Out Of My Head

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Brian's POV

I know I wasn't meant to fall for him, I know that wasn't part of the deal. 'No strings attached' we said, to keep it simple. It was easier that way. But now I've gone and fallen for him, and it hurts even more every time when he just gets up and leaves afterwards. Even though that was the deal at first. But I don't want it to be like that any more..

Roger and I are friends. Best friends. Best friends that fuck sometimes to release stresss or just because we feel like it. It's always been no strings attached! We never wanted a relationship, we just wanted the sex. And it's good, too. Roger is amazing in bed. That's no secret, either. Everyone knows he's a good lay, and he probably rarely finds himself waking up in his own bed each night. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. I really didn't mean to fall for him, I promise. But you can't help feelings.


"Ohh..I'm close.." the blond man below me groaned. I brought a hand up and started stroking him along with my thrusts into him.

"Me..too." I breathed and he moaned loudly as he released all over my hand and his chest.

"F-fuck.." he muttered and my breath caught as I reached my climax and spilled inside of him.

"A-ah.." I gasped and slowed my movements. I pulled out slowly and went to get a wet towel to clean us up. Running the towel under the warm water, I considered how much longer I'd be able to go on with this and just watch Roger get up and leave as though it meant nothing to him. Damn it Brian! That was the point! It wasn't supposed to mean anything. I sighed deeply and wandered back in, and cleaned us both up.

"Thanks Bri! See you soon.." he said and, once again, just got dressed, gathered his things and left. I sniffled to myself and flopped back down on my hotel bed, which still smelt like him. The sweet scent of strawberries and vanilla that just suits him so well. I grabbed a pillow he'd been laying on and hugged it to my torso, letting the smell of him intoxicate me. I wanted him for my own so badly, it broke my heart every time to see him with another person. But I couldn't control him, and we weren't together.

I couldn't handle the pain anymore. There was only one way I could think of to get rid of it. Alcohol and stargazing. I stumbled out of bed and slipped out of my hotel room, descending the stairs to the ground floor.  I rounded the corner and made my way to the bar.

"Do you sell whole bottles of alcohol?" I asked. The man working there raised his eyebrows but shook his head.

"No, sorry sir. The shop down the street does though.." he said and I nodded gratefully and stepped out the door. I walked with my head low towards the shop, I didn't want to be recognised but also because I didn't have the energy to hold it up. Dealing with a broken heart is emotionally draining. I found the shop in question and slipped inside, grabbing a bottle of vodka and putting it on the counter. The cashier rang it up and didn't even bother to ask me for ID. I handed him the money and slipped the bottle inside my coat just in case. I wandered back towards the hotel, clutching the bottle inside of my coat and desperately trying not to collapse with exhaustion. The emotional weight of my whole situation was bearing down on me and I didn't know how much longer I'd last.

I made it to the hotel, and ascended the stairs to my room. I realised that I hadn't looked my door and prayed that everything was ok. I breathed a sigh of relief when I entered and everything was as I'd left it. I opened my cupboard and pulled out my bag with my telescope in it. Slinging it over my shoulder, I exited the room again and made sure to lock it this time.

I made my way up to the roof and started to set up my telescope. Adjusting the knobs, I brought my eye up to the viewing point and looked on in wonder at the stars. It made me realise just how small we are, just how much we don't even matter to the universe. It was a scary, but sort of comforting thought. No matter what happened with Rog and I, it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't have an impact on anything but our lives and the people around us. I smiled sadly at the thought and twisted the cap on the vodka bottle to open it. I took a long swig and wiped my mouth. It took a quick effect, and I smiled to myself as some of the pain drained away. Only some.

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