💫 Dreamers Ball

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Words: 3013

Brian's POV

It'd been a long day at the studio and I was deathly tired. I just wanted to go straight to bed and sleep until I didn't feel half alive anymore. As soon as I got through my front door I discarded my bag and coat and took Red up to my room with me, and put her in her cupboard. I didn't bother to change clothes and flopped back onto my bed with a sigh. I climbed under the covers and felt my whole body relax into the comfortable mattress and I was ready for a refreshing nap. But my mind had other ideas..

Roger was on my mind, he had been a lot lately. I missed him dearly. We'd been together for 2 years but we broke up because we fought too often. We both thought it was best, but I was really starting to regret our decision and wondered if it was right. I was definitely still in love with him and although we had remained as best friends, I knew that I wanted him back. The break up was a year and a half ago, and neither of us had been in another serious relationship, almost as if we refused to move on. I know that was the case with me anyway.

I turned over and tried to shove him out of my mind just for a little bit, just so I could get some sweet rest. Eventually, I managed and Roger faded into the sleepy haze and slowly, I drifted off. But once again, my mind had other ideas.

Roger appeared in my dream..

It was night, I knew that much. I was sat at home in a fancy suit, when a knock on the door sounded. I went over to it and there was Roger, looking dashing in his own suit and holding a bouquet of red roses.

"Don't you look dapper in that suit, handsome.." he looked me up and down and I giggled and blushed, taking the flowers from him with a smile.

"You don't look half bad yourself.." I teased and he scowled and smacked my arm playfully.

"I'm joking Rog, you look as dashing as ever." I complimented and he grinned and leaned up to kiss me. I put the flowers down on the table and he laid his arms loosely behind my neck and kissed me again. We broke apart and I grabbed a vase and filled it with water, putting the roses in it and setting it on my table. I grabbed my polished black dress shoes, and pulled them on, tying the laces. Roger watched me.

"Ready?" He asked and held his hand out to me once I straightened back up.

"Yes, let's go!" I replied and took his hand from him, letting him lead me to his car. We got in and he started driving.

"What street is it on again?" He asked me and I thought for a second.

"42nd street.." I replied and he nodded with a smile.

"Off to the dreamer's ball we go!" He replied, turning the corner. We soon arrived at a majestic ballroom, the Dreamer's Ball. It was our destination tonight. We got out the car and joined hands, strolling in. It was decorated with expensive looking chandeliers and bright lights with golden ribbons draped on the walls. Several tables were placed on one side, each with a single red rose in a vase in the middle of the table. There was a huge dance floor and some slow love song floating through the room, setting a romantic atmosphere. Roger led us over to a table and we sat down, immediately being served a tall flute of champagne and some finger food to start our evening. We both ate a little and took small sips of the bubbly liquid, before we both got up and walked over to the dance floor. I took Roger's hands and pulled him close to my chest. He gladly let me take the lead and we danced smoothly around the floor, his head leaning on my chest. In my dream, I was a good dancer. I was glad about this difference from real life.

We danced around for a while until Roger pulled us off to the side and kept hold of my hands, just swaying us gently. He smiled gently at me and I felt that everything was right in the world. I was here, at the Dreamer's Ball with the most beautiful man on earth in my arms. He was looking into my eyes and pressing sweet kisses to my mouth and nose. We shared a lingering kiss and he rested his chin on my shoulder. I could feel his hot breath in my ear and it was comforting to have him this close to me again.

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