I would if I could..

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Voyeur POV

Words: I'm gonna be honest this is just 3434 words of pure fluff

It was just an ordinary Sunday afternoon, about 2pm, and Brian was lazing around on the small, antique sofa of their shared bungalow. He could hear John and Roger clattering around in the kitchen, most likely trying to bake something. Freddie had been out drinking with Jim and had come home at 3am, and was likely nursing a killer hangover, so it wasn't a surprise that he hadn't made an appearance yet.

Brian was bored. His head was filled with dreams about new guitars..although he was perfectly happy with his Red Special, he thought that it'd be nice to have others to have different sounds sometimes. He sighed and turned onto his back, staring at the chipped ceiling. Unfortunately, before he bought a new guitar, he would have to try and find a new, better place with his boyfriend now that they were actually making money from A Night At The Opera.

They had been looking for their own place for a while, but he had to admit that he would miss living with Freddie and John as well. He definitely wouldn't miss having no privacy though, he would enjoy having the place to just him and his boyfriend. He smiled at this thought, suddenly having an idea.

"Roger, get your midget ass over here!" He called, laughing as he heard Roger yell a few curses at him, protesting that he wasn't that small.

"Huh!?" Came the first coherent word from the kitchen. Brian huffed and spun onto his side. Roger popped his head round the door with a questioning, and slightly annoyed look.

"Don't look at me like that. Come here!" He requested again, sticking his arms out and wiggling his fingers to show it. Roger just rolled his eyes and went back into the kitchen. Brian frowned.

"Get over here or I will snap one of your drumsticks." Brian pouted, feeling a little petty.

"I'm with John, give me a second!" Came the reply, and Brian just sighed and waited. When Roger didn't appear he scowled.

"But-" as soon as he started speaking Roger peaked round the door with an increasingly annoyed expression. Brian gave him puppy eyes, and Roger couldn't help but deflate at this and make his way over to Brian, who was now sporting a triumphant smile.

"Fine! What?" Roger sighed, sitting down on the sofa by Brian's feet. Brian grinned and moved his feet into Roger's lap, causing the blond to roll his eyes.

"I wanna buy an air guitar." Brian spoke matter-of-factly. Roger just stared at him for a second before putting his head in his hands.

"You called me over here for that?" Roger sighed, dropping his head back against the back of the sofa. Brian pouted and tapped Roger's stomach with his foot.

"So? Can we please go to the guitar store?" He pleaded, trying not to smirk at Roger's dumbfounded expression.

"..for an air guitar?" Roger sighed, in disbelief that Brian seemed to be entirely serious.

"Yes." Brian answered, throwing a charming smile Roger's way. The drummer just sighed in exasperation.

"Brian.. I- are you high or something?" Roger asked, feeling confused as to what Brian was talking about.

"Do I look high?" Brian answered with another question, sitting up and looking at Roger with a serious expression.

"Bri..what?" Roger groaned, not quite feeling in the mood to deal with whatever Brian was trying.

"Come on Rog, let's go!" Brian coaxed, moving forward to rest his chin on Roger's shoulder and stare intently at him. The blond just sighed and relented, deciding that he may as well take his ridiculous boyfriend to the guitar store to look at 'air guitars'.

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