New project part 1

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It was a week after tryouts and Marun and Brenda woke up and were ready for school.
Emma: Kids breakfast
Marun: Okay Mom.
Brenda: Not hungry.
Emma: I made pancakes and bacon.
Brenda: Can't eat it.
Marun: Don't worry I have your pills.
Brenda: Marun...
Greg: Sweetie your brother is just looking out for you.
Brenda: Fine...thank you.
Marun ate his breakfast and left
Marun: Bye guys
Emma: Wait sweetie don't you want a ride.
Marun: Um you guys don't have to, I mean don't you have work today.
Greg: Well I have the day off.
Marun: Okay then Brenda you coming?
Brenda: On my way.
The gang drove their way to school.
Marun: Okay dad see you after school.
Brenda: Bye dad
Greg drove away leaving marun and Brenda by themselves.
Brenda: So are you ever gonna call her.
Marun: Call who?
Brenda: Come on Marun you know who  I'm talking about.
Marun: But I mean I don't want to bother her you kn....
Brenda: Marun you've been doing this for a week. Just talk to her when school is over.
Marun: uhhh oh look results from tryouts.
Marun starts heading over to the school board to look at.
Brenda: You can't avoid this forever Marun but ok
Marun: Ohh I got a role.
Brenda: Really hmm I want to see how well I did.
Brenda looked at the list and squealed with delight.
Brenda: I got in.
Marun: Congratulations Brenda.
Brenda: wait what role did you get?
Marun: Hamilton's understudy
Brenda: Oh well sorry you didn't...
Marun: Hey it's okay after all it's better than nothing.
Brenda: Always looking on the bright side huh marun.
Marun: It's how I stay positive besides at least I got a part.
Suddenly the warning bell rang.
Brenda: Well we got a few minutes so Im going to go see you after school bro.
Marun: Bye sis.
Brenda left Marun then Marun was walking around heading towards his next class when he bumped into someone.
Marun: Oh umm sorry I didn't mean to..
Marun looked down to see who he bumped into and realized it was a potato
Stranger: oh no it's ok happens more than you think you're the new kid right?
Marun: Oh uhh yeah I am well not that new but um yeah.
Idaho: names Idaho
Marun: Oh um I'm Marun.
Idaho: oh well nice meeting you Marun.
Marun and Idaho went to take their seats in mr Corneille's class.
Mr Corneille: good morning class
Students: Good morning Mr,Corneille
Mr Corneille: Today we will be starting A new project everybody will be in groups of two that I assigned so let's see, Bobert and Darwin.
Darwin: oh yeah this going to be fun.
Bobert: I calculate a 93% of success.
Mr.Corneille, Alan and mMsami.
Masami: ohh at least I'm working with a cutie.
Masami winks at Alan.
Alan: riiiight?
Mr.Corneille: finally Marun and Idaho.
Idaho: Ohh doggie ready for a good time marun.
Marun: Umm well I guess.
Mr. Corneille so your assignment is presenting or talking about different cultures in the world that is due next class.
(Bell rings)
Mr.Corneille: Alright and that's it for today and remember your project is due next class.
Marun began to leave until he heard..
Idaho: Hey Marun.
Marun: Oh hi Idaho so should we come over to your house and work on the project.
Idaho: Sure that be as sweet as corn beans.
Marun: Bye Idaho see you later.
Soon it was lunch time and he saw ocho and Darwin.
Marun: Hi guys
Ocho: Marun how you doing man?
Darwin: Yeah how are you buddy?
Marun: Good I had a good weekend you know playing games and reading books.
Ocho: So did you call her yet?
Marun: Uh who?
Darwin: come on Marun you know who we're talking about.
Marun: uhhh well I got Hamilton's understudy.
Darwin: Oh I'm sorry Buddy.
Marun: Well at least your brother got the part.
Darwin: Yeah he's been talking about it nonstop since he got it.
Marun: That's great good for him, so do you know what your doing for the project.
Darwin: Yeah me and Bobert are going to be talking about Indian culture, like the foods and traditions and other stuff what about you guys?
Marun: Don't know yet but we'll figure it out soon.
Soon Idaho comes to the table.
Idaho: hey y'all
Marun: hey Idaho come sit with us
Idaho: sure
Idaho comes to sit with the gang.
Marun: so maybe you and I can work at your house.
Idaho: you sure it might not be as comfortable for you city folk.
Marun; I'm sure.
Then the lunch bell rang and it was time to go to home ec class with coach R.
Coach R. Ok everyone today we are learning how to make pumpkin pie for September this month.
Carmen: What does it taste like.
Coach: well usually we want punmpkin pie to have a silky smooth texture so it feels soft on our tongues.
Marun raised his hand.
Coach: Yes Marun?
Marun: We also need to make sure not to leave it in the oven for too long otherwise it will burn correct?
