Flying 101

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"Ace, psssssst, ACE!" someone was shaking my shoulders, trying to rudely wake me up. No, I wasn't about to wake up now. I was perfectly content right here, wherever here is. I'm not lying down, but slumped over something hard and uncomfortable, but I was not moving, no way no how. Maybe if I pretended to be asleep, they'd just go away.

"Ace, wake up, there's something that I want to show you" It was a boy. Stupid boys, just leave me to sleep in peace.

"Go away" I mumbled. But I couldn't help it; I opened my eyes only to be starring at that stupid, gorgeous ginger. Did I just say gorgeous? I meant annoying.

"Aw Ace, don't be like that. I know that I'm the first thing you want to see after every slumber" George sat down next to me and nudged my side. "Now wake up!"

"This better be good Weasley" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My awkwardly straight hair was now sticking up in every direction, clouding my vision with the tint of my strawberry blond hair. George brushed one of those rebellious pieces behind my ear, a tingling sensation following wherever he touched. 

No. No, no, no, no, no. Stop it, you stupid bundle of hormones. He gave me a smile, softer than usually, not his usual mischievous one that made everyone in the room smile. STOP! Merlin, why was I thinking like this?

He furrowed his brow at the internal conflict that had probably been reflected all over my face. "So what do you want me to see?" I said as I pushed away from my make-shift bed (the coffee table) and onto my feet unsteadily. With that, his trouble making smile was back on his face as he too, stood up.

"It's a surprise, but you are going to have to trust me okay?" he grabbed my wrist and lead me out of the common room. It was probably after curfew, and I bite back the notion to ask him what time it was. Trust, trust George Weasley.

We walked down the stairs quickly and quietly, completely blinded by the night. After a few minutes of walking, I felt cold air rush into the castle as he opened the main door. We were going to get caught, I couldn't help but think. If Filch didn't catch us, Hagrid would. Hagrid wasn't mean or anything but I really wouldn't want to wake him up in the middle of the night. I continued to walk with George though, my gut twisting and goose bumps forming on my arm as I wished that I had a jacket, and scarf and mitts.

We arrived at a faint but huge silhouette of the Quiditch pitch. Wait WHAT! Hell no. I stopped following him and felt him tug on my arm. "Hell no. I'm not doing this George. Flying in the dark? Well, doesn't that just sound like a perfectly safe idea for somebody who has only flown once in their life!"

"Just trust me, won't you? Honestly Acelynne, do you think I would do anything that would hurt you?" Have I ever mentioned that I sincerely hated that name Acelynne? But when George said it, I could listen to it a thousand times...


I was obviously too tired to be thinking clearly.

Once we were in the center of the pitch, he left me for a few seconds to no doubted get those dreaded brooms. Why was I so stupid?

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