Daddy Dearest

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I had never told anyone about my family. Ever. Most people in Gryffindor house didn't care about whether you were pure-blood, or half-blood, or muggle-born. We all got along very well for the most part, although rumours were known to fly around blood-status if they got into the wrong hands. Ron was a pure-blood, blood-traitor, Hermione was a muggle-born and everyone knew about Harry Potter. I, as a rule, never talked about my family.

I never actually knew my mum. She died after I was born, and the topic was completely taboo around my dad. I guess that's what we did in my family, we just didn't talk. We didn't talk about my dad's job, or what he lied about being his job, that is.

I didn't ask when strange men came to dinner and spoke in code. I didn't ask when he disappeared for nights at a time and came back covered in wounds. I didn't ask when I found a long black cloak and a mask at the back of his closet, and I most certainly didn't ask when his bandage came off of his "horrible scar" and revealed a skull with a snake tongue tattoo.

Putting two and two together wasn't the hard part; I've known he was a death eater for about four years. The hard part was coming to terms that my father, the one who had vowed to protect me from all of the bad in the world, was a bad person himself. A wickedly evil person. It was just too hard to think that a man who had been so good to me, was so horrible to the rest of the world.

He might have been a Death Eater, but Voldemort had been gone for quite some time. What role was he to play with their leader gone? Sure he still had diners with Lucious Malfoy, but what active evil could they be up to?

Before coming to Hogwarts, I didn't have a clue as to what the real implications of his job were. I looked at Harry Potter, an innocent boy who lost his parents because of people like my father. Innocent people had gotten hurt because of who my father chose to align himself with...

I wanted to love him. But knowing the truth of the pain that he caused the rest of the wizarding world... I couldn't stomach the thought. I vowed last summer, before I left for school, and I would have nothing to do with him ever again. Or at least, I had until that night.

"I know what you are." I leaned against the doorframe of his room and watched him hesitantly. He narrowed his eyes at me, before patting the spot on the bed beside him.

"Ace" he sighed. I shook my head, holding firm on my spot in the doorway. I wasn't going to get near him, not after last night the way he snuck in the night before, robes singed and hair singed. "Acelynne, please, let me explain."

"Fine, dad, go ahead. Tell me why the great and powerful Dark Lord is so great, hmm? Tell me, how many have you killed for him" I could hear the hate just dripping into my voice. He frowned and stood up.

"Acelynne, everything you believe it wrong."

"Why should I believe a death eater?"

"Acelynne... When I was at Hogwarts, I fell into alliance with the like of Lucius Malfoy. He thought I would be a good fit, so he introduced me to... Him." I rolled my eyes at the dramatics. 'I knew right away it was wrong, I couldn't be apart of something like that. But once you meet You-Know-Who, there's no leaving."

"I'll admit it. I didn't want to leave, because if I left, I died. That's when I turned to Albus for help. He felt that my position within the ranks of the death eaters could be beneficial in learning their secrets... And ever since then, I've been working both sides. A double-agent, I believe its called. I was working for Albus at the time when He fell. I couldn't just leave them, they'd know immediately the part I played. Just because He was gone, it didn't mean that I was free. He had eyes everywhere. You had just been born, Acelynne, and I just lost your mother. I couldn't lose you as well."

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