The Birthday meal

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Tina: (moan) Oh Marun..  you animal.
Marun: (growls) You know it baby!
Marun was struggling to hold Tina down as she was being pinned by Marun's bare strength alone. Somehow Tina managed to break free, and stand tall from his grasp
Tina: (gasp) Not so fast dragon!
Tina grabs his tail with her's spins him around to face him
Marun: (Shocked) My my.... someone's very eager!
Tina then slowly lowers her face
Tina: (Commandly) Now stop talking,and just kiss me already.
Marun: (normal) As you wish my queen..
Marun slowly closes his eyes and leans closer to Tina's face.
Marun: (Moans) mmm...
Tina leans in closer and does the same.
Tina: (Moans) mmm..
Marun and Tina's lips were only an inch away till the gap between them was sealed. Marun felt overjoyed as their lips clashed together as it felt almost like a.... pillow?
Brenda: (shouts) MARUN!!
(End of dream)
Marun: (tiredly) Wha- oh I'm up.
Brenda: (normal) Come on you can make out with your pillow another time.
Marun blushed immediately and quickly turned to get prepared.
Brenda: Ok now take this you're going to need it.
Brenda held out a chocolate breath mint
Marun: (normal) I already told you I'm not doing that.
Brenda: Come on you need help with your game.
Marun: What do you mean?
Brenda: I mean, I'm trying to help you with your date today.
Marun: I told you it's not a da...
Brenda: But I know you wish it was.
Marun blushed lightly knowing the truth and felt embarrassed.
Marun: This isn't about me, it's about Tina and I want to make sure she has a good time.
Brenda: Marun... she invited you to joyful burger because she wants to spend time with...
Brenda points at the nervous dragon.
Brenda: Just be yourself and you'll be fine, ok?
Marun considered what she said and said,
Marun: Ok I'll try, so should I bring my rock collection?
Brenda: NO!
Marun: But you said....
Brenda: I'm aware of what I said but let's... save that for another day, besides where would you put it?
Marun: My pockets.
Brenda: What pockets?
Marun: I'm going to put on som...
Brenda: Ah ah remember what Tina said the dress code was, she said she wanted Natural.
Marun blushed again remembering the condition Tina wanted him in.
Marun: (nervously) I-I don't know I m-mean I don't want her t-to be disapp..
Brenda: (Annoyed) Oh come on Marun it's just a restaurant date it's not like you two are having s...
Marun quickly tries to head out the door
Marun: (quickly) Oh well guess I better get going don't w...
Brenda: (normal) Hold on there buddy.
Marun stopped as Brenda handed him a red backpack with blue ends.
Marun: Is that....
Brenda: Oh yeah it is.
Marun: But I thought dad said to.....
Brenda: Come on we haven't used this in months it even has dust in it.
Marun: Well... I guess it never hurts to have an infinity backpack.
Brenda: Why don't you just call it what I call it, dirty sack?
Marun: Come on when has this ever failed us?
Brenda gave a side eye at Marun.
Brenda: Really?
Marun: Come on my homework has got to be somewhere.
Bully: Come on punk I need to pass it, I've been waiting for 2 hours.
Marun: Don't worries it's in here.
Bully: Never mind, boys...
Three strangers came up behind Marun with a bat.
Marun: Aha found it...
Marun was knocked out swiftly.
Bully: Ah look what we have here a sucker and the answers.
Brenda: Not to mention I was looking for my bus pass for three hours back in New York, I could've just floated home in that time.
Marun: Well I don't have any other logical ideas.
Brenda: We could use a little bit of that dragon ma..
Marun: Brenda remember what we talked about, no one is supposed to know about it or our history.
Brenda: I know but...
Marun: We promised mom and dad we would try to avoid a repeat of...... the incident.
Brenda: Marun trust me, you'll be fine but you're right, besides it's not like there's a real reason to shrink your enemies to the size of an ant just to torment them.
Brenda chuckled a little bit at the thought with Marun frowning a little bit.
Brenda: I mean not like I want to do that anyway.
Marun: (sighs) Oh Brenda.
Brenda: Alright well have fun okay.
Marun: Bye sis.
Brenda: Wait are you even sure you know where you going remember what happened last time?
Marun: Don't worry I should be ok.
