Meeting Alan

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The next day Marun arrived to school planning to make another friend. 
Marun:Hey Ocho what's this.  He holds up a flyer.
Ocho:Oh that's the fundraiser that's happening After school today.
Marun: what's it for? Ocho reads flyer.
Ocho: It's a dance competition it's raising money for the homeless.
Stranger: so I see you are interested in the charity. He turns around and sees the balloon guy.
Marun: hi there what's your name.
Alan: my name is Alan and your marun right. Marun:  yup that's me.
Alan: so here's how it works you come in at lunch  sign up  then you can practice and who ever wins gets Free ice cream for a year and all the money that's raised will go to the homeless. Marun: well sounds like fun what about you ocho are you interested.
Ocho: nah dance competitions aren't my thing but I'll be rooting for you.
Alan: thanks marun there are so many homeless people and doing this will give them the homes they need.
Marun: my pleasure besides sometimes a little bit of kindness goes a long way. Marun:so how many flyers have you put up. 
Alan: Unfortunately I haven't had time to make any others.
Marun: well I have free time right now how about I make a post on the internet about to catch more people's attention.
Alan: really you do that?
Marun: of course after all we need to collect as much money as we can to help the homeless. Alan and marun make their way to the library where they spot Sarah. Sarah: hi marun you here to play on the computer.
Marun: no we're here to make a post about the dance competition this afternoon.
Sarah: Awesome is there anything I can do to help.
Marun: yes can you please get me into the system.
Sarah: sure. Sarah helps marun make his username and password for the computer. Sarah: there now you are in the system.
Marun: thanks Sarah.
Sarah: no problem see you later marun. Marun: bye Sarah. Marun: ok Alan now just tell me what to type.
Alan: ok. So Alan and marun worked on the post.
Marun: and send that should do it.
Alan: thank you marun hopefully people see the post and  come donate for the homeless. Marun: I'm sure they will well I have to go see you this afternoon. Alan: bye marun.

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