Chapter Eleven

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"i know i be on some bullshit. know i be driving you crazy"

Alex watched a sleeping Lucy with soft eyes and a smile. She woke up. "Good morning", he smiled. "Were you watching me sleep cause that's really creepy", she laughed. He smiled before kissing her.

The interns wandered the halls together. "So, Cristina, how are you and Burke?" Holly asked. Cristina didn't answer. "They're not talking", Lucy said. "So, how's Burke's hand?" Cristina asked. "Nope, we are not getting in the middle of your fight with Burke", Lucy said. "Maybe you should just swallow your pride and ask him yourself", Holly said. "Yeah, we'll call that plan b", Cristina said. They entered Harold's room where the entire O'Malley family had gathered. Louise hugged Holly and they all enthusiastically greeted the doctors. George presented the case which was met with cheering. He caught Holly's eye who looked away. "Okay, if the extended family could clear the room", Bailey said. They all left the room. "Harold is feeling great", Louise said. "Which is why we had everyone come out". "I would like to know about chemo and stuff", Harold said. "It depends on what we find when we open you up", Richard said. "We need to get a good look inside to see if the cancer has spread", Holly said. "The oncologist will talk you through all that". "I'll be taking you through a final battery of pre-op tests", Meredith said.

The interns entered Burke's room. "The I and D surgery for the compressive hematoma on the brachial plexus went well and there are no signs of infection", Alex presented. "Mer, ask about his hand", Cristina whispered. Lucy snorted at her antics.

The interns entered Heather's room, a teenage girl with severe scoliosis. "Just so you know, I'm not a brave, heartwarming differently-abled patient", Heather said. Callie entered the room as Lucy started to present. "Heather's history includes VATER syndrome, a genetic condition that affects vertebrae, among other things", Lucy said. "Remembering the acronym is easier than living with it", Heather said.

"Today, we are removing kidney stones and performing a thoracoplasty to relieve pressure on her lungs"

"Have you ever tried anything more radical?" Callie asked. "I had a steel rod inserted into my spine but it just bent", Heather said. "Kidney stones may seem minor, but it will improve your quality of life", Lucy said. "Will the surgery get me laid?" Heather asked. "I think doctors shouldn't make promises they can't keep".

Bailey gave out assignments. "Grey, Kepner, Mr O'Malley's case, Yang, pit, Karev, Sloan, Stevens, Shepherd, you can prep Heather", she assigned.

Izzie and Lucy prepped Heather. "You guys are way too hot to be doctors", Heather said. "I know, it's really hard", Lucy said sarcastically.

"People that look like you are supposed to be dumb. I'll probably die with you guys in my surgery"

"Well, I'll be on the surgery but Dr Stevens won't"

"So, she isn't a doctor?"

"I am a doctor", Izzie said. "I cut my fiancé's LVAD wire so I'm on probation". "So much for my theory that life doesn't suck for pretty people", Heather said. "I'm sorry for being a bitch". "Really?" Lucy said. "I thought it was refreshing".

Alex watched Lucy sleep again. "This is getting creepy", Lucy said. "Why are you always up before me". "I'm a light sleeper", he said. "Okay, you snore a little".

"I do not!"

"You do. It's okay, I find it charming"

"You know what I don't find charming?"


"Your morning breath"

"You're mean in the morning"

Derek, Callie, Izzie and Lucy were with Heather. "I may be able to help you with your spinal curvature", Derek said. "I think I can get you standing up straight. I'd be able to remove part of your spine and replace it with a titanium mesh cage". "There have been some successful cases", Callie said. "But, failing cases have resulted in paralysis or death". "Dr Shepherd is the best there is", Lucy said. Derek looked at her and smiled at her but she looked away. "No, this surgery will not go ahead", Heather's mother said. "Death is not the worst thing that can happen to a person", Heather said. "I'm in".

Richard, Bailey, Meredith and Holly were operating on Harold. "There are mets throughout the stomach, the celiac lymph nodes and the liver", Richard said. "So, we have to close him up?" Holly asked. "No, we'll proceed", Bailey said. "Harold wants to fight", Richard said. "George doesn't know, does he?" Holly said.

George stood outside Harold's ICU room. George was panicking. Holly approached him. "Breathe, okay?" Holly said. George looked at her and smiled. She smiled back.

Lucy woke up in an empty bed. She found Alex sleeping in George's bed. "Seriously?!" Lucy yelled, waking him up. "Where's George?" "He slept at the hospital", Alex said.

"You're pathetic"

Lucy approached Alex at the nurses station. "I have trust issues and abandonment issues", Lucy said. "So you can't just not sleep in the same bed with me and expect me to be fine with it. So don't do that to me, okay? Cause I love you and I can hold a grudge, trust me, you do not want me to be angry with you. So just deal with my snoring, please". Alex kissed her.

Holly got paged to the OR to scrub in on a surgery with Addison and Alex. They began to operate. "Kepner, what do you see?" Addison said. "The NG tube has eroded right through the stomach wall. We'll need to resect an entire portion of the stomach", Holly said. The monitor began to beep. "She's hypotensive", Addison said. They manage to fix it with meds. "That's a relief, because people will think I did it on purpose if I lose Meredith's niece", Addison said.

Holly entered Harold's room as George obsessively checked his urine output. "130 cc's in 4 hours!" George exclaimed triumphantly. Holly cheered and they began to dance. George then grabbed her face and kissed her. "Thank you", he whispered to her.

Lucy and Alex were sleeping. Lucy wore a nasal strip on her nose but was still snoring. Alex stared at her in disbelief.  

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is six thirty by ariana grande

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