Chapter Seventeen

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*TRIGGER WARNING* this chapter contains suicide references. read with caution. love y'all!

"There are medical miracles. Being worshippers of the altar of science, we don't like to believe miracles exist. But they do. Things happen. We can't explain them, we can't control them, but they do happen. Miracles do happen in medicine. They happen everyday, just not always when we need them to happen. At the end of a day like this, a day when so many prayers are answered and so many aren't, we take our miracles where we find them. We reach across the gap and sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we touch"

"sometimes we can't choose things we are drawn to. ones we are bound to lose. no one ever knows where it's gonna go but some goodbyes come with hellos"

Addison approached the interns. "It's not looking good", she said. Alex looked down at the floor, fury building inside him. "Dammit!" he yelled before punching the wall beside him. He put his head in his hands before storming off.

Holly found him sitting in the tunnels. She sat beside him. "I don't want to hear an inspiring speech right now, Kepner", he said. "I didn't say anything", she said. He looked at her for a second before his eyes started watering. His head fell into her shoulder as he cried and she rubbed his arm soothingly.

"Lucy, you called us here", Denny said. "I don't think so", Lucy said. "So, what happened in the water?"

Lucy wandered around the hospital. "Are you ready to talk now?" Denny asked. "Or do you wanna waste more time?"

After hearing Derek reprimand Ellis, Addison took Derek out of the room. "This isn't going to fix them, Derek", Addison said. "It's my fault", Derek said. "I wasn't there for Lucy. She pulled away and I did nothing".

"You're not saying, she went into the water on purpose"

"I'm saying both of them. Meredith knows how to swim and Lucy's been taking swimming lessons since she was in diapers"

He started to break down. "Derek, you don't get to break down when there's still a chance", she said, eyes watering. She left and sat in a storage closet and cried.

"What happened in the water?" Denny asked Lucy. "I fell into the water and uh, I started to fight and to swim", Lucy said, her voice breaking. "But then, I stopped. It's like I saw the life I was fighting for as I was fighting and I thought what's the point".

"You can't stay here"

"I don't want to!"

"I know you do. It's easier to stay here, but you can't. Your friends don't deserve this. Do you realise the impact you have on Alex? He thinks he's a good person because of you. He already is but you help him. He told me he loved you before he told you because he didn't want you to run away. He's waiting for you, and if you don't come back from this, he'll go back to believing that he's not a good person. And we both know how much you don't want that"

"I didn't expect this, okay?" Lucy said. "I let go for a second. I didn't think about anybody else. It was selfish, I know it was. But just for a little while, I wanted for once, for it not to be so difficult just to live. Just for once. I'm sorry".

"Sometimes Izzie and I are in the exact same place at the exact same time", Denny said. "I can almost hear her voice. It's like I'm touching her. I like to believe she also knows I'm there. That's all you get. Moments with the people you love. They move on, and you want them to, but still, those moments are all you get". "Is this really happening?" she asked, practically out of breath.

"I don't know. This is your afterlife, not mine"

Denny then disappeared. Suddenly, Lucy was surrounded by water. She began to panic. She got up from the floor.

Lucy wandered to the ER. She looked around for Denny. "I want to go back", she yelled, tears streaming down her face. "I just want to know if I'm out of time. I can't stay here. We fought today. I pushed him away but I don't want to. I pushed Derek away but I don't want to. Just a whiff of them, it's not enough. I need to go back now. Please, let me go back! Please! Please! Please".

Lucy went out into the hallway. Denny stood at one end of the hallway and a gurney was at the other end. "Go", Denny said. "Run". She began to run towards the gurney.

Meredith and Lucy finally woke up.

Alex stood in the doorway of Lucy's room. She looked over at him and he smiled. "I'm sorry", she whispered. He kissed her. "Please, don't lie to me", Alex said.

"It was just a split second thing, but I'm fine now, I promise"

Although Alex was scared and didn't believe her, he smiled reassuringly nonetheless.

Derek walked into Lucy's room. He looked at her. She looked back and smiled before suddenly bursting into uncontrollable sobs. He approached the bed and sat down before she threw her arms around him. When she pulled away, she lay back down. "You know how to swim", he said. "I stopped fighting", she replied.

"I love you, Lucy. Please, don't ever stop fighting, ever. I should've fought for you, it's my fault but I'm fighting for you now and I'm not giving up"

"I love you too"

Addison entered Lucy's room and sat down on the bed. "You can lie to everyone and say that you're fine but I know you", Addison said. "You're a fighter, so, when you stop fighting, I know you're not fine"

"Addie, I'm fine, really", Lucy reassured.

"I told you not to lie to me"

"I don't know, okay? I don't know what's wrong with me. Everything just suddenly felt heavy when I fought. Then I stopped, and everything stopped feeling so heavy and for a moment, I felt peaceful. Just for a moment. I'm sorry"

Addison hugged her tightly as she fought back tears. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is some goodbyes come with hellos by celeste

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