First Debate round part one

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Brenda: Look I already told you I'm fine.
Marun: Come on at least tell me your talking points again.
Brenda was preparing for her first debate round with Richwood high with Marun trying to get her to practice..
Brenda: I've already practiced for weeks I think I've got it by now.
Marun: Alright I just wanted to be sure that...
Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
Marun: I'll get it.
Marun then approached the door and as he opened it there were two teens. One teen had blonde hair and had a blue shirt wrapped in sweaters, the other with black hair, glasses, and a purple shirt.
Blonde boy: Hey loser do you know where we can find beef.
Marun: Uhh..
Black haired boy: Hey dweeb he asked you something so you think you're a big shot huh?
Marun: (nervously) I uhh.
Brenda suddenly comes to the door
Brenda: Alright what's with all the co..
Brenda quickly looked at the boys.
Brenda: Marun who are these weird 80s people looking like they're about to have a disco fight?
The boys then quickly laughed at her with a small tear coming down their eyes.
Blonde boy: Oh that is a good one right Troy.
Troy: Yeah good one Carlton ha ha.
The two boys kept laughing while the twins looked at them awkwardly.
Brenda: (awkwardly) Alright then mind moving out of our property before we call the cops.
Troy: Oh I see look Carlton it seems we got some dweebs thinking they're so hardcore huh.
Carlton: You're right Troy I think we do they just think they're so hardcore huh.
Soon the boys start leaving but say this.
Carlton: See you at the debate club losers..
The boys then laughed as they proceeded to leave their house. Brenda then closed the door feeling heated and enraged.
Brenda: (anger) I can't believe uhh I'm gonna...
Marun: Woah woah it's ok sis just rela..
Brenda: Marun this has been happening since last week remember the coach?
(Last week)
The door knocks and Brenda comes by to open the door.
Brenda: I'll get it.
Brenda slowly opened the door revealing a man in his underwear with a sweater around his neck
Coach: Hi I'm the coach over at Richwood high and I heard you're going to compete in today's match up.
Brenda: Yeah but i don't know how tha...
Coach: I actually just came here to wish you luck in the competition next week.
The coach goes to pull out his hand.
Brenda: Wow um ok thank y...
Coach quickly pulled his hand back.
Coach: (mockingly) Sike well guess what you'll looose and we will win losers.
Marun then comes outside.
Marun: (tired) Brenda we talked about this you can't just call everyone los...
Marun then looked up at the guy.
Marun: Is he your volleyball instructor sis?
Coach:Who's this weird...
Brenda: Look can you just leave us alone.
Coach: ohhh you scared huuh little scared...
Then Brenda shuts the door on him.
Brenda: Man what a weirdo.
Marun: Ehh it's probably just a one time thing we should be fine.
(Flashback ends)
Brenda: As you can see clearly this hasn't just disappeared.
Marun: Yeah i can see that.
Brenda: Anyways we got to go I need time to prep with the gang anyhow.
Marun: Alright fine just try to not let them get to you.
Brenda: come on Marun you know me better than that, still....
Marun: No worries you got this sis.
Brenda: Yeah now come on let's head out.
Then the twins head out to school.
A few minutes later they have arrived at school.
Brenda: Alright well guess I better prep with the gang we need to finalize a few things.
Marun: Hey well at least you get to have the day off classes.
Brenda: (hopeful) Yeah.. Yeah You're right thanks Marun.
Marun: No problem and Brenda.
Brenda: What is it br...
Brenda suddenly was shocked as she turned around right when Marun ran to her for a hug.
Marun: You'll be great I promise.
Brenda turned red in embarrassment as she quickly flashed a small smile.
Brenda: (Embarrassed) Marun.... come on your embarrassing me I'll lose my cool image.
Marun understood and then quickly let her go.
Marun: Alright good luck sis
Brenda: Later bro.
Brenda proceeded to head inside to prepare for the competition.
Brenda wanders inside the room in order to catch up with her team.
Brenda: Hey everyone.
Anias: (relived) Oh Brenda thank goodness you're here.
Brenda quickly scanned the room and saw the two of them
Brenda: Where is everyone?
Anais: (Panicked) I don't know I've been texting the guys for over an hour and the competition starts soon.
Brenda: Hey no worries it's just the first round and I don't think we need to many today.
Anais: You don't understand in order to compete we need at least a team of three otherwise we'll be disqualified.
Brenda quickly thought of something.
Brenda: I think I have an idea!
Clare's POV
Clare: You want me to WHAT?
Brenda: Please I know it's so last minute and kind of a difficult request but you're the only other person I can think of who can do this.
Clare: Uh I-I don't know.
Mystery voice: Well I think you can do it.
Suddenly appearing from the halls is a yellow guy with white hair. Clare's boyfriend Jared Dawson.
Clare: Baby come on you're just saying that.
Jared: It's true though you have been through so much and this is going to be nothing compared to that remember when you were about to move last year.
Clare: Yeah and I was a mess
Jared: but you were strong and hey because of Gumball you're still here but that experience made you stronger.
Brenda: Yeah and you spent so much time with me last week working on my speech that you know about this debate just as much as I do, why else do you think I asked you in the first place.
Clare looks at the love of her life and her new friend and thought a little bit before saying.
Clare: (confidently) Alright I'll do it.
Brenda: (relived) Alright thank you you're the best.
Clare: Of course anything for you girl.
The girls head on over to the debate room to deliver the news.
Anais: So?
Brenda: (confidently) Looks like Richwood better watch out cause there are some new champs in town.
Anias: Awesome alright well let's get to it.
The girls begin practicing and within a short time the moment has arrived and they headed outside for the competition.
Brenda: Well here goes nothing.
Clare: We got this.
Anias: Alright girls here we go.
They walk out and here the monstrous sound of applause from the Elmore side of the bleachers.
Students: Let's Go Elmore let's Go!!!
Suddenly the hostess motions the crowd to quiet down.
Hostess: Alright on my life we have our competitors of richwood high.
Troy: You ready dweeb sticks?
Carlton: Hopefully they are Troy or Else they'll cry harder when we kick their butts.
The girls looked over and a look of shock registers on Anias and Clare's faces
Anias: How many extracurricular activities do they even do.
Brenda: Wait you know them?
Clare: It's a long and very weird story.
On the richwood high bleachers they make a clapping without moving any of their hands.
Brenda: How are they.....
Brenda and Clare: Don't ask.
Hostess: And over here we have at their home bass Elmore Junior High.
Suddenly the Elmore side starts roaring with support as the started cheering loudly.
Suddenly the hostess motions them to get quiet again.
Hostess: Alright let's Begin...
(A/N) Hey guys sorry I've haven't been able to upload as quickly as I wanted just been busy but I promise I'll upload the second part as possible till then I'll see you guys next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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