Chapter Eighteen

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"People have scars. In all sorts of unexpected places. Like secret road maps of their personal histories. Diagrams of all their old wounds. Most of our wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them don't. Some wounds we carry with us everywhere and though the cut's long gone, the pain still lingers. What's worse, new wounds which are so horribly painful or old wounds that should've healed years ago and never did? Maybe our old wounds teach us something. They remind us where we've been and what we've overcome. They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future. That's what we like to think. But that's the way it is, is it? Some things we just have to learn over and over and over again" 

"i'm sinkin' in the sand, and i can barely stand"

Lucy was in a towel after taking a shower as she brushed her teeth. Alex stood behind her. He moved her hair over her shoulder and started kissing the back of her neck. "I am trying to brush my teeth", Lucy said, smirking at him in the mirror. "I've got a better idea", he smirked.

"Oh, yeah? Like what?"

She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. He kissed her before letting his lips trail down to her neck. Then Izzie barged in. "Ew, oh my god, get a room. Why is he here?" she complained. "I live here now", Alex said, turning around to face her. Her eyes widened and Lucy snickered. She stomped out of the door. The moment she was gone, Alex and Lucy burst out laughing. "Lock the door", she said. He smirked before doing so.

George and Holly were in the hotel enjoying breakfast. "So, I was thinking, maybe we could go to Ohio soon and you can meet my parents", Holly said nervously. "I mean, if you want". George smiled at her nervousness. "You're cute when you're nervous", he said before kissing her.

"Well, I'm annoying when I'm impatient"

"Of course I'll go with you, I can't wait to meet your parents. We'll go in the summer"

"Great! Can I've a bite?" He smiled before feeding her a piece of his omelet.

"All I'm saying is that Alex shouldn't move in because when George's marriage falls apart, he's gonna need his room", Izzie said to Meredith. "He'll need it when he has to deal with the grief of his father's death and finding out that that's why he got married". Meredith rolled her eyes, tuning her out. Lucy entered. They all stared at both Meredith and Lucy with worried eyes. "We're fine", Meredith sighed. "My mother's cremated and hanging in the back of my closet". "Wait, what?" Lucy asked. Meredith shrugged before walking over to her locker. "So, I heard a rumour that there's another chief candidate coming in today", Holly said, breaking the awkward silence.

The interns were waiting nearby for the candidate to exit the conference room. "I heard it's a guy from Stanford", Cristina said. "Which is good because everyone there loved me". "Kiss ass", Lucy fake coughed. Everyone chuckled. Burke came over to see who it was. The guy and Richard came out of the room. "It's Colin Marlow, he's a brilliant cardiothoracic surgeon", Burke said. Burke went to introduce himself but Colin ignored him upon seeing Cristina. He walked up to her and gave her a hug, squeezing her ass. Everyone's eyes widened. "If this is a new policy he's gonna put in as chief, I'm going to Mercy West", Lucy said.

Lucy, Richard and Callie were with Mr Scofield. "The scans here show that the bullet has damaged his scapula", Callie said. "We're going to take it out", Richard said. "Dr Shepherd?" "It's infected and working its way into your scapula, so it needs to be removed", Lucy said.

Lucy approached Addison at the nurses station. "So, what's the deal with you and Mark?" Lucy asked. "We made a pact", Addison said.

"To love each other forever?"

"No. 60 days without sex and then I'll give him a shot"

"Mark without sex for more than a week? Hate to break it to you, but that's never gonna happen"

"I know"

The interns ate at the cafeteria. "I'm planning a dinner with my father and Susan", Meredith said. "Why?" Lucy asked.

"Not finished talking. Anyway, Izzie will cook dinner"

"And I'll come in with a fake crisis", Cristina offered. "Don't you want to actually give him a chance?" Holly asked. "Holl, you're talking to the wrong people", Lucy said.

George approached Holly at the nurses station. "How are you affording the hotel?" George asked her. "I mean breakfast alone must be what, $50?" "Look, my parents have a pretty successful farm and my grandparents are kinda wealthy", Holly said.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want things to change. I've seen what money can do to relationships and we're happy"

"You lied to me"


"We're supposed to be honest with each other. You took a vow"

"I was going to tell you and we were gonna move into an apartment and be equals"

"I haven't been paying for anything?"

"George, I'm sorry"

Izzie and Holly observed Mr Scofield's surgery from the gallery. "I understand why he wants to keep it", Holly said, referring to Mr Scofield's bullet. "I'd cast it in gold and mount it on my wall". "You can afford it", Izzie remarked.

"What did you just say to me?"

She then stormed out.

Richard and Lucy checked on Scofield. They gave him the bullet. Only a small part of it was left. Scofield was upset over it. "Maybe it's time to let it go", Lucy said. "I lost my whole unit over this", he said. "I lost my wife. I was blazing mad over this my whole life. I've got nothing left".

"It's not too late to let it go and start over"

"You're sweet but I don't think you know what it's like to have something change you in your soul"

"I do"

"Don't let it turn you"

Lucy and Alex entered the house to see Meredith having dinner with Susan, Thatcher and Derek. "Alex, Lucy, come join us", Meredith said. "Oh, yay, that should be fun", Lucy muttered sarcastically. They sat down. "So, how was your day, how are you guys?" Meredith asked. "Fine, hungry", they said in unison, grabbing food. Suddenly, the lights went out. "Sorry, I blew a fuse", Izzie yelled from the kitchen. Thatcher got up. "I'll go check it in the laundry room", he said before leaving. "I keep forgetting he used to live here", Meredith sighed.

"I can't believe you told Izzie!" Holly yelled. "Oh, wait, of course I can because you and her seem to have this secret little club that I'm never a part of". "That is not true. Izzie is looking out for me", George said. "You've been lying to me about your background this whole time!"

"Do not throw that in my face, this is the exact thing I was trying to avoid. And news flash, Izzie's not looking out for you, she has feelings for you!"

"That's ridiculous. She's Izzie. She's blond, stacked and a supermodel. I'm George"

"And what does that make me?"

"Holly, you know I didn't mean it like that"

"Get out"


"Get the hell out!"

Meredith, Susan, Alex and Lucy were sitting at the dinner table, conversing comfortably. Cristina entered the house. "I have a crisis", she blurted. "Oh, Cristina, it's okay. I don't need rescuing, Susan is very nice", Meredith said.

"It's an actual crisis. Colin Marlow is about to end my marriage"

"Holy shit, that is a crisis", Lucy said. George entered. "Where's Izzie?" he asked. "In the kitchen", Lucy replied, looking confused. Alex's phone started to ring. Holly's name flashed on the screen. He showed her the name with a worried look on his face. She gestured for him to go.

Alex knocked on the door of Holly's hotel room. "Alex?" she asked. "Yeah, it's me,'' Alex replied. She opened the door to reveal her flushed and tear-stained face. Alex's face immediately softened. "What happened? What did he do? I'll kill him", Alex said through gritted teeth. Her lip began trembling and she began to cry. Alex pulled her into his chest and rubbed her back soothingly.  

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is scared of lonely by beyonce

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