Chapter Four

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"At some point during surgical residency, most interns get a sense of who they are as doctors and the kinds of surgeons they are going to become. If you ask them, they'll tell you they are going to be general surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons. Distinctions which do more than describe their areas of expertise, they help define who they are, because outside the operating room, not only do most surgeons have no idea who they are, they're afraid to find out"  

"and with one kiss you inspired a fire of devotion"

The interns caught up with Bailey for rounds. "I don't feel well", Meredith said. "I think the stress of dating two guys is getting to me". "Finally, break up with McBastard and please, put me out of my misery", Lucy said.

"Shawn Sullivan, has had minimally invasive bypass surgery", Holly presented. "I would love to go home and go back to work", Shawn said. "They can't can you, you're the best salesman", his wife assured him. "I want the oxygen mask back on", Bailey ordered. "And I want your word for no fried food, no alcohol and no cigarettes". "You have my word, Dr Bailey", he replied.

"Mrs Sullivan, you can go fill out the paperwork to take your husband home"

Holly got paged and joined Addison and Alex in a patient's room. "The baby is still at minus three station", Holly informed. "How should we progress?" Addison asked.

"We monitor the baby and if the descent stops entirely during active labour, we perform a C-section"

Addison smiled proudly at Holly. "I want a natural birth", the woman objected. "I won't miss out on that experience just because it's more convenient for you".

The other interns exited Shawn's room when everyone saw Mark Sloan shaking hands with the chief. "Is that...", Lucy said. "Mark Sloan", Addison finished. "Wish it wasn't". Meredith then threw up earning concerned and confused looks from everyone. "Mr Sullivan, don't light that!" Lucy yelled as he lit a cigarette. The warning came too late and Shawn's face was engulfed in flames. The doctors rushed into his room. "Code red", Bailey called.

Derek fussed over Meredith while Lucy pretended to be sick making Cristina laugh. He walked away to confront Richard. "This should be fun. I'm gonna go where all the interesting drama is", Lucy said. She approached Addison who was questioning Mark. Richard walked off with Derek following him up the stairs. "Mark, hi", Lucy said, hugging him. "Hey, baby blue, what's up?" Mark asked.

"Just wondering why you're here. I'm also excited to see the repercussions of you being here"

Meredith threw up again. "Oh my god, are you pregnant?" Cristina asked loudly. "Oh, that's perfect", Addison said. "I have to go sort out that mess", Lucy said, walking over to Meredith. "An adulterous love child", Addison said to Derek as he walked down the stairs. "Goes along with an adulterous sociopath", Derek said, making his way over to Meredith. He tried to approach her but Lucy stopped him. "Oh, I think you've done enough", she said. Cristina and Lucy took Meredith away.

Cristina examined Meredith. "If I'm pregnant, it would have to be Derek's", Meredith said. "McBaby", Lucy scoffed. Cristina snickered. "Wait, you haven't had sex with McVet yet? Dump him, dump him right now", Cristina said. Bailey came in. "We can rule out pregnancy", Bailey said. "Yay", Lucy said, jumping in excitement.

"We'll have to run more tests"

"Can I have morphine?" Meredith asked.

Cristina and Lucy charted as they sat with a high Meredith. "If I die today, I'll be remembered as the slutty intern who dated two doctors and couldn't make a choice", Meredith said. "Appendicitis", Bailey said, entering the room. "O'Malley, prep her for surgery, you're scrubbing in". "The last time you scrubbed in on an appendectomy, you almost killed the guy", Meredith said. "007", Lucy said, not looking up from her chart. Bailey glared at the two of them. "Unfortunately, O'Malley, you're not bowing out. Prep", Bailey said.

George ran into Holly in the stairwell. "I booked us a table for dinner tonight and a night at the Archfield", Holly smiled. "Good, I can't wait", he said and kissed her cheek.

Lucy heard a patient yell at Addison and Addison left the room and walked over to her. "Since when do you walk right out just because they tell you to", Lucy said. "I'm not myself today", Addison sighed.

"I never thought Mark Sloan would ever be your type"

"I can't have Mark here. I can't function with him around"

"Want my advice?"


"Keep your legs closed in his presence and remember no man defines who you are"

Holly approached Addison as she left Meredith's room. She showed Addison Rebecca's fetal monitor images. "It may be too late for a C section for both Rebecca and the baby", Holly said. "We're doing a crash C section...right now", Addison said.

Rebecca was in severe pain. "We need to get the baby out right now", Addison said. "It's no longer a conversation. I'm not about to lose either one of you".

Mark was standing at the nurses station. Lucy approached him. "Hi, do you want Addison back?" Lucy asked. "Hi, Mark, how are you? I'm good Lucy, how are you?" Mark mocked.

"Come on, I'm serious. Do you?"

"Define want"

"Oh my god"

"McSteamy! Yoo hoo!" Meredith called from where George was wheeling her to surgery. "Oh no", Lucy commented as Mark approached Meredith. She followed him. "How's my favourite dirty mistress?" he asked. "Haven't you heard, I'm an adulterous whore!" she replied.

Rebecca admired her new son. "Thank you, Dr Montgomery Shepherd", Rebecca said. "You Dr Kepner too. She has a great future ahead of her in surgery", Addison said. Holly smiled at her.

Holly entered the locker room. "You ready to go?" she asked George. "We can't, we have to go back to the house", he replied. "It's Izzie".

"Okay, let's go"

She took his hand and they left.

George and Holly sat with Izzie. "Denny left his parents a message the night he died", Izzie said tearfully. "I can't listen to it alone". Holly and George took one of her hands each. "You're not alone. We're right here", Holly said.

Izzie picked up the phone and they started listening to the message: "Hey. It's Denny. I got a new heart and the most amazing girl Izzie Stevens has agreed to marry me. I'm sorry for being out of touch. I know you're angry with me, but I hope you can forgive me. Sometimes you have to do the wrong thing. Sometimes you have to make a big mistake in order to figure out how to make things right. Mistakes are painful but they're the only way to find out who you really are. I know who I am now and what I want. I have a new heart and the love of my life. Get on the next plane and meet my girl. Everything's going to be different now". George opened the envelope and his eyes widened. "Oh my god", he said, shocked. "What?" Holly sniffled as she wiped her tears.

"This is a check for 8.7 million dollars"

"Oh my god" 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is what kind of man by florence and the machine

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