💫 I Drove All Night...

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Words: 4102

Roger's POV

I miss him. I miss him like hell. I know that he misses me too..but what can I do? I'm stuck here..

Three weeks before

I was on holiday! I was in Scotland with Freddie, and we were staying in a nice little rented cottage overlooking a loch. The host was..he was something. Let's just say I had a bit of a crush on him. He was tall, had gorgeous eyes and a beautiful head of curls. He was exactly my type. And it really didn't help how he was extremely social and loved to spend time with us as we were holidaying. It didn't help how he liked to show us around Scotland, and how he was really generous and sweet. And the worst part of it, it didn't help that he was a very touchy feely person. He was always touching my upper arms, leaning against me as we sat down, et cetera. It was obviously normal with him..and it wasn't like it was just me that he did it with. It was everyone.

Freddie noticed about my little crush only a couple hours into me realising I had it. Which happened to be on the second day of our two week stay..

But there was another problem. This was the 70s. I was expected to be a straight man. It was frowned upon to have an infatuation with another man..and I wasn't sure if Brian was acceptant of gay people, or whether he was a homophobe. Somehow, I couldn't see him being malicious towards anything or anyone, but you never know.

Oh, and I had a girlfriend waiting for me back at home. One whom I supposedly loved. It was a hard life..I was just living a lie. I wasn't meant to be with her. I was meant to be with a man. But what could I do? I couldn't do anything. So I just had to pine after Brian in secret, until Freddie figured it out.

But he was the only one I could confide in, and I knew that I would become annoying if I talked about it too much. So I mostly kept my mouth shut and tried not to show how much I was actually falling for this sweet Scottish man with the not very Scottish accent.

Freddie would shoot me sympathetic looks every time we were lazing around and Brian would come and touch me in some way. Whether it was just a brush of the knees as he sat down, him leaning on me or even him putting his feet in my lap. Whatever it was, it just made me long for his touch even more. Luckily, Brian didn't seem to notice the blush that lit up my face every time he touched me, or the way I would appear really nervous around him. Well..if he did notice, he didn't say anything about it.

About half way through our holiday, Brian became..a little more attached to me, shall I say. I noticed that he would gravitate towards me more, and he was now putting his head in my lap when we lay around. He tended to stick really close when we were with others as well. I noticed that he also seemed to get red cheeks when I spoke to him..and it confused me. Did he like me too??

The answer came from Freddie, who woke me up late one night with a massive grin on his face.

"What?" I grumbled, rubbing my eyes as he looked at me like a Cheshire cat.

"You might want to wake up a bit for this. It's worth it." He coaxed, so I sighed and sat up, yawning.

"What is it then?" I asked, becoming impatient.

"Brian's confessed a little secret to me. One you may want to hear about." He was beating around the bush and it was getting irritating. I was also upset that Brian had chosen Freddie to tell this secret too and not me.

"Spit it out!" I demanded, and Freddie kept his shit eating grin as he wiggled his eyebrows. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"A certain poodle thinks he's falling in love with a certain grumpy blond man.." he revealed, and my jaw dropped wide open.

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