school?
Brenda: Seriously of all the..
Tina: Music, someday I want to play music in front of a crowd someday.
Marun gave a look at his sister:
Marun: (whisper) And you say no one likes school.
Brenda: Oh whatever nerd.
Marun: (normal) Oh sorry your turn.
Tina: Okay, what's your favorite subject?
Marun: I've got to say home ec, cause I can learn all of life's essentials and have fun at the same time, besides cooking is fun.
Tina: Wow, well it's a good thing you're in that class then I bet you're going to cook lots of great foods.
Marun: Okay umm, what is your favorite hobby?
Tina: I like to play my piano.
Marun: oh so you have one.
Tina: yeah I do actually and I have had it for a few years.
Marun: That's so cool
Tina. What do you like to do during your free time?
Marun: oh umm.. you don't want to know I mean it's just some la..
Tina: Come on Marun it's not lame besides how will I know if you don't tell me.
Marun: I read books.
Tina: Oh cool that's neat... in fact it just proves how intelligent you are.
Marun blushed deeply then Brenda said
Brenda: is that blushing I see or is that just a little blue dragon who's in l..
Marun: Oh I guess it's my turn.
Marun gave Brenda a look.
Brenda: Fine, you're no fun.
Marun and Tina kept chatting for a few minutes and then it was getting pretty late.
Marun: Well it's getting late so....
Tina: Wait we still have one question each.
Marun: okay so it's...
Tina: Your turn.
Marun: Uh sure um well...
Tina: it's okay Marun I won't judge
Marun: (stutter) Are y-you seeing an-nyone?
Tina was blushing and felt surprised when Marun asked her, so he quickly said.
Marun: Its okay you don't have t..
Tina: No its okay umm... no I'm not seeing anyone.
Brenda: (Whisper) Bold move Mr. S..
Marun: (whisper)I thought you were already asleep.
Brenda: couldn't over all the talking, besides I'm way to invested.
Tina: My turn?
Marun: (Normal) huh oh yeah it is.
Tina: Do you like wearing clothes?
Marun: Oh well I don't mind wearing them if necessary I mean I have worn them before, but sometimes I just want to feel the breeze in my scales.
Tina: Yeah I know what you mean.
Marun: well that was fun i hope you had a good time.
Tina: Yeah I did, talk to you soon?
Marun: Yeah um,good night Tina.
Tina: Good night,Muffin
Marun: Yeah.. wait.
But Tina already hung up.
Brenda: Muffin huuh.
Marun: (Annoyed) Good night Brenda.
Brenda: Fine , you too.
(well guys there you have it another part is finished, and hopefully the next one will be in a week. So I hope you guys are having a great spring break and I'll see you soon.)

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