💫 Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy

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Word count: 4691

Voyeur POV

Roger sat nervously on his drum stool. He bounced his leg and tapped his drum sticks quietly on the rim of his snare drum. The studio was dead silent and he attempted to fill the void by humming to a Beatles song he liked. Where are they all? He thought. It wasn't unusual for Freddie or sometimes Deaky to be late, but Brian was never late. He was always on time or even early. What could have happened to them? Roger's thoughts were swirling around his head and he tried to push them to the back of his mind. He thought that he might as well practice while he was there, and started to play some of their previous songs to warm up.

His hands flew across the drum kit as he pounded out almost every song he could remember how to play. He was halfway through "I'm In Love With My Car" when the door swung open and Roger immediately stopped to see a familiar mop of dark curls come through the door. His best friend, band mate, and crush, Brian May.

"I-I.." Brian puffed before bending over to try and catch his breath. Roger slowly got down from the stool and walked cautiously over to the guitarist.

"I'm sorry I'm late..." Brian finally said and stood up straight to spot the nervous drummer standing in front of him.

"Hey Rog. Where's everyone else?" Brian queried, and he surveyed the room in confusion.

"They haven't arrived yet.." Roger squeaked quietly. He wasn't usually a quiet or nervous person, but Brian just had this effect on him.

"Oh, Rog. I'm a quarter of an hour late, what have you been doing?" Brian questioned and put a hand on the drummers shoulder. Oblivious to the sparks it sent through the smaller man's body.

"Just practicing.." Roger muttered quietly.

"Oh, at least you had something to do. I'm sorry about my tardiness, my car broke down and I decided to just get here as fast as I could. It's not far from my house so I can try to fix it later." Roger's ears perked up at this. He was amazing at fixing cars! This was a good opportunity to impress the guitarist and try win him over.

"I can fix it!" Roger said enthusiastically. Brian raised an eyebrow and gave him a condescending look.

"No, really, I can! I'm good at fixing cars!" Roger said slightly more forcefully and Brian just grinned at him.

"Alright, bud. I'll let you at it later, after we've had this recording session." Brian agreed and Roger nodded happily.

"Ok! Should we start warming up?" The blonde suggested and Brian nodded in agreement. He walked over to where he'd left his guitar case and pulled out his beloved guitar.

"I'm glad you remembered her.." Roger giggled and Brian rolled his eyes.

"I would never forget her!" He scoffed and Roger giggled again.

"Sometimes I think you like her more than me!" He quipped, trying to tug on the guitarist's heart strings.

"Oh don't be ridiculous! She's one of a kind, yes, but if worst comes to worst I can always get another guitar. But I can't get another Roger!" Brian complimented and then blushed after he said it. Roger felt his cheeks warm up and hid behind his cymbals to mask his red cheeks.

"Thanks Bri, but we should probably start practicing now.." he said shyly, and scratched the back of his neck. An awkward tension filled the room and Brian just nodded stiffly.

"What song?" The brunette asked and Roger just shrugged.

"Don't mind. You choose." He told the tall man, who broke into the fast paced riff of "Now I'm Here". They finished the song and grinned at each other, all tension between them being forgotten. They were about to start another song when Freddie and Deaky both entered the room with grim looks on their faces.

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