Chapter Five

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"First, do no harm. As doctors, we pledge to live by this oath. But harm happens and then guilt happens. And there is no oath for how to deal with that. Guilt never goes anywhere on its own, it brings its friends- doubt and insecurity. First do no harm, easier said than done. We can take all the oaths in the world, but the fact is, must of us do harm all the time. Sometimes even when you're trying to help, we do more harm than good. And then the guilt rears its ugly head. What you do with that guilt is up to you. We're left with a choice. Either let the guilt throw you back into the behaviour that got you into trouble in the first place, or learn from the guilt and do your best to move on" 

"and if you treat me bad, i'll say you're bad"

Izzie cooked breakfast for Meredith, Lucy and George. "What should I do now that I'm a millionaire?" Izzie joked. "Buy America?" Lucy suggested sarcastically.

"Ha ha. Anyway, I'm going to the hospital later to clear out my locker"

She spilled orange juice on the check from Denny. "Iz, you're making me nervous. Please take that check to the bank", Lucy said. "I will, as soon as I've cleared out my locker", Izzie said. "Denny wanted me to be happy so that's what I'm going to do".

"Good. Just don't fake it. If you're sad, be sad, okay? No one is gonna judge you for it"

"I know but I'm not because I'm a millionaire"

"Okay, then"

The interns were in the locker room. Alex entered and wrapped his arms around Lucy's waist from behind and rested his head on her shoulder. Their usual stance. "Izzie is losing it", Meredith said. "I'm fine", Izzie said from where she was clearing out her locker. "I think Meredith is the one with problems because she hasn't told Derek she broke up with Finn. "Mer, you have to tell him", Holly said. "No, she doesn't", Lucy said. "He walked away so I'm not gonna make him feel guilty", Meredith said. "And I thought we were talking about Izzie".

George and Holly trailed a little bit behind the other interns. "So, how about that hotel tonight?" George whispered. "Really?" she said, smiling so big she showed her teeth. He smiled at this before kissing her. He pulled away and stroked her cheek before pressing their noses together. "Really", he said.

"You need to be at the M&M in 10 minutes", Bailey said. They all looked excited to go. "The M&M is a serious meeting to discuss mistakes that were made and how the hospital can improve", Bailey lectured. Bailey was interrupted by Mr and Mrs Nyles who got lost on their way to admitting. "I'm scheduled for mastectomy tomorrow and we've got a newborn", Mrs Nyles said. "Well, congratulations", Bailey said.

"He isn't cute at 4 in the morning"

"I'll show you to your room and I suggest you use sugar water on the bottle"

Bailey left with the couple. "It is so sad that a 30 year old woman has breast cancer", Holly said. "Focus, and get ready to see our bosses get yelled at", Cristina said.

The interns sat down at the M&M. Cristina passed the snacks to everyone. Dr Webber started the meeting. "Patient #34986 died of complications following a heart transplant last month", Richard said. "Dr Burke will present". "Isn't patient 34986...", Alex said. "Denny", Lucy finished. "Shit".

Burke presented with questions being asked about the cut LVAD wire before Bailey got up to answer questions. "Was your judgement clouded by the fact that you recently had a baby?" Dr Savoy asked. "Oh, he did not just go there", Lucy said. "I think I might drown in misogyny". "I sleep fine", Bailey deadpanned. "This is not to place blame", Richard reminded everyone. "This is to help everyone improve medical care". "Why were your interns running around without your supervision?" Dr Savoy continued. "I was busy with the shooting", Bailey replied.

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