Chapter One

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"In the OR, time loses all meaning. In the midst of sutures and saving lives, the clock ceases to matter. 15 minutes, 15 hours-Inside the OR, the best surgeons make time fly. Outside the OR, however, time takes pleasure in kicking our asses. For even the strongest of us it seems to play tricks. Slowing down. Hovering. Until it freezes. Leaving us stuck in a moment, unable to move in one direction or the other. Time flies. Time waits for no man. Time heals all wounds. All any of us wants is more time. Time to stand up. Time to grow up. Time to let go. Time."  

"come take my hand, i won't let you go. i'll be your friend, i will love you so deeply. i will be the one to kiss you at night. i will love 'til the end of time"

Izzie lay on the bathroom floor in her prom dress. The interns were outside the door. "We have to do something", Lucy said. They all looked at Meredith. "What, me?" Meredith asked. "You're all dark and twisty inside", Holly said. "And now, so is Izzie".

Holly lay on the floor next to Izzie. "I understand what you're going through", Holly said. "You feel like you've lost yourself. And I'm gonna be honest with you, you may never get yourself back again. But you'll come back to yourself, I promise, you will. In little pieces, so small, you may not even notice, but you'll feel more full. So lay on the floor. Lay on the floor for as long as you want. And when you feel strong enough to get a piece back, you can get up. I know you're strong, Iz. You'll get up eventually".

Meredith made sandwiches while Cristina and Lucy read magazines. "Cooking is the only thing I know to do when someone dies", Cristina said. "It's called shiva. It's Jewish. But it's still appropriate for Denny". "Mer, despite your mastery at making sandwiches, I think we should order in", Lucy said. Meredith attacked the sandwich. Cristina and Lucy looked at her. "Jeez, what'd the sandwich ever do to you?" Lucy asked. "More like, what did you do?" Cristina asked. "I lost my panties last night", Meredith sighed. "Yeah, to my brother", Lucy muttered. Cristina was speechless.

Holly entered the kitchen as Meredith recounted the story from the previous night complete with lots of eye rolling from Lucy. "I can't wrap my head around this", Cristina said. "You're with Finn, he's with Addison", Holly added, shocked. "Lucy, did you tell Addison?" Meredith asked. "No, but don't expect me to keep it a secret from her much longer", Lucy said. "You better figure out your shit, Mer".

"Derek asked me what it meant"

"Ha, he's such a girl"

"What does it mean?" Holly asked. Meredith was silent.

Callie showed up at the door with food and Lucy went to greet her. "Hi", Lucy said, hugging her. "George is in quarantine", Callie said. "I was off duty and I was thinking about Izzie so I brought food. I'm guessing I'm not allowed to bring up McDreamy and the sex".

"No. Wait, did you say quarantine?"

Lucy was lying on the floor with Izzie. "My dad died", Lucy said. "He was shot by some guys trying to steal his watch. And I watched. Well, Derek and I watched. After that, I became this wreckless girl who didn't care what happened to her because I just wanted to die. I just wanted to die. You know why? Because I was isolated by my own family in their grief. We all pushed each other away. And we were worse off for it. It doesn't have to be that way for you, Iz. You have us. We're your family. We're not gonna push you away. You're not gonna push us away. We won't let you. So, when you're ready, and when you get up off this floor, we're gonna be right here waiting to help you through".

Callie was cooking while Lucy sat down. Lucy suddenly started sobbing uncontrollably. "Lucy, what's wrong?" Callie asked. "This day", Lucy said. "This day is what's wrong".

"What do you mean?"

"It's too much. It's just too much. I miss my dad. I miss my family, even my mom, even Derek. I miss my life before everything got so messy. My dad got shot. I got addicted to drugs and stole cars just so my family would notice me. But they didn't. They just made me feel like a freak and shipped me off to rehab and boarding. I let my ex-boyfriend abuse me because I wanted the love my family wasn't giving me. I'm fucking pathetic, Callie. I'm pathetic"

"You are not pathetic. Hey, Lucy, look at me. You are not pathetic. You are beautiful and kind and funny. And I don't know who made you think that you are not any of those things or that you are not worthy of love, but it's true, I know it isn't because I love you. Really, I do. And Alex loves you so much, I can see it by the way he looks at you, your friends love you, Derek loves you and I know you don't want to hear that because right now you hate him but he loves you, Lucy, he does. You are not pathetic. You are loved"

George came home and ran to Holly and hugged her tightly. "Are you okay?" she whispered into his shoulder. He stopped the hug and grabbed her face gently. "I love you", he said before kissing her.

Alex came home and went up to Lucy's room to find her crying in bed. He quickly got in and hugged her. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked as he stroked her hair. "We never talk about stuff", she whispered. "You and me. We don't talk. We need to start because I wanna tell you stuff. Please don't run away when I tell you because it's heavy and you might want to but don't, please. You promise?"

"I promise"


hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is end of time by beyonce

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