Marun proceeded to grab some stuff he needed for the date, he then tries to retake his rocks.
Brenda: Don't even think about it.
Marun: Fine.
He left the rocks and made sure he got everything but then he suddenly got a text from Darwin.
Darwin: When it doubt try the M'guffin.
Marun: What's a M'guffin, hm oh well guess I'll find out later.
Marun then left the house and was on his way to Joyful burger.
Tina's POV
Tina: Alright bye dad see you later tonight ok..
Tina's dad: Wait, where are you going?
Tina: Umm..
Tina's dad: Don't lie to me my little dino.
Tina: I'm just having dinner with a classmate ok.
Tina's dad: There's more isn't there?
Tina: Huh?
Tina's dad: Don't pretend, you know what I mean. Let me guess is it that boy from 2 weeks ago?
Tina: Dad I can take care of myself you know that.
Tina's dad: I-I know it's just....
Tina's dad looked at her with a worried expression.
Tina's dad: I just don't want you to get hurt again like you always do. I want to see my little girl smile, not upset or get in trouble constantly.
Tina: I.. I know dad don't worry I'll be ok.
Tina's dad: Alright don't stay too long I want to spend some time with the birthday girl.
Tina: Alright dad I promise.
Tina then leaves to go meet Marun.
Marun's POV
Marun arrives at the mall and is attempting to find joyful burger.
Marun: Come on Marun you've been here before and this is where the coupon said to go.... I hope.
Marun continues to walk around and only gets more lost every time.
Marun: Man if only I could....
Strange voice: Marun.
Marun looked around and he tried to find out where the voice was coming from.
Strange voice: Marun
He kept trying to find it to see who was trying to get his attention.
Marun: I wonder who could be calli..
Tina: Ah there you are Muffin.
Marun turned around immediately when hearing that voice and blushed immensely.
Marun: Oh ah Tina I-I thought you would be at joyful burger.
Tina: I was looking for you first, besides it's not as fun without you.
Marun smiled a little as his anxiety faded inside.
Marun: Thanks Tina so.... do you know where to go?
Tina: Yeah no worries it's right around the corner.
Marun: I'm sorry I didn't want you to have to..
Tina: Marun it's ok i don't mind.
Marun: Really?
Tina: Yeah besides you waited a long time for me so I owe you one.
Marun: But I only waited a few hours I've waited longer than that bef..
Tina laughed a little bit before Marun finished making him stopped talking and instead smiled a little.
Tina: Oh Marun you're cute.
Marun then blushed a little more from the complement as they headed to joyful burger.
They finally arrived at Joyful burger where a gentleman with a hat greeted them.
Man: Hello and welcome to Joyful..
Marun: Larry?
Larry: Oh hi there Marun.
Tina: Wait how do you two already know each other?
Marun: Well you see...
(Flashback of last week)
Larry: So that's one Pepperoni pizza with one order of cheese sticks and wings.
Greg: Great thank you... um what's your name?
Larry: Oh Larry Needlemeyer.
Greg: Well thanks Larry here's a tip. Marun's dad proceeded to hand him 20 dollars. Larry then smiled and nervously said,
Larry: (nervously) Wow t-thank you.
Greg: Don't mention it, hey kids pizza.
Marun proceeded to dash from the couch
Marun: Awesome me first!
Brenda: Come on you always hog the good slices.
Greg: Kids come on be fair. Larry then smiled at the sibling rivalry then closed the door and leave.
The doorbell rings
Brenda: I'll get it.
Larry: Ok so we have... oh hey.
Brenda: Oh it's you, hey nerd your Chinese food is here.
Marun: (distant voice) With extra noodles and chicken?
Larry: Yup got it right here.
Brenda: Whatever here's the money.
Larry: But this was $30 dollars your handing me $50.
Brenda: Ok... what's the problem?
Larry: Oh uhh it's nothing don't worry about it.
Brenda: Whatever Marun come on I can't concentrate and hold this forever.
Marun quickly grabs the food and takes it to the kitchen.
Larry: Have a nice day.
Brenda: You to.
Brenda closes the door.
Brenda: You better not eat all of the rice again Marun I can eat too.
Marun: (normal) I'll try but I can't make any promises.
The door knocks again and Marun's mom gets up.
Emma: I'll get that.
The door opens.
Emma: Hey Larry.
Larry: Oh Mrs.Nabal
Emma: Please Larry call me Emma
Larry: Okay so I got 1 veggie sandwich 2 foot longs with spicy sauce and extra onions, and one 6 inch sandwich with..... Cheese,Bacon, and chicken?
Emma: Yah that's Marun but hey we told him to order whatever he wants and that's what he wants.
Marun proceeded to run and grab his sandwich.
Marun: Alright time for chicken subs.
Then Marun left to the couch.
Emma: (laughs) Marun wait for the rest of us we haven't even paid.
Larry: alright so that's $15.00
Emma: (normal) Alright here you go.
Larry got handed a twenty, ten, and a five and just smiled.
Larry: Alright well you guys have a good evening.
Emma: You too.
(Flashback ends)
Marun: So yah I've known Larry for a while I didn't know you worked here too.
Larry: (nervous laughs) Yes quite a few.
Larry started sweating nervously but then quickly recollected himself.
Larry: (normal) So table for two, right this way.
Tina gulped nervously as she appeared to worry a little bit.
Marun: Tina what's wrong?
Tina: Oh I'm just hoping that they...
As they were walking Larry led them outside to a table with two benches.
Larry: Here you are and I'll be back to get your order.
Marun sat on the bench while Tina was slowly thinking of her next action.
Tina: Ahh I see now.
Tina then moves the bench and sits gently on the floor with Marun on the other side of the table.
Marun: Do you want something on the bottom to sit on it can get a little uncomfortable.
Tina: Don't worry about it besides I got the best view.
Marun blushed and nervously grabbed the menu looking at all the options.
Marun: (nervously) Well uhh let's see oh I think I'll get oh double bacon cheeseburger with a side of curly fries...
Marun looked back at Tina for a second and he felt embarrassed.
Marun: (nervously) Oh sorry t-Tina y-you probably want t-to..
Tina: Marun it's okay don't worry about it I'm just looking and I don't think they have a lot of options to fill me up.
Marun then suddenly remembered about what Darwin texted.
Marun: (normal) Oh umm I've got an idea how about the M'guffin?
Tina: What's that?
Marun: I dunno maybe it has extra paddies than normal.
Tina: Ok I don't see why not I'll give it a whirl.
Larry then returns.
Larry: Alright so what do you guys want for today?
Marun: Umm one order of double bacon cheeseburger with fries and soda.
Larry: Alright and how about you Tina?
Tina: Umm the M'guffin?
Larry: Umm would you like fries and a drink with that.
Tina: Umm sure unless I would need to order two of them.
Larry: Oh no worries you'll be just fine.
Larry then walked away and Marun and Tina looked at each other.
Marun: (awkwardly) Ok.. that was a little weird.
Tina: Yeah a little wonder why.
Marun: (normal) Well anyway are you enjoying your birthday so far?
Tina: Hmm oh yeah it's good and actually..
Tina then pulled out the bag that Marun hadn't noticed until now.
Tina: Soo I actually was just going to open the bag but first I think I'm going to open the card just to see who it came from.
Marun: (nervously) Oh umm you don't have to do that I mean who reads the card any...
Tina: Um actually do you mind opening it and telling me what it says I would but I just might destroy it by accident.
Marun: Ok...
Marun nervously grabbed the letter and opened it gently to read it from inside.
Marun: (normal) To a new friend I hope you have a great birthday and may this little gift give great use and happiness
- Someone who is looking out for you.
Tina: I knew it!
Marun: (nervously) Um what exactly are you...
Tina: Oh come on Marun there's no point in hiding it I know you gave it to me.
Marun: Whaaat what makes you think I gave that to you?
Tina starts to pull out the item slowly realizing what it is.
Tina: Oh I don't know, how about that, 1 you're my only new friend I've made this year, 2, you're one of the few people who know my birthday, and I've only ever told one person I've wanted this.
Tina gently grabbed the small item wrapped in paper slowly unwrapped it revealing a phone. The phone was quite larger than a normal phone with a green case and with it a magnetic piano sticker on the back.
Marun: (nervously ) I-I'm sor...
Tina gently put a claw to his mouth to cut him off making him blush of embarrassment.
Tina: No, don't apologize you have nothing to apologize for Muffin this is so thoughtful.
Tina removed her claw from Marun's mouth allowing his blush to go.
Marun: (normal) It even has a holder so you can hold it better with your claws or tail.
Tina carefully observed looking at the holder on it and trying it out fitting the end of her tail perfectly, then she slowly set it back down.
Tina: Marun... that's so sweet. Why didn't you want me to know you gave it to me?
Marun: Well It's just i um..
Tina: It's ok take your time.
Marun: I didn't want to put the spotlight on me I just wanted to do it because I cared about you.
Marun blushed nervously at what he was about to say next
Marun: and the truth is that I li...
Larry: Alright your food is here.
Larry brought out the food which consisted of a a double bacon cheeseburger with the fries melted with cheese on top and bacon bits. Secondly came Tina's order and it looked massive six patties with 12 cheese slices on top of each other filled with bacon and slathered with grease all while topped with soft golden crisp buns slathered in extra crispy butter.
Larry: Anything else I can get for you?
Marun: Actually...
Marun motioned Larry to move closer and he whispered quietly in his ear.
Larry: (slyly) Oh I see alright back in a few.
Larry then quietly left, While Marun and Tina began eating there food.
Tina: Wait what did you say to him?
Marun: Oh don't worry about it.
Tina: This M'guffin taste actually pretty good I feel like I'll get full.
Marun: (mouth full) Yeah and this Double cheeseburger is amazing.
Tina then laughed a little bit after that and Marun felt his cheeks got red with embarrassment.
Tina: Hey it's okay happens to most of us besides it's... cute.
Marun blushed again and quickly tried to hide it.
Tina: Oh umm Marun what were you about to tell me earlier?
Marun suddenly blushed red as heat rose to his cheeks and he felt nervous.
Marun: (nervously) Oh umm it's alright I mean I don't think it...
Marun then felt a familiar tug on his tail as he almost felt like he could faint... again.
Tina: Oh come on Marun you can tell me anything you know that right?
Marun just slowly nodded in an attempt to preserve energy.
Marun: Mhm.
Tina: Although since I actually have you here...
Tina then stood up from her seat and went to Marun's side to fully examine his now exposed body.
Tina: (awkwardly) Umm Marun can you please stand up without the backpack?
Marun blushed a little knowing what she was asking but slowly stood up and left the backpack on his seat while Tina checked him out. While she was doing that unintentionally he opened up his wings and slowly expanded them.
Marun: Oh sorry I'm ju..
Tina: Hey it's okay remember you have nothing to apologize for besides...
Tina whispers quietly in his ear.
Tina: (quietly) Now there's more to see if you know what I mean.
Marun blushed even harder and struggled to stay still until finally Tina stopped observing.
Tina: (stunned) Wow....
Marun: I knew it I should've...
Tina: No you look... nice, a little bit handsome now that I think about it.
Marun blushed madly with the body compliments.
Marun: (normal)Thanks and um I picked the green case because I knew it was going to match with your eyes.
Tina blushed a little from that as she smiled shyly.
Tina: (slyly) Oh umm you noticed huh?
Marun: Of course I have.
Tina then walked a little closer to Marun.
Tina: Mind telling me what other things you noticed about me?
Marun: You played the piano for a few years you spent a lot of time with your dad and your scales are super...
Marun looked at Tina beaming at him while she was blushing more all the same.
Tina: (normal) Go on finish your thought.
Marun blushed but knowing Tina's not letting him off the hook he simply said,
Marun: Soft...
Tina slowly moved her face slowly to his and said while leaning in,
Tina: Mmm let's test that theory shall....
Larry: (normal) Ok are we all..
Larry comes in and Tina immediately jumped away blushing and embarrassed.
Larry: (embarrassed) Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to...
Tina: (sighed) No it's alright we're about done anyways come on Marun.
Marun looked at Tina as her smile faded to embarrassment and sadness as they walked in to pay.
Tina: (normal) Can we use this coupon?
Tina showed the coupon to Larry and he nodded.
Larry: Yeah you guys are all set happy birthday Tina.
Tina: (sad) Thanks.
Tina went outside and Marun got pulled to the side by Larry.
Larry: (normal) Ok so including the cake the actual cost is $20
Marun: Ok here.
