Chapter Two

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"At any given moment, the brain has 14 billion neurons firing at a speed of 450 miles per hour. We don't have control over most of them. When we get a chill: goosebumps. When we get excited: adrenaline. The body naturally follows its impulses, which I think that's part of what makes it so hard for us to control ours. Of course, sometimes we have impulses we'd rather not control, that we later wish we had. The body is a slave to its impulses. But the thing that makes us human is what we can control. After the storm, after the rush, after the heat of the moment has passed, we can cool off and clean up the messes we made, we can try to let go of what was. Then again..."  

"let her save this world, she is just a girl"

Richard, Bailey and the interns entered Dana Seabury's room where she was eating cake. "I had it delivered to my room", she said when they stared at it. "I know I'm scheduled for surgery but I'm thinking you could push it". "Dana, your lung cancer is aggressive", Bailey said. "So the sooner we operate the better".

"I understand that but I've always lived a very healthy life and yet, I have lung cancer"

"Kepner, reschedule the surgery and get a psych consult", Richard said to Holly outside the room. "And no food deliveries". He walked off. The interns followed Bailey and gave each other looks and eventually Lucy cleared her throat. Bailey stared at her. "Um, we were thinking that maybe you could help get Izzie back", Lucy said. "It's just that, she's baking a lot of muffins". "I refuse to listen to you", she replied.

Bailey and the interns joined Derek in Benjamin O'Leary's room. "Benjamin O'Leary, he has a tumour that's pressing on his front temporal lobe, which affects his impulse control", Cristina presented. "It makes me say anything I think", Benjamin said. "I wonder if you have a deep hatred for Dr Shephard or if that's just your face". Lucy snorted and Derek glared at her. "Dr Yang will prep you for surgery", Derek said. "Dr Shepherd, is Dr Grey your girlfriend?" Benjamin asked. "Because the way you look at her, you may as well mount her right here and now". "Wow", Lucy muttered.

"You reflect on me well", Bailey said sarcastically. "Grey, follow up on labs and do charts, Karev, cover the pit since Dr Montgomery Shepherd is out". She stopped talking when she noticed the panties on the bulletin board. "Whose panties are on the bulletin board?" she yelled. George, Alex and Lucy snickered. Lucy hid her laugh in Alex's chest. "I know they belong to one of you", Bailey said. Callie approached them. "Sorry Bailey, those are mine", she said, grabbing them off the board.

Lucy entered the stairwell to see Derek and Meredith almost kiss. "Unbelievable", Lucy groaned. Derek walked away. "Meredith, are you insane?" she asked. "He's married!" "He's ending it today", Meredith defended.

"Yeah, well, maybe keep your tongue in your own throat until then"

In the ER, Alex tied Lucy's trauma gown as he talked to Callie. "So, those really your panties?" he asked her, earning a smack from Lucy. "You are not allowed to ask her any personal questions", Bailey said. "I don't understand why you won't talk to Izzie", Lucy said.

"Do you wanna push me today?"

"I feel like I don't"

"Good job. I'll find you a lollipop"

They entered the ambulance bay. "Harley Hernandez, he was street-luging when he lost control and hit a car. He was catapulted at least 20 feet into the air and landed on a pile of tree trimmings", the paramedic said. "I'm guessing massive internal injuries on top of an obvious pelvic fracture". They looked at the patient to see he was impaled by a tree.

"We're going to take good care of you", Bailey assured Harley. "You're so stupid", his father yelled. He blocked the doctors' path so Alex threw him aside pushing him against a wall leaving him with a bleeding nose. "Alex!" Lucy reprimanded. "No, you go inside and help the patient, I'll deal with your idiot of a boyfriend", Bailey said to Lucy who directed the patient's father inside as Bailey yelled at Alex.

Holly entered the kitchen and discovered all the muffins. She went upstairs to Izzie's room and discovered she was sleeping and left her alone. A few minutes later, Izzie came down the stairs. "I'm going to Joe's with my muffins", she said. "Okay, I'll come", Holly said, packing them into a basket.

Izzie and Holly entered Joe's with the basket of muffins. "I made a lot of muffins", Izzie said to Joe. "I thought you'd like some". "Thank you", he said, smiling. A drunk Addison approached them. "Did you two know about the slutty sex Meredith and Derek had", Addison slurred. Holly looked at the floor. "Have a muffin", Izzie told her. "They'll help".

"I may be beyond help", Addison replied.

"I think I am too".

Addison took a muffin as Izzie and Holly left the bar.

Richard, Bailey, Callie, Alex and Lucy were operating on Harley. They were working to stabilise the organs around the trunk. "Have the parents said their goodbyes?" Richard asked. "His mother's not here yet", Lucy said. "And his father's too busy blaming his son", Alex added. "That's enough out of you", Bailey snapped.

"You've got me mixed up with Izzie"

They finally removed the last chunk of the tree. "His renal artery's collapsed", Richard said. "He's bleeding fast". They packed him with laps.

"He's still in V-fib", Lucy said.

Addison and Lucy sat in Joe's. "I've decided to become gloriously fat until I figure out a new plan", Addison said. "That's a good plan", Lucy said, sipping her drink.

"My marriage is over. The last third of my life is over. I'm desirable. Right?"

"Yes, if I were single I would totally date you"

"I don't need you to tell me how wildly attractive I am"

"Okay, then"

"Your cab is here", Joe said. "You asked me to call you one at 10".

"It's probably for the best", Lucy said. "Come on, Addie, I'll help you".

Alex entered the bar and sat down next to Lucy and ordered a beer. "Hi", she said. "You okay from this morning?" "Yeah, I'm fine. You?" he replied.


"You know what I want?" Lucy said to Alex. "What?" he asked, sipping his beer.

"I've never been spontaneous and fun that wasn't in a reckless way and I missed my chance"

"I don't know how I can help with that. Sorry"

"Wanna do it in the bathroom"


She went to the bathroom. He took a sip from his beer and followed her.

Lucy and Alex exited the bathroom and were met with Bailey. She stared at them judgmentally. Lucy smiled awkwardly at her. Alex grabbed her hand and led her away.

"Izzie made a lot of muffins today but I don't care because they taste really good", Holly said, sitting into bed with George. "What?" He snapped out of the daze he was in by looking at her. "Nothing, it's just um...", George said. "I just realised I don't want to be with anyone else but you".


"There's no one else for me. No one could make me happier than you"

She kissed him and lay on his chest to sleep.

Lucy and Alex slept in her room when her phone began to ring. Lucy groaned before answering it. "Hello?" she said. "Lucy, it's me", Addison said.

"What's up?"

"I slept with Mark and Derek came to the hotel and our marriage is over"

"Wait, Mark's here?"


"And Derek saw him and knows you slept with him?"


"And your marriage is over?"


"Oh my god, that's a lot of information. Are you okay?"

"I don't know"

"Do you want me to come over"

"I don't know"

"Ok, I'll see you in a few minutes"

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is apple tree by aurora

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