Teenage Heartbreak

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"Come one Ace, you said you would do it with me!" Ramsey pulled on the sleeve of my robes. No it's not what you think it is I promise that there is nothing indecent going on here. Something much worse was about to occur, something that involves a two bats, three balls, three hoops and my feet leaving the ground.

I was once again standing in the middle of the Quiditch pitch with a broom forced into my open hand. "Well I take it back!" I glanced around the pitch and noticed that a crowd was forming slowly but surely. "I don't want to embarrass myself!"

He took my hand, rolling my fingers around the solid broomstick, and pushed it into my chest. "I promise that you won't get hurt" he said reading my mind. "Nothing will happen to you, you've flown before and everything went fine!"

"Yes but my hands never came off of the handle the whole time! I do not think that diving through the air and trying to catch a large ball, while dodging a smaller, faster, more violent ball is completely safe!" I gripped the broom in anger as I tried to stare him down, to no prevail.

"You just have to trust me, okay?" Déjà-vu anyone? I'm pretty sure that I had heard that exact line from George. If I could trust George than I could trust Ramsey... right? I sucked in a breath that filled me to the brim with warmth. The early May sun was peeking out through the clouds and kissing my skin ever so lightly. "You do trust me, right?"

"Of course I trust you! I just can't trust myself that's all! I can't trust myself to dive at the right time or distance or trust myself that I will be able to keep hold of that broom with my legs or whatever you do!" I was panting at the end of this rant, my hands shaking around the broom that I was now clutching so tightly that my knuckles were turning white.

"You don't have to trust yourself, all you have to do is trust me! Besides you can't play Quidditch with just two people, so I asked a few of the guys to come down and help me" with a flourishing hand he pointed down to the end of the pitch as several people walked towards us. Cho, a Ravenclaw and the seeker for their team, some Hufflepuff chasers, and a Ravenclaw keeper. Each of them was clutching a broom in one hand and was decked out in heavy duty protective gear.

"Well we need two beaters!" I said in a shrill voice that was obviously in panic. "You are a chaser, and we need beaters but I'm sure as hell not playing that position!" I turned around to walk away but instead walked into a thick, tall, ginger wall.

"Good thing for you, you have two beaters right here" Fred said as he took a step back so I could dislodge myself from his chest.

"Pretty fine ones at that!" George said and they each took one of my arms so I couldn't attempt to run away. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Come one Acelynne, it's time to fly."

I softened up a tiny bit when he used my name, relaxing my shoulders. Every time I saw him was like a punch to the gut, whether or not I wanted to admit it. Over time, that punch may have gotten softer and softer, but I would rather live with it than never experience it ever again. I'm surprised he'd agree to come today, if he knew I would be here. But then again, he was the sensitive one between the two.

"I swear to Merlin that when this kills me, that I am going to come back and haunt the pants off you! I'll put Myrtles reputation to shame!"

"Stop being so dramatic and get up into the air already!" the boys pushed me foreword and I stumbled across the grass.

"Up" I said grudgingly and the broom flew up into hand. A thought came to me and I gave a small smile. "Well, seeing as I know how to fly at least... See ya suckers!" I said and hopped up onto my broom. Before anyone could catch on, I was in the air and flying out of the pitch and out of their reach. I laughed as I flew into the wind, my hair fluttering behind me and leaving those stupid Quiditch playing gits in my dust.

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