Chapter Nine

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"As doctors, we know everybody's secrets. Their medical histories. Sexual histories. Confidential information that is as essential to a surgeon as ten-blade, and every bit as dangerous. We keep secrets, we have to, but not all secrets can be kept. In some ways, betrayal is inevitable. When our bodies betray us, surgery is often the key to recovery. When we betray each other... When we betray each other, the path to recovery is not clear. We do whatever it takes to rebuild the trust that was lost. And then there are some wounds, some betrayals that are so deep, so profound that there is no way to repair what was lost. And when that happens, there's nothing left to do but wait" 

"dreamed last night about a time and place where from our troubles, we had escaped"

Lucy and Alex were cuddling in bed when Cristina burst through the door. Lucy and Alex sat up, startled. "Dude, what the hell?" Alex said. "Lucy, Meredith's room, now", Cristina said before leaving. Lucy rubbed her eyes. She kissed Alex before leaving the room. She passed by Derek in the hallway before entering Meredith's room and climbing into the bed. "You woke me up, this better be good", Lucy said. "Ew, why are you so sweaty?" "I jogged here", Cristina said.


"Okay, what if Derek or Alex robbed a bank and you were supposed to drive the getaway car? Would you turn yourself in or would you let them go down by themselves? Or would you stand by them?"

"Whose idea was it?"

"It was theirs, but could you live with yourselves if you walked away from the man you love?"

"What's this really about?"

Cristina got up. "I'll see you guys at work", Cristina said. "We don't jog", Meredith said.

"I jog without you guys sometimes"

She then left.

Alex, Lucy and Meredith arrived at the ER and were gowned. "A driver lost control and plowed through the fish market at the wharf", Bailey said. "I need all hands on deck". They then entered the chaotic ER as Bailey assigned them cases.

Callie, Cristina, Lucy and Derek took care of the driver, Larry Dickerson. "Head trauma and leg injury", Lucy said. "Can I have some x-rays?" Callie asked.

"Larry's head hit the windshield and his chest hit the steering column"

"The car was driving him rather than the other way around", his wife said. "Larry couldn't stop it". "Yang, Shepherd, take him up to radiology", Derek said. The two left to do so.

Holly entered Harold's room. "How are you feeling, Mr O'Malley?" Holly asked. "Oh, great, fine", he responded. "How are things with you and George?" Louise asked. "Any wedding plans? How many kids do you want?" Holly chuckled awkwardly and tried to stutter out a response before her pager went off. "Oh, well, I gotta go. I'll be back later", she said before practically running off.

Meredith, Alex, Holly, Addison and Mark were working on Janelle in a trauma room. Mark and Alex began stitching up the cuts. "She needs a chest tube", Meredith said. "The baby looks strong", Holly said. "I no longer talk to the father and he doesn't know I'm pregnant", Janelle said. Callie burst into the room. "I need to talk to Dr Grey", Callie said. "I'll come find you once I'm done with this chest tube", Meredith said.

"And I need to talk to Dr Lucy Shepherd. Where is she?"

"With Larry Dickerson, I think"

Callie left the room. Bailey came in. "You're not doing a chest tube", Bailey said. "Her x-ray revealed a shard of glass in her heart".

Izzie, Lucy and Meredith entered the locker room. Callie came in and rolled up her sleeves. They all looked alarmed. "I'm going to kick your asses", Callie said to Lucy and Meredith. Callie pushed Meredith against the lockers. "I was your friend when I said the panties were mine", Callie said. "I was a friend then. Not to mention the adulterous McSex I witnessed, remember that? You and Lucy told everyone about my night with McSteamy. My night with McSteamy was not yours to share". "That's what this is about, your night with McSteamy?" Izzie asked.

"You told Izzie?"

Izzie stepped in front of Meredith. "I'm sorry but she's very little and you're hurting her", Izzie said. Callie stormed out. "Dude, she went all cage fighter on you", Izzie giggled. Lucy followed Callie out.

"Callie, wait", Lucy said. Callie stopped and turned around. "I didn't tell anyone, it was Meredith", Lucy said. "I can't believe you would think I would betray your trust like that. I'm your friend". "Yeah, but you're their friend too. When you're their friend, you'll never take my side", Callie said.

"I don't take sides. But if I had to in this particular situation, it would be yours"

"I know, right?"

Lucy laughed and they hugged.

Holly found George sitting in the stairwell. She sat down beside him. He let his head rest on her shoulder.

George, Holly, Meredith and Lucy left the hospital together when they spotted Cristina sitting on a bench. Lucy and Meredith stopped and sat beside her. Holly stopped also but George took her hand and pulled her away. "It was both of our ideas to rob the bank", Cristina said. "I can't do it anymore". "You did the right thing", Lucy said. Meredith nodded in agreement. "I walked across the parking lot and realised I can't go home", Cristina said. "Where am I supposed to go?"

George came into Holly's room and sat down on the bed. "What was up with you today?" Holly asked him. "I'm scared", George said. "I don't want my father to die".

"Okay. Do you want me to kiss you or leave you alone?"

"Kiss me"

She smiled and she kissed him.

Alex and Lucy were in bed. "Everything's changing", Lucy said. "It's like everything is suddenly complicated. Everything's in knots. But not like regular knots, military knots. It's really complicated". He hugged her and kissed her forehead. "Everything is going to be fine, okay?" Alex said. "We're gonna be fine".  

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