💫 ¡Barcelona!

285 13 8

(the italics mean someone is speaking in Spanish- but don't worry, there's no actual Spanish in this.)

Words: 5399

Voyeur POV

Brian was lonely. He worked alone in his small flower shop in the heart of Barcelona, and he really only had a couple of friends. His best friend happened to be Freddie Mercury, a world famous singer, who was currently working on an album with the opera singer Montserrat Caballé. Brian loved Freddie, but they hardly saw much of each other because of Freddie's work.

On the day in question, Brian was sitting behind the counter of his flower shop, checking his stocks of the most popular flowers. He saw that he was fine for most, but ordered a few seeds anyway while he was there. He moved away from the computer and over to his till, where he just fiddled around and waited.

He didn't usually get many customers, but he was managing to make a profit and his business was growing every day. He was managing to support himself financially, without any of Freddie's help, even though the singer insisted that he should pay for some of Brian's rent until he found a permanent house. He had been planning to move for a while, as he was growing bored of his small flat, and besides, it was quite a long commute to his work.

He was just mulling over that very fact when the bell dinged, announcing someone's entry. Brian looked up and laid eyes on the most beautiful man he'd ever seen. The man had messy sandy blond hair, bright blue eyes and a charming smile. Brian developed an instant crush on man. The brunette cursed himself, cursed the fact that he was a hopeless romantic. Because he'd been single for so long, he would develop crushes in an instant. See the example of this man. Brian shook himself out of it and told himself that the man was buying flowers, he obviously wasn't single.

"How can I help you today?" He asked, rounding the side of the counter and walking over to the man, but of course keeping a respectful distance. He joined his hands behind him in an attempt to appear casual, but really, it was so he could fiddle with his hands nervously without the man noticing.

"How do you say "fuck you" in flowers?" The man asked pointedly, causing Brian's brow to raise.

"Oh." He said simply, impressed by the man's lack of care for the words he just said. The man had a voice that was smooth, with a rough undertone, and a thick Cornish accent. A fellow Englishman like Brian, settled in Barcelona, he deduced. The man raised his eyebrows too, and then laughed, and Brian felt his heart flutter. The man's laugh warmed Brian's heart no end, and suddenly he had a new sound. He made a mental note to try and make this man laugh as much as possible.

"Sorry- that was a little forward." The man rolled his eyes at himself and smiled at Brian charmingly.

"No, no, it's ok. It's just not usual to have someone request that." Brian laughed too, thinking hard.

"Um..right..it sort of depends what kind of "fuck you" you want to say. Do you mind me asking what happened for you to request this bouquet?" Brian questioned cautiously, not wanting to upset the man. He noticed a twinge of sadness in the man's expression, and then it was gone, just like that.

"Oh, I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. I'm gonna send him these flowers with a note saying 'fuck you'." The man revealed, cackling at his idea. All Brian could focus on was the fact that this creature was at least bisexual, and someone would cheat on him?? Brian shook his head at the stupidness that person must have to cheat on this man.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. But, I can do that. Follow me." Brian said, walking over to one wall of flowers.

"So, I recommend we put some candytufts in to start. They symbolise indifference." Brian suggested, and the man nodded with a smile.

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