Chapter Eight

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"Many people don't know that the human eye has a blind spot in its field of vision. There is a part of the world that we are literally blind to. The problem is, sometimes our blind spots shield us from things that really shouldn't be ignored. Sometimes our blind spots keep our lives bright and shiny. When it comes to our blind spots, maybe our brains aren't compensating. Maybe they're protecting us" 

"i don't wanna make you feel bad, but i've been trying hard not to act a fool"

Alex and Lucy were in the bath together and he was kissing her neck. "I really don't want to go to work", she said. "Then don't, I'm way more fun", Alex replied.

"Ha ha. Alex, I, um, never mind"


"No, seriously, I forgot what I was going to say"

"Dark and twisty Meredith disappears forever today", Meredith said. "I'm going to be bright and shiny from now on, life is good". "Gross, we're not friends anymore", Lucy from where she and Alex were in their usual position. "George's dad fell yesterday and broke his clavicle", Holly said, rubbing George's shoulders. "He'll be fine", Callie said when they stood at the nurses station. They went over the chart when Bailey came over looking for it. "O'Malley, you're on scut today so you're distracted", Bailey said. "I'm scrubbing in with Burke today", Cristina said. "What a surprise", Lucy said sarcastically. Cristina glared at her. "Grey, cover the pit. Kepner, Dr Montgomery. Karev, Shepherd, Sloan, Stevens you're shadowing Dr Karev", Bailey assigned.

Alex, Izzie and Lucy approached Sloan. "I have a tragic case", Mark said. "I found out this morning that I have more than two weeks of laundry waiting to be picked up, and Karev get me that sandwich that I like from that deli". Lucy put up the middle finger to Mark's face and he chuckled. "That is harassment, Dr Shepherd, I can have you fired", he said. "Aw, that's cute. I can have you killed", Lucy said.


"I know a lot of people that would have no problem killing Mark Sloan"

"I would argue, but it's true"

"Alex, you don't actually have to get him that sandwich, I hope you know that", Lucy scoffed. "I'm hoping he'll crack someday and let me in on a case", Alex said.

"That's so sad"


He gave Mark his sandwich. Addison wandered over. "What are you doing?" she asked Mark. "Using his interns as his personal slaves", Lucy said.

"This hospital is a teaching hospital, so you can't use interns as slaves"

"Whatever", he said and left. "I really preferred it when he was that whore I used to know as a kid", Lucy said.

Mark and his interns entered Frank Jefferies' room. "Frank is feeling good today, Dr Sloan", Frank said. The interns shared confused looks. "I've decided to give teaching a go", Mark said. "Karev, present". "Frank is post-op day three from pectoral enhancement surgery. There was a complication when a seroma formed, for which a tube was inserted", Alex presented.

"Okay, check the drain output and change the dressings today. Stevens and Shepherd can watch"

"Dr Shepherd is a great doctor"

"She harassed me"

"My pecs look great", Frank said. "Shepherd, what's your perspective?" "They look good and...even", she replied awkwardly.

"Frank got the surgery for his girlfriend, who can't see them until they're perfect. His girlfriend joined a gym and got a trainer named Lars. His last girlfriend left him for a guy with hair. He got plugs, but too late. This time around, he's not taking any chances, hence the implants"

"I don't get it"

"Lars says they look real and feel natural. Feel them"

She felt them. "They are solid", she commented. "You should compare them to Dr Karev's", he suggested. She lifted up Alex's scrub top and felt both him and Frank's pecs before Mark walked in. She dropped her hands. "This is why I don't work with interns", he said.

The interns hung out in the tunnels. "Why do people have kids if they can only see them on the weekends", Meredith wondered. "Because kids are beautiful, even little moments are special", Holly said. "Alex thinks Holly is too sickly sweet sometimes", Alex said. "Lucy agrees", Lucy said. "What is that?" Meredith asked them. "Lucy and Alex have a patient who talks about himself in the third person", Lucy explained. "At first, they thought it was annoying, but now they kinda like it,'' Alex said. "Cristina decannulated a heart by herself", George said. "Really? How? Who let you?" Holly asked. "This day is making it very hard for me to be bright and shiny", Meredith said. "Lucy thinks this bright and shiny thing is getting old", Lucy said. "Alex agrees", Alex added.

"They're operating on your dad this week, how'd you feel?" Holly asked George, as she had her arm around him when they sat on the stairwell. "I'm frustrated over my brothers", George said. "I can't deal with any of it. I spent the day worrying over Burke. I'm sure something's wrong with him. My dad has cancer and I can't look him in the face. Cristina of all people had to tell me".

"George, slow down. Take it in, one little bit at a time. You don't need to worry about this stuff right now. We can take everything as it comes. One baby step at a time. What do you want to do first"

"I wanna sit here with you and enjoy your presence for just a few minutes before everything blows up in my face"

"Okay, let's do that"

She let his head rest on her shoulder and stroked his hair.

Alex, Izzie and Lucy entered Frank's room. "It's time to take the tube out, Frank", Alex said. Alex closed the curtain and handed Lucy a pair of gloves. "You can take out the tube", Alex said. "But I'm not supposed to", Lucy said.

"Do it anyway"

Lucy smiled. Frank gave Alex a look. Lucy happily put on the gloves.

Lucy and Alex walked into a stairwell. "Thank you for what you did", Lucy said, putting her arms around his neck. "It was very sweet". He kissed her and pulled away, pressing their noses together. He looked into her eyes and smirked. "What?" she laughed. "Nothing, I just", he said. "I love you". Lucy's eyes widened and she pulled away from him. "I, uh, have to go", she said before leaving.

Lucy entered the bar and saw Alex at the bar and approached him. "Hey", she said. "Hey", he replied.

"Lucy is sorry she froze when Alex poured his heart out"

"Thanks. Alex didn't mean to freak Lucy out"

"Alex didn't, I mean, he did for a minute then Lucy realised she loves Alex"

"She does?"

"She does. I do, I. I love you"

"You do?"

"I really do"

"You better"

"Shut up. I'm buying you a drink, okay?"


George tossed and turned in bed. "George, what's wrong?" Holly whispered. "Nothing, don't worry about it", he whispered back.


Lucy and Alex were back in the bathtub. "You know, we both have way too much baggage", Lucy said. "You think we'll survive?" "Oh, yeah, we'll survive", he smirked.

"I'm very happy to be in love with you" 

"Me too" 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is sunflower vol 6 by harry styles

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