See What A Fool I've Been

643 21 67

Word count: 2316


Roger's POV

I fucked it up. I fucked up the best relationship I ever had, and I lost the love of my life. All because I was a stuck up asshole and refused to see someone else's point of view. I don't know how much longer I can deal with this..

Two weeks earlier..

"Roger! You don't understand! I can't just tell everyone that we're together! It doesn't work like that!" Brian lost his cool with me. I'd been bugging and pestering him all day about coming out.

"Oh so I'm embarrassing? Our relationship is embarrassing?" I questioned in a snarky tone and he glared at me.

"You know it's not that Roger! I can't just come out and expect everyone to be ok with it!" He raised his voice but I wasn't deterred.

"Oh so you're afraid of a little homophobia? Surely you'd rather be yourself?" I threw at him and I could tell he was trying so hard not to yell at me.

"No Roger! I'm not afraid of homophobia! But from my parents? My best friends? Of course I'm fucking scared!" He said and I just rolled my eyes.

"They wouldn't do that." I said snidely and he shut his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Roger. That's not the point. It's a possibility, and I don't want to risk it. Do you know how hard it is to be fucking ridiculed just because they suspect I might be gay? No, obviously you don't. So please, just get your head out your ass and look at it from my perspective." He said calmly, and his remark hurt. It hurt because it was true.

"Ok, Mr kNoW eVeRyThInG. Why don't you look at it from my perspective. It gets hard to keep a big secret like this y'know!" I snapped back and he lost it.

"Roger Taylor! Sometimes, you can be a right fucking asshole! I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight." He said and went to go up the stairs.

"Oh? Well I'm going to tell your father." That had him. He froze on the second step and turned to look at me slowly. He narrowed his eyes at me and balled his fists.

"Tell him what, Roger?" He questioned and gave me a challenging look. He was daring me to do it.

"That we're dating." I sneered and he looked like he was about to burst.

"Well, you don't have anything to say anymore. We're over. I'm done. You're single. Fuck you, Roger, you self centered bastard." He said and leapt up the stairs. I dropped the receiver in shock, and finally came to my senses.

"No.." I whispered. And sunk down onto the floor. Brian came back down with his suitcase hurriedly packed and didn't even spare me a glance. I shot up and ran over to him.

"Brimi, p-please! I'm s-so sorry! I didn't mean i-it, y-you don't have to come out! I-I promise I'll be better.." I pleaded and put my hands on his chest. He grabbed my wrists and threw them off.

"You had many chances to say that earlier, Rog. But you fucking hurt me, and showed how much you really care. Goodbye, Roger." He said and made his way hurriedly out the door and into the pouring rain. I hadn't even realised it was tipping it down. I heard his car start up, a spin of the wheels and he was gone. And it was all my fault. I immediately broke down and ran to the phone. I dialed a familiar number and was relieved when it was picked up.

"Roger, darling?" Freddie asked and I screamed into the phone.

"Rog?" He asked again and I couldn't speak.

"Hang on, I'll be right over." He said and hung up. I slid down the wall and landed on the floor, mascara running down my cheeks. (Yes, Roger wears mascara. You're welcome.)

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