Coach: that's right Marun, now I'm going to assign partners for this assignment Alan and ocho.
Alan: I say our pie is going to be delicious.
Ocho: if you say so
Coach: Darwin and Gumball.
Gumball: Alright I'm after all a master chief.
Darwin: Gumball you burned the pancakes last time.
Gumball: it said 2 tsp spoons of sugar how was I supposed to know what it meant.
Darwin: that's tabl.. ugh never mind.
Coach: finally marun and Sarah.
Sarah: your ready to make some pie marun.
Marun: uhh I hope so.
Coach: And.... Begin
Sarah: ok so first we add 3/ 4 quarters of sugar In a bowl.
Marun gets the bowl and puts the sugar in.
Marun: shouldn't we preheat the oven?
Sarah: oh right I forgot about that
Marun: okay next we add the pumpkin spice.
Marun and Sarah finished the last of the steps.
Sarah: now we put it in the oven for 1 hour.
(A/n i know it takes longer but for time reasons let's pretend it's 1 hour)
Marun: alright we finished
Sarah: yeah
Marun: let's take it out of the oven.
The pumpkin pie came out and it smelled delicious.
Marun: so Sarah you want to take it home for your friends.
Sarah: Marun.. you know there's two right?
Sarah takes out the second one.
Marun: oh yeah I forgot.
Sarah: Anyways I'm going to share this with the Watterson's,what about you?
Marun: Well I have an idea.
The bell rang and then Marun went to see his sister.
Brenda: Hey bro how was your day.
Marun: it was good I brought some pie for you.
Brenda: Aww thank you, so you had a good day?
Marun: Yeah but I'm staying over at a friend's house so can you tell mom and dad I'll be home later.
Brenda: Sure.
Marun: oh and here's two pieces of pie for them.
Marun gives the two wrapped up pie pieces.
Brenda: okay.
Marun: bye Brenda see you later.
Brenda: bye Marun.
Marun quickly goes over to ocho
Ocho: Hey Marun
Marun: Hey buddy I have some pumpkin pie, do you want a piece?
Ocho: Sure.
Ocho grabs a slice of pumpkin pie.
Ocho: So you eating the last slice?
Marun blushes.
Marun: (stammers ) Well I don't think that she's here so I think I'll just..
Ocho: Bro she's right over there come on just talk to her.
Marun: (stammers a little) Ok.
Marun walks over to Tina.
Marun: Hey umm Tina.
She turns to look at him.
Tina: Oh umm hi Marun did you make that?
Marun: I know, it doesn't look great but...
Tina: Cause it smells delicious.
Marun blushed but replied.
Marun: You really think so because I've only done cooking for a couple of weeks and thought it would taste bad.
Tina: No it doesn't, it looks great.
Marun holds out the pie to Tina.
Marun: (Stammers)For you.
Tina: Marun that's so sweet but don't you want to give it to someone in your family?
Marun: (stammer stops)I already did, this is for you unless you're allergic of course.
Tina: No it's just don't you want to eat your own pie.
Marun: No besides I like sharing with others.
Tina: Marun... you're so sweet.
Marun blushed even more as his heart sped a little.
Marun: So do you want a table or...
Tina: No need just set it down.
Marun sat down the pie and Tina ate it in one bite.
Marun: I know it's probably not a lot but..
Tina: Hey it's ok besides some of the best things in life come in small sizes, and it's delicious.
Marun: Really?
Tina: Yeah you definitely could be head chief one day.
Marun smiled but frowned when he realized something.
Tina: What's wrong?
Marun: Tina I'm sorry.
Tina: For what?
Marun: I didn't call you for a week I'm so sorry it's just I was trying to..
Tina: Hey it's ok you don't always need to call just do it whenever you feel like it.
Tina came a little closer.
Tina: Besides I much prefer our conversations in person.
Marun smiled and blushed.
Marun: Well Idaho is probably waiting for me so talk to you later.
Tina: Yeah...wait
Marun: Yes Tina.
Tina: I heard you didn't get the part you were hoping for, you were really good...
Marun: It's alright At least I got his understudy it's better than nothing.
Tina: You're always so positive, I mean I could never be as optimistic as you.
Marun: Hey it's okay you don't always have to be positive besides it's just who I am.
Tina: That's true and besides It makes you more charming you know.
Marun was blushing more but just said.
Marun: Well got to go, talk to you soon Tina.
Tina: Bye Marun.
Marun heads outside and finds Idaho waiting on the stairs.
Marun: Sorry for making you wait Idaho I was..
Idaho: its okay it's only been 5 minutes.
Marun: Oh I didn't realize.. so anyway wanna start walking to your place.
Idaho: Alright but it's a long walk so it's going to be a while.
Marun: No worries.
Marun and Idaho began the journey to Idaho's house.
A/N Hey guys back with another part and I hope you all enjoyed it.

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