Chapter Twelve

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"how in the midst of all this sorrow can so much hope and love endure?"

Alex and Lucy were sleeping when her alarm went off. He had his head covered with a pillow. "Turn it off!" he yelled. "By the way, the nose strip doesn't work". He kissed her. "Whatever, go shave", Lucy said.

Holly sat at the breakfast bar while Izzie made french toast and George entered the kitchen. He kissed Holly on the head before his eyes widened as he looked at the fridge. "The check is gone", George said. He started to look on the floor while Izzie rolled her eyes and Holly chuckled. "It's at the bank", Izzie deadpanned. "Oh, that's great", he exclaimed. "There's so much you could do with that money!" "George, I don't think that's quite what she's thinking right now", Holly said.

"Life is short and now she can do whatever she wants"

"It's like talking to a wall"

"Well, now you've distracted me and my french toast is burned", Izzie said. "You can buy new french toast!" George exclaimed. 

Izzie, Holly, Cristina, Lucy and Meredith observed Thatcher as he made a phone call. He spilled coffee while doing so. "I can't believe I am related to that man", Meredith said. "He's a stammering clumsy disaster". Thatcher then used a newspaper to clean up the coffee. The other three gave each other a look. "Well...", Holly trailed off. "You have this way of nervous talking and being messy", Lucy said. "Dead fiance, shaky hands, doesn't even talk to her boyfriend and estranged family", Meredith said before walking away. "Well, I don't think there was any need for that", Lucy said.

Lucy and Izzie arrived in Heather's room where Bailey and Derek were already. "The surgery is on", Bailey informed. "An anonymous donor is footing Heather's bill". "You're a lucky girl", Izzie said. "Never heard that one before", Heather said. Bailey and Lucy stared Izzie down before they left the room together.

"I know exactly what happened here", Bailey said. "Heather's desperate, so I spent 300 grand to improve her life", Izzie said.

"I was hoping you did it so you could scrub in. This again shows how overly involved you are. Dr Shepherd will be scrubbing in, you are not".

Callie and Lucy sat down with Addison for lunch. "So, apparently I snore pretty loudly", Lucy said but Addison wasn't paying attention. "It's all about Addison '', Callie joked. Lucy chuckled. "I aborted Mark's baby", Addison blurted. Lucy dropped her fork. "Okay, now it's all about you", Lucy said. "It happened about eight months ago", Addison explained. "I peed on a stick and I wasn't even gonna tell him, but I did. He went out and bought this Yankees onesie and a calendar. He marked the due date, which is today. I wanted Derek, and a baby with Derek. I never thought I'd end up alone". "Hey, if I could, I'd get you pregnant", Lucy smiled. "You have not ended up anywhere", Callie said. "It just feels that way sometimes", Addison said. "This is one of those times".

"So, what are your thoughts on laser surgery for your snoring?" Alex asked Lucy as they lay in bed. "Well, I hate your stubble", Lucy said.

"I'm too tired to shave"

"Fight a little harder", George said to his father before kissing his forehead. Holly stood watching from the doorway. "You okay?" Holly asked. "I don't know", George said, staring at his father. "He just can't die".

"Everything's gonna be fine"

Lucy and Mark stood at the nurses station. He looked at her for a second. "She told you?!" Mark asked. "What, told me what?" Lucy said.

"Do you think I'd be a terrible father?"

"Do you like kids?"

"Depends on how loud they are?"

"You and Derek were my family"

"Do you remember birthdays or anniversaries?"

"Sometimes, but I think that's true for all men"

"Well, to some men, family is everything. I mightn't like Derek very much but family is important to him. He's gonna be a great dad. And I'm not saying you won't be great, because you will. It just wasn't the right time"

The interns and Callie gathered outside Harold's room as they unplugged him. An emotional George left the room and fell into Holly's arms as she embraced him tightly. He then left and Cristina followed him.

After she saw Cristina leave George, Lucy approached him. "Did she welcome you to the dead father's club?" Lucy asked. "Yeah, why? Are you a member?" George asked.

"Yup. My dad was shot by a couple of guys trying to steal his watch, and Derek and I watched. And I know it's really hard right now and to be honest it never stops being hard. But it gets better when you have really good people around you. I wasn't so lucky but you are. Holly is so great, don't ever let her go, okay?"

Holly took George home and they went up to his room. He sat down on the bed in silence as she stood in the middle of the room. He suddenly burst into tears. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. "I don't know how to live in a world that he's not in", George sniffled. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry", she whispered into his hair.

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is days in the sun from beauty and the beast

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