Marun handed two $20 bills.
Larry: Again I'm so sor..
Marun: It's ok it happens to the best of us.
Marun attempts to leave but then before he does Larry says.
Larry: I'm rooting for you two.
Marun blushed and followed up with Tina outside.
Tina: (normal) So what did Larry want?
Marun: Oh don't worry so... guess I'll see you tomorrow?
Tina: Wait do you need a ride home?
Marun: Oh umm I'm sure I can...
Tina: Alright fine hop on Marun.
Marun blushed but slowly agreeably got on her back and they walked back home. A half an hour later Tina stops in front of Marun's house then Marun hops off.
Marun: Well I hope you had a great birthday today.
Tina: (sadly) Yeah great.
Marun; What's wrong Tina?
Tina: Oh umm it's nothing really I just feel tired you know.
Marun: Yeah I get ohh wait..
Marun then searches his backpack and finds a tissue.
Marun: You got something right here.
Marun motions to a side of Tina's face with ketchup on it.
Tina: Oh umm I don't think I can reach it, can you get that for me?
Tina slowly lowers her head close to Marun as he grabs the tissue and delicately rubs the ketchup stain off her face.
Marun: See much bet...
Marun suddenly stops as he was feeling her scales as he was rubbing his hand against them making him remember how it felt on that night of the dance.
Tina: (normal) Ok there cutie?
Marun suddenly snapped out of transe and refocused as he pulled his hand away and was blushing from embarrassment.
Marun: (awkwardly) he he sorry I didn't m-mean to...
Tina then turned him leans toward one ear on his side and says.
Tina: You always know how to make me smile Marun Nabal don't you? Although what else do you have in that backpack?
Marun begins shuffling through it and goes through some stuff.
Marun: Oh nothing really just school stuff like books pencils and...
Suddenly a small candy fell out of the backpack increasing Marun's anxiety.
Tina: Hmm what's that...
Marun: Oh i don't think you should worry about...
Tina then looks at it closely
Tina: Is that a chocolate breath mint?
Marun started blushing madly and started getting nervous.
Marun: I ummm..
Tina: What would you use this for?
Marun: (nervously) Bad breath, or um something like that.
Tina then reached the chocolate with her mouth and swallowed it.
Tina: Actually I was kinda thinking something like this....
Tina slowly gets closer to Marun's forehead and kisses it. Tina then whispers softly to him,
Tina: (whisper) Guess I should call you smooth scales then for that smooth body.
Marun then starts blushing so much and started feeling a bit woozy.
Tina: And smooth skills you big flir...
Marun slowly started getting dizzy and Tina noticed and stopped.
Marun: (slowly) Ah it's n-no bigg...
Everything went dark again.
Tina's POV
Tina: (sighs) Oh Muffin.
Tina looked down at her crush's knocked out body and decided she knew what had to be done.
She gently leaned down and used her mouth and grabbed Marun by the center. She then slowly walks across the street to the house and sets him down, then she gently gets near his head and whispers.
Tina: (whisper) Good night my dragon knight in shining armor.
She then kissed his forehead again. His smile than got a little bit bigger. She knocked on the door and shortly made her way home.
(Brenda's POV)
Brenda: I got it.
Brenda then got outside and looked around.
Brenda: Huh guess no one's...
She then looked down see Marun on the ground and felt frustrated but just simply sighed.
Brenda: (sighs) Oh come on!!!
Tina's POV
Tina arrived back home and saw her dad smiling suspiciously.
Tina: Hey dad.
Tina's dad: How's my little birthday girl doing?
Tina: Oh umm fine.
Dad: Look at what came for you today.
Tina looked suspicious at her dad but looked at what was behind him. There layed a chocolate cake with the letters happy birthday Tina in green frosting.
Tina: But how did...
She then flashed back to joyful burger and the conversation with Larry and just smiled.
Tina: Oh Marun.
She then invited her father to share it.
Tina's dad: Oh are you sure sweetie?
Tina: Dad come on it's my birthday you should have some as well.
Tina's dad: Well.. can't argue with you there.
Then they ate cake and enjoyed the rest of the night.
A/N: Well guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter sorry It appears longer than usual just wanted to make sure you all get the best quality possible. As always l'll see you
In the next one.

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