💫 My Favourite Regular

252 9 11

Voyeur POV

Most love stories start in the most unsuspecting places. This is very true for this story, which takes place in a quaint little pizza place in the heart of London. Meddow's Pizza had been set up by Roger Taylor. The man in question had dropped out of university to become a pizza chef, but it had worked out very well for him as 4 years later he was still running his pizza place. He worked entirely by himself, except for his friend and occasional helping hand, Freddie. When Freddie wasn't in, Roger would do every job. He would be the cashier, the chef, the boxer, the cleaner..all at once. It was a tough job but he wouldn't change it for the world. It was worth it to see everyone's delighted faces as they tasted his pizzas, or it was worth it to read the reviews online detailing how much of a fantastic place it was. Roger took pride in how clean and inviting the place was, and how it reminded people of the 70s with its black and white tiled floor, varnished wooden walls and red painted sideboards. He took pride in the way he would receive admiring comments and generous tips from customers thoroughly impressed with his business.

He also loved to see his regular customers. The ones that made him laugh, the ones that made him cry and the ones that made his world a better place. He loved trying to guess their orders and he loved talking to them. He loved it when all of the little children ran in excitedly and called him "Mr Pizzaman!" as their parents tried desperately to calm the children excited at the prospect of pizza for dinner.

His pizzeria was known for being welcoming and of extremely good quality, and he would be lying if he said that he wasn't extremely proud of himself for achieving what he had. Even though he worked from 12 til 9 every day and didn't have a lot of time for a personal life, he loved his job. His business was his life and he was so proud to see how far he'd come. He thought that he'd done pretty well for a university drop out.

It was a quiet Tuesday evening when it all started. There hadn't been any customers for half an hour, so Roger was sitting behind the counter, catching up on some deliveries and stocks on his laptop. That was when the bell rang, so he shut the lid of the laptop and stood up, ready to greet the customer. He was pleased to see that it was a new face, and a rather handsome one at that. The man had a head of beautiful dark brown curls and handsome angular features. Roger allowed himself to appreciate the man's beauty as he strolled up to the counter with a nervous look.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" Roger asked sweetly, noticing the man's shyness. He was definitely a new customer and seemed a bit overwhelmed by the whole ordeal of ordering a pizza. Roger found it cute. The man gave him a charming but anxious smile.

"Can I get a...a medium pizza please. With um.." The man laughed slightly nervously, glancing around, looking a bit lost. "With mushrooms, onion, olives, pepper and uh..eggplant, please." He looked so anxious and self conscious, Roger couldn't help but give him a sympathetic smile. His order was unusual, but Roger wasn't going to mention that.

"Can I get your name?" Roger asked, ready to write it at the top of the order ticket. The man fidgeted but nodded.

"Um..Brian. Brian May." He mumbled, raising his gaze slightly. Roger nodded as Brian paid with his card in one swift motion.

"I'll get right to it, sir. It'll be about 20 minutes." Roger informed Brian, taking the order ticket to the kitchen. He smiled to himself at how adorable the man was, before making a start on the pizza. It took him 5 minutes to assemble it, and he slipped it in the oven for 15 minutes. Setting the timer, he went back out to the counter and saw Brian sat down at one of the tables. He seemed to be typing to someone and had a look of extreme concentration as he typed. Roger smiled at the sight and opened his laptop again, finishing off his business.

The oven soon chimed to signal that Brian's pizza was ready, so he got up and slid it out of the oven carefully. He sliced it into 8 slices with expertise and slid it into the box, shutting the lid and carrying it back to the counter. Brian looked up at him and got up clumsily when he saw that Roger had his pizza. The brunette knocked his knees on the table in his haste to stand up, and his cheeks were burning as he almost ran to collect the pizza. He left a generous tip, probably because he was so anxious he didn't check what he'd pulled out of his wallet before he dashed off. Roger put both hands on the edge of the counter and watched Brian walk quickly towards the door. He turned back around and caught Roger's eye, causing him to blush even harder. He gave Roger another grateful smile before he walked out and closed the door. Roger was left feeling a bit sorry for the man, as he seemed extremely overwhelmed and anxious. He was also very cute too, Roger admitted to himself.

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