💫 Walk Away

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(so sorry for not updating anything in a few weeks! ive been so busy!)

Voyeur POV

"Is he fucking done yet!?" Freddie complained loudly as he, John and Roger watched Brian standing at the front of the stage. He was playing his improvised solo - and Freddie was always bored when it came to this part of the show. He always complained that Brian went on for way too long, but Brian always countered that he needed time to make it sound good.

"It's only been going for a few minutes, he'll probably play for another 10." John commented, laughing as Freddie rolled his eyes and fiddled with the buckle on his jacket. The three fell into silence as they waited and watched as Brian had his main moment in the spotlight. He took full advantage of it, and pranced around as much as he could.

"Do you think I should start doing my drum solos again?" Roger asked, pretending to be serious when really he was just teasing the singer.

"Don't you dare, blondie!" Freddie growled playfully, sticking his tongue out at the drummer.

"I think I will. I deserve more appreciation." Roger said, puffing his chest out and holding his head high.

"You do. But you don't need a drum solo for that!" Freddie countered, knowing that Roger was joking but participating in the banter.

"Actually, Fred.." John said, his eyes going wide as if he'd just had an idea.

"What?" Freddie questioned, looking at the bassist suspiciously.

"I think..I should have a bass solo!" John said, immediately dissolving into laughter as Freddie pretended to shoot himself.

"Maybe you could do a vocal solo?" John then suggested, laughing even more as Freddie pretended to consider.

"At least I could control how long it went on for, unlike him over there." Freddie replied, rolling his eyes and pointing to Brian on the stage, who's solo had now gone on for almost 5 minutes.

"He should be almost done, right?" John said, trying to listen to see if Brian seemed to be nearing an end. It did sound as if it was getting close, and Freddie breathed a sigh of relief when Brian finished with a definitive chord. He was about to run onto the stage when Brian started playing again.

"Oh for fucks sake!" Freddie complained, slamming his head against the wall.

"Roger, you've got the best chance of getting him to stop as you're his favourite. Why don't you- Roger?" John said, looking at the drummer who seemed to be quite mesmerised. His eyes were glued on the guitarist as he played. His mouth was open slightly and his eyes were wide.

"What the fuck has gotten into you?" Freddie said, waving his hand in front of Roger's eyes. The drummer blinked and glanced at his bandmates before looking back at Brian.

"He's..he's really good, isn't he?" Roger mumbled, his eyes following Brian's every move as he leaned into his guitar.

"I guess so. Yeah. I've never met anyone else who can play quite like him. But what does that have to do with this absurdly long solo?" Freddie whined, confused as to why Roger was now looking at the guitarist like he'd hung the moon and stars.

"He's really-" Roger started, and then stopped. Beautiful. That was what he wanted to say. He had no idea why, but he was feeling butterflies in his stomach as he watched his friend. His friend that he'd known for roughly 16 years. His friend that he was now seeing in a different light, all of sudden, just because he'd decided to be appreciative of Brian's skill for once. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the brunette and felt absolutely mesmerised by him. How graceful he looked as he strummed his guitar and made those expressions that could only be described as sinful. Brian was getting lost in the music as Roger was getting lost in him.

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