Behind Blue Eyes..part 2

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(A/N: there wasn't meant to be a part two to this but it kinda just happened)

Voyeur POV

3 months later

After 3 months of dating, Brian had decided that he was ready for Him to make an announcement saying that they were together. When an announcement was released, it was broadcast all over the radios, news stations, everything. It was printed in newspapers, magazines, and was even sent to people who had subscribed to Him through letters. You couldn't miss it. And that's what happened with this announcement.

Brian and Him were sat in Brian's room in his flat, holding hands as Roger decided what he wanted to say. Brian didn't want to input too much, as he didn't know how Roger usually worked with this.

"Do you mind if I include some things about you? I just want to show people how amazing you are." He asked, causing both of them to blush a little.

"Sure.." Brian replied, watching Him carefully write His announcement down so He could give it to His announcer.

"Ok..I think it's fine, have a read.." He said, handing Brian the piece of paper with the loopy handwriting on it.

'Hello everyone!

Today I have a very special announcement concerning something very personal to myself..
Do you remember when I said I would be looking for a partner? Well, I found one, and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is loyal, sweet, caring and most importantly, he has the biggest heart.
I love him.
You will probably be wondering who he is..and luckily for you I have permission from him to tell you a little bit about him.
His name is Brian May, and he is 21, only a year older than me. He studies astrophysics and is working on his PhD! He is a genius! He always wows me with the equations he deals with..
Anyway, he has dark brown curly hair..which I love. It's not important, I just love his hair..
That's about it from me really, but I'm sure I can make more announcements if there's anything specific that you want to know about him.
I have attached some photos of us, so you will be able to see how perfect he is - unless you are hearing this on the radio. If you are, go find some photos of him! He's gorgeous!
Alright, I hope you're all ok out there!

Yours, Roger xx'

Brian wore a big grin as he finished reading what He had written.

"I love it." He commented, handing the sheet back to Him, who smiled gratefully.

"I'm glad. I'll give that to my announcer when I get back. But first, I believe we have some unfinished business to attend to.." He whispered, leaning closer to Brian, who rolled his eyes but eagerly accepted the kiss that He pressed to Brian's mouth.

The next morning

Brian was awoken by his 6 o clock alarm, and he groaned and shut it off. He sighed as he rolled onto his back, staring at his ceiling which had clusters of glow in the dark stars, which he and Him had put up together a few weeks ago. He smiled as he remembered the great time they had together putting them up. The smile was short lived though, as he remembered that he had to get up and be at university by 9 for a lecture. And he'd have to face everyone knowing that he was dating Him. He sighed at the prospect of the gawking and questions, but shook it off and slid out of bed, wincing as his feet hit the cold air. He shivered slightly, but hurried into his usual attire - a band tee and some faded jeans. He looked out the window and saw a frost on the ground, even though it was just about spring. He sighed and grabbed his favourite black hoodie, the one with a little fox emblem on the breast. He slipped it over his head and walked into his kitchen, grabbing a banana for breakfast. He packed his bag and decided to relax for a little bit, before showering. He fell backwards onto his sofa and decided to switch the TV on. He should've known that he was going to be plastered all over every channel he could find, really. It did bring a smile to his face though, seeing the photos of him and Him so happy, and seeing how glad people were that they were together and in love.

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