Chapter Six

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"To make it- really make it- as a surgeon, it takes major commitment. We have to be willing to pick up that scalpel and make a cut that may do more damage than good. It's all about being committed, because if we're not, we have no business picking up that scalpel in the first place. There are times when even the best of us have trouble with commitment, and we may be surprised at the commitments we're willing to let slip out our grasp. Commitments are complicated. We may surprise ourselves with the commitments we're willing to make. True commitment takes effort and sacrifice. Which is why sometimes, we have to learn the hard way to choose our commitments very carefully" 

"i'm scared of love. it's in my blood so i blame myself"

The interns watched as Cristina gave a nurse instructions about Burke's surgery. "I think she's taking advantage of her situation", Alex remarked. Lucy smacked his arm. "You don't even know what you're talking about", Meredith said. Lucy nodded in agreement but she and Meredith shared worried looks when Cristina took the marker from the nurse.

The interns prepared to go home. "I haven't heard from Derek in a week", Meredith said to Cristina and Lucy. "Not since I told him I broke up with Finn". "Cristina, you wanna get a drink with us and catch up?" Lucy asked. "I can't, I have to study for Burke's surgeries tomorrow", Cristina said. Across the room, George and Holly prepared to go home. George helped Holly into her jacket and pulled her hair out of it before pecking her on the lips. He took her hand and they went home.

George, Lucy and Meredith rode on the elevator with a nervous Izzie. Izzie got off for HR. "I need to talk", Meredith blurted. "Okay", George said, stopping the elevator. "There was a beautiful woman in Derek's trailer and he was naked", Meredith said. "What?!" Lucy exclaimed. "He's such an asshat"

"Shhh, you don't get an opinion because you have a blind hatred for him. George, be Cristina"

"McDreamy was doing the McNasty with the McHottie, that McBastard", George said. Lucy burst out laughing. "I've decided no more dating, I'm focusing on my career", Meredith said.

In the ambulance bay, Holly was bringing Addison up to speed on the patient. "Noelle is expecting twins, she's at 32 weeks and one appears to be developing more slowly than the other", Holly said. They greeted Noelle and Greg, her fiancé. They entered the hospital. "I don't understand why Mercy West sent her in an ambulance", Addison said. "She doesn't seem urgent enough for that". "I needed a specialist because of my thing", Noelle said. Holly read her file and her eyes widened. "Noelle has two uteruses", Holly said. "That's rare".

Meredith, Lucy and Izzie were walking on the catwalk. Izzie accidentally bumped into a guy that Derek was talking to. "I need to talk to Meredith", Derek said. "I have to stay by her side, like a shadow", Izzie laughed. "And I don't want to leave because I feel like this might be embarrassing for you", Lucy said. Nancy came over. "Seattle's nice by day", she commented. "Lucy?" "Nancy?" Lucy questioned. "What are you doing here?" Nancy hugged her while Lucy uncomfortably hugged back. "Meredith, Stevens, this is my sister Nancy", Derek said. "So you're the one who made Addison run off", Nancy said to Meredith. "Nancy!" Lucy reprimanded. "Go home right now", Derek said to Nancy. Lucy, Meredith and Izzie walked away. "McDreamy's sister is McBitchy", Izzie giggled as they walked away. "You should meet Liz and Kate", Lucy said.

Holly and George were with Noelle and Greg. "I decided I was ham when I saw Noelle", Greg said. "See, I have a ham or eggs metaphor. A chicken lays eggs and is involved, but a pig needs to be slaughtered in order to make ham so it's really committed". "I understand it", George said. Holly nodded in agreement.

Lucy approached Nancy. "What are you doing here?" Lucy asked her. "You're not happy to see your favourite sister?" Nancy said.

"No, not really. And we all know Amelia's my favourite"

"What, because your drug buddies?"

"Wow, you really haven't changed at all. You're just as bitchy as when you were in high school"

"Nancy pants?" Mark said, after spotting Nancy. "Hey, loser", Nancy said, hugging him. "What are you doing here?"

"Derek is my family and I needed a change of pace. Plus, I slept with my tennis partner's wife and he went out and bought a gun"

"Classy as always, Mark", Lucy said, her arms folded. Addison then came over and hugged Nancy. They spotted Derek watching them. Nancy motioned for him to come over. "Oh, please don't bring over a second family member", Lucy muttered. Derek walked away. Nancy went to go after him. "Don't forget to stop by and see the two uteruses later", Addison said to Nancy before she got into the elevator with Derek. "That was fun", Lucy said sarcastically. "Oh, come on, you didn't miss Nancy a little bit", Addison said.

"Yeah, a little. Then she called me and Amelia drug buddies and I missed her a little less"


"It's fine, I don't care. I just need to be by myself for a while. Excuse me"

George and Holly stood at the nurses station. "Hey, guess what?" he said. "What?" she replied.

"We're pigs"

"I'm sorry"

"In that guy's metaphor, we're committed, we're pigs"

"Oh my god, you're such an idiot"

"An idiot you love"

"An idiot I love"

She smiled at him. He smiled back.

The interns sat in a patient's room. Izzie entered the room. "Izzie, this is really old guy", George said. "He sleeps all the time so it's quiet and nobody bothers him". Izzie moved some of Cristina's books to sit down. "Uh uh, other corner", Cristina said. "Ooh, someone's touchy", Lucy said, from where she and Alex sat on the windowsill their legs splayed all over each other's. Cristina glared at her. "So, Kepner, O'Malley, two uteruses, huh? What's that like?" Alex asked. "I don't care, though". "You seem very interested for a guy who doesn't care,'' Lucy whispered to him. Meredith won her card game against George before leaving the room. "Ooh, I'll play now", Holly said, picking up the deck of cards. "The quiet is gone", Cristina said through gritted teeth before angrily packing up her stuff and leaving. "She's rude", Lucy said.

"Is Greg here?" Noelle asked, hyperventilating. "Dr Montgomery, one of the babies is bradycardic", Holly said.

"I always give Greg a hard time but I cannot do this without him"

She screamed in pain. Addison and Holly got her back into bed. "Noelle, do not push", Addison told her.

Addison and Holly operated on Noelle in the OR while Nancy observed. "The baby is moving too much, Dr Montgomery", Holly said. "I can't hold it much longer". "I need you to keep it still so I can complete the C section", Addison said.

"I don't know how"

Alex entered the OR and approached Holly. "Start talking", he told her. "What?" she asked, confused. Alex enthusiastically started talking about a boxing match which worked.

Nancy approached Lucy. "I just watched Addison perform a surgery with two uteruses!" Nancy said enthusiastically. "Addison is the best", Lucy said, not looking up from her charts.

"My plane leaves in two hours"

"What are you gonna report back to mom?"

"That you are sober. (Lucy scoffed). And that she should be really proud of you"

"Thank you"

"You should call her. She misses you"

"No, she doesn't want to be that mom who has an estranged daughter"

"You should think about going to therapy, I think it could help you"

"Well, I sleep just fine but I'll call Kate if I have any trouble"

"I have to go". Nancy turned to walk away.

"Nance". She turned back around. "Thanks for coming"

Nancy walked over and engulfed her in a hug. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is angel by beabadoobee

The Other Side-Grey's Anatomy AU-Book 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora