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(Roger's dog)

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(Roger's dog)

Words: 2579

Roger's POV

I was finally able to take my dog to the vets! I'd been so busy with work and everything later, that I hadn't been able to take my 6 month old puppy to the vets, for a check up and also to see if he could get nuetered, as he humped everything in sight. The dog in question, Neo, was currently biting my jeans and wouldn't let me put him on the lead. I loved him, but he could be a real shit sometimes. Well, most the time. He was a border collie and Labrador retriever mix, so he was very smart and very high energy. He knew that if he did something wrong he'd be given a treat to leave it, so he'd purposefully be naughty so that I'd give him a treat in exchange for the thing he was holding, that he wasn't supposed to. I was planning to hire a dog trainer at some point, but like I said before, I hadn't had a lot of time recently as I'd been working a lot. Anyways, now I was able to take him to the vet, but he was not cooperating. At this rate, I'd be late for my appointment at the local vets. He wouldn't stop chewing my jeans, expecting a treat. At least he was trained for walking on a lead and riding in a car. I sighed, as I knew I'd have to use the last resort. A treat.

"Sit." I told him, and he obediently plonked his ass down on the ground, tongue lolling out to the side. He looked up at me expectantly, and I sighed again and pulled a treat out from my pocket, and dropped it on the floor for him. While he was busy picking it out of the grass of my back garden, I took the chance and clipped the lead to his collar, smiling in satisfaction when it clicked into place. Neo lifted his head back up and realised he was attached to the lead, and got excited. He knew that meant a walk. Well, it didn't exactly mean a walk this time. He started biting the lead and smacking it with his paws as I wasn't walking. I huffed a laugh at him and started walking through the house towards the car.

I paused to lock the front door, but almost fell over when Neo pulled suddenly on the lead, towards the car. I told him to sit and he did, expecting another treat but not getting one while I locked the door. He seemed to take offence at not getting a treat for sitting, so got up in a huff and padded towards the car. I laughed at my sassy dog and unlocked the car, opening the passenger door to let him sit in. I attached his lead to the seatbelt clip and got in my side, petting Neo's head as he sat obediently in the seat, tongue out and watching the outside world. I started the car and pulled out of my drive, heading towards the local vets. Neo behaved very well the whole drive, entertaining himself by looking out the window. He only started barking once, probably at a squirrel he saw in a tree somewhere. I arrived at the vets and felt bad that Neo was excited about a walk, but wasn't getting one. I made a mental note to take him to the beach straight after, his favourite place. Neo barked a couple times, excited to see this new place. I shushed him and for once he obeyed me, and stopped barking. I praised him with a treat, and rubbed behind his ears.

"Come on boy, let's go." I said in a high pitched voice, making him more excited. I got out of the car and rounded the front to his side, and opened the door. I unclipped his lead from the seatbelt and grabbed the handle of the lead. He leapt out the car and immediately started sniffing around by the bushes. He took a piss on them while I checked my phone for the time. I was 7 minutes early, that was good. When Neo was done, I led him inside and he seemed confused as to why we were going inside again. He looked at me as if to say 'where's my walk' and I felt bad again, but knew I had to get him checked. I went to sit on a plastic chair and broight Neo over to me. He looked unimpressed and started biting the cuff of my jeans to make a point, getting hair all over me. I actually laughed as I realised he was just as petty as me. I tugged my jeans out of his mouth and told him to sit. He did, and expected a treat. I gave in this time, and took a treat out of my pocket and held it out for him. He snuffled and crunched the treat, and for once he didn't go back to chewing my jeans. I was chuffed with his good behaviour, and even more so as he sat by my chair and started wagging his tail. I started petting him and telling him what a good boy he was. He definitely enjoyed my attention and started licking my face affectionately. I laughed and rubbed under his chin, and he looked up at me with shining brown eyes. I loved my dumbass puppy.

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