Chapter Fifteen

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"Disappearances happen in science. Disease can suddenly fade away, tumours go missing, and we open someone up to discover the cancer is gone. It's unexplained, it's rare, but it happens. We call it mis-diagnosis, say we never saw it in the first place, any explanation but the truth. That life is full of vanishing acts. If something that we didn't know we had disappears, do we miss it?" 

"'cause i'm only human just like you. been making my mistakes, oh, if you only knew. i don't think you should believe in me the way that you do. 'cause i'm terrified to let you down. if i walk on water, i'll drown"

Lucy sat in the bathtub, staring blankly ahead. She went under and closed her eyes. "Lucy", Alex called, looking down at her. She didn't respond. He pulled her out of the water. "What are you doing?" he asked. She didn't answer.

Lucy went to her room. Soon enough, Alex followed after her. "What the hell was that?" he asked. "What?" she replied.

"Oh come on, you just tried to drown yourself in the tub"

"No, I didn't!"

"Look, is this about Derek?"

"No, oh my god, not everything is about him, Alex"

"Lucy, I'm just trying to help you"

"Don't, okay? I don't need you to. Just get out, I have to get ready"


"Alex, get the fuck out!"

The interns were getting ready in the locker room. Alex approached Lucy at her locker. "Are you okay?" he asked her. "Quit asking me that! I told you, I'm fine", Lucy exclaimed.

The interns were doing triage training when Richard approached them. "There has been a mass casualty incident", he said. "I need to send a team onto the field. I have no details about the incident".

The interns except Cristina sat in the ambulance as Bailey explained what they needed to do. The ambulance arrived and they got out. They were shocked to see that a container ship had crashed into a ferry, which was on fire. "There's no protocol", Bailey said. "You just have to help people".

Meredith and Lucy were examining a woman. "Her injuries look minor", Lucy concluded. "You'll be helped soon, I promise", Meredith said to the woman. Lucy then noticed a crying girl. She nudged Meredith and pointed to the girl. Lucy approached her. "Where's your mom?" she asked the girl. The girl shrugged.

A man with burns approached Holly. "Oh, sir, the treatment area is right over there", Holly said. "No, I need you to come with me because one of my buddies is trapped under a car", he said.

"You'll need search and rescue"

"We tried but they're backed up"

On the ferry, Holly and Vince arrived at the place where Rick was trapped under a car. "Rick, you're going to be okay. I found a doctor", Vince said. Holly took in a shaky breath.

Holly was examining Rick. "We were driving to work together", Vince explained. "When the accident happened, we tried to help people, but there was this big jolt that landed Rick under the car". "I-I see injuries to the um, chest and legs and uh, a broken arm, and I suspect pelvic and spinal injuries as well", Holly stuttered nervously. "However, there's not much I can do until we get him out".

"Do what you can"

Holly gave Greg her red tag. "Show this to search and rescue and tell them Rick can't wait", she said.

Lucy and Meredith were walking around with the little girl while Lucy held her hand. "You're gonna have to find another grown-up to help you find your mom", Lucy said. Lucy and Meredith then noticed a wounded businessman pulling himself onto the pier. They left the girl with a police officer and ran over to the man.

On the ferry, Rick continued to lose a lot of blood. Holly ran out of gauze from the bag. "Oh no, no, no", she said, running her hands through her hair. "Get me some paper towels". Another friend of Rick's ran off to get them. "This is really painful", Rick complained. "I've given you all the pain meds I have", Holly said. "I could, um, set Rick's arm, that could help with the pain". "You're hesitating. Why are you hesitating?" Vince asked.

"I'm not. Can you hold Rick's hand while I do this. Okay, okay, I can do this, I think"

She began to set the arm.

"What happened to you?" Lucy asked the businessman. "Some metal thing hit my leg", he explained. "I was thrown off the ferry and swam to the pier". She started to apply pressure to the gushing wound on his leg as Meredith handed her gauze. Blood began to leak through the gauze. Lucy looked up. She nudged Meredith. Meredith looked up to see the little girl standing next to them.

"Turn around, please", Lucy said to the girl. "We all have to work together to save this man". The girl finally turned around. "Don't look at the blood, okay?" Lucy said.

Holly splinted the arm. "We told Rick not to go back and help people out of the cars, but that's just the kind of guy Rick is", Vince said. "Rick has 5 kids". "I really don't need to hear about the kids right now", Holly said. "Don't worry about me", Rick said before losing consciousness.

"His left pupil's blown", Holly said. "We don't have a lot of time. He's seizing! There's nothing I can do". "That's not enough", Vince said. "You have to figure out a way to help Rick right here, right now".

Lucy and Meredith had stitched up the businessman's leg. "There's no more bleeding", Meredith said. "We just have to bandage the leg, find transport to the hospital for him, and then we can look for your mom", Lucy said. The man started panicking. Lucy and Meredith grabbed his arm and tried to calm him down but he ended up knocking them off the pier. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is walk on water by eminem featuring beyonce

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