Karma Chameleon

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(there are a lot of pov changes in this so look out, and also, imagine them in their late 70s/early 80s looks, but it's set in modern day for the purposes of the story.)

Voyeur POV

Roger Taylor and Brian May were rivals. Both were well accomplished musicians constantly competing in the charts for the top spot, always losing out to each other and no-one else. They'd never met, but knew exactly what the other looked like. They always tried to avoid each other's parties as they were both very afraid of meeting in real life, through fear of starting a fight or something.

However, not this time. It was 5th September 2017, and both musicians had just released a new single ahead of their new albums. Brian's was 'On My Way Up', and had proved to be extremely popular of course, charting at 21 and immediately rocketing up to top of the charts within the first day.

Roger's was 'Man On Fire', and was also extremely popular, of course, with the song currently sitting at 2, just behind Brian. It was always like this. They would be constantly fighting for top spot and all other artists would give up for a few weeks as the world's favourite two musicians squared off for top spot. So far, Brian had won 9 out of their 17 battles, and Roger had won 8. It looked like Brian was going to be winning another one, with On My Way Up gaining hundreds of streams every minute.

Both musicians felt the need to celebrate, so both wanted to organise a release party. What they did not know however, was that they both contacted the same person to organise these parties.

Someone by the name of Jim Beach..

Miami's POV

It was finally going to happen! I could finally achieve what I'd wanted to for years! Brian and Roger were both my clients, and I was both of their managers. Neither of them knew that I managed both of them, which was just as well, because today they had both contacted me about arranging parties for their successful singles. I was going to arrange a big joint party, and neither would even know about it until they got there, and then it would be inescapable! They would finally meet!

The reason I wanted them to meet was simple. I saw possible chemistry between them. They were complete opposites personality wise - but you know what they say - opposites attract!! And besides, I knew something that not many people did. Both of these men were lonely. The public knew they were both gay, and most had no qualms. They were able to look past the sexualities of these two men and see them for who they were, and listen to their incredible music without judgement.

But now I was going to organise a joint party and finally get them to meet and, hopefully, hit it off!

Brian's POV

It had happened again! Roger and I had managed to somehow release our singles at the same time and we're fighting for top spot, again. I'm winning so far, although I have to say Roger's track, Man On Fire, is great! Unfortunately for him though, it looks like I will come out on top from this battle.

I have still never met Roger, even though the public and press are just itching for it to happen. I would like to meet my rival, but I also don't want to hate him and make things awkward. Our relationship is more friendly competition, but I feel that if I meet him, it could turn into fierce competition and I really don't like the idea of that.

I shook my head at the thought and checked the chart scores on my phone.

1) On My Way Up- 4,367,901 streams
2) Man On Fire- 3,954,678 streams

"Unlucky Mr Taylor.." I mumbled to my cat as she climbed up onto my lap and stretched out. I scratched her absentmindedly as I took another listen to Roger's new single. It was really good, and I loved the way his voice sounded.

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