While I breathe, I am yours

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Roger's POV

I like to go to my local spa quite often. As a professional drummer, it really helps to ease my muscles from lots of intense drumming. The spa just happens to be owned by my best friend, Freddie. I get to go in for free which is rather useful. However, I don't only go to the spa for relaxation. As a bisexual, androgynous male, it's also my place to go when I want to hook up. It's quite easy to get someone to notice you in there, and also very easy to know if someone is interested in you.

Freddie finds it funny that he often gets complaints about a certain blond man making moves on people. Yeah, okay, maybe it's not that easy to tell when someone is interested. Luckily, Freddie always laughs hysterically when someone leaves a one star review because of me. It doesn't lose him any business, because the place is so good and the one star reviews are always swamped by 4 or 5 star reviews.

That being said, sometimes my hook ups do go to plan. I've had multiple relationships start from picking someone up from Mercury Spa. There's one that really sticks out though..

I had actually gone to the spa to relax, not to look for a hook up this time. I'd done multiple lengthy shows that week and really needed some relaxation time. I was laying on one of the air beds with my eyes shut, enjoying the feel of the air jets massaging my tense muscles. It was rather quiet that day and when I had shut my eyes there were only a few other people in the large spa with me. The lights were low and there was some soft rock playing in the background, at that moment I could make out "Something" by The Beatles.

My eyes stayed closed for a while longer before I decided to move on to a different thing. I cracked my eyes open and stopped the air bed I was on. I glanced around to see what I wanted to do next, but something, or should I say someone caught my eye. He must've only just got in as he wasn't very wet yet, but he was standing under one of the shoulder jets with his eyes closed. His hair was curly but it was starting to flatten a bit from the water spraying onto it. He was extremely handsome, and I immediately felt drawn to him.

For now though, I kept my distance and moved onto something else so that I'd still have a good view of him. He was absolutely stunning, and I could appreciate that fact the longer I looked at him for. His eyes were still closed, but I was glad as it gave me a chance to watch him without the fear of being caught.

However, his eyes opened a few minutes later as he seemed to sense someone watching him. Our gazes met and he looked surprised but curious. He tilted his head in confusion, but I just looked away and pretended that I hadn't been staring. He shrugged and looked away, so I subtly moved a little closer to him by going on to another section of the spa.

I kept watching him out of the corner of my eye, and saw that he kept glancing at me with a range of emotions on his face. I couldn't look away any longer and met his gaze again. This time I winked at him and he blushed madly and looked away, seeming to shiver a little. I smirked to myself and closed my eyes to focus on the sensations of the water massaging my back. I could practically feel him watching as he thought it was safe because my eyes were closed. I decided to tease him a little, so made an over-exaggerated face of pleasure with my eyes still closed. I swore I heard his breath hitch even from a few metres away and with the sounds of the jets all around me.

I opened my eyes again and sure enough, I caught him staring at me. He blushed again and looked away, before swimming slightly to another section. One that was directly opposite me. I smirked again and watched as he activated it and shut his eyes again, that gorgeous expression back on his face. I looked away to survey the rest of the people in the spa to make sure our flirtation was going unnoticed. There were two women relaxing on some airbeds, eyes closed. There were a few other people milling about but none of them were looking at us at all. I grinned to myself and looked back at the man of my desires, who was looking at me again.

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