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The sun was filtering through the parted curtains, bathing the quiet flat in liquid gold. It was only early morning, about 7am to be exact, and none of the Queen members were morning people, making the flat peacefully empty. There were a few dirty dishes in the sink, as all four boys were usually busy in the studio or getting shitfaced with each other. Brian or John usually ended up doing them, out of need for clean plates, not out of helpfulness.

Today though, all was quiet as all four were DEFINITELY not morning people. However, this morning was different as Brian decided to take advantage of the quiet morning. He slipped out of bed and grabbed his acoustic guitar, trying hard not to make too much noise as he crept through their flat, into the living room. He sat down on the sofa and strummed the guitar quietly, humming along softly. He pulled a crumpled song sheet out of his pocket and unfolded it, reading over the scrawled lyrics for the thousandth time. He sighed to himself and played a few chords, desperately trying to find some melodies that would fit with the style of the expressive lyrics.

Suddenly, he had a brainwave! Why hadn't he thought of it before? He grabbed a capo and clipped it to the first fret. Now he had new chords that he could experiment with! He strummed a few, before he found a quaint little pattern that he was very proud of. He grinned as he jotted the chord names down in his notebook. Taking a deep breath, he started strumming and singing along.

Meanwhile, Roger had woken up unusually early. He grumbled and rolled over in bed, but try as he might, he couldn't get back to sleep. With a groan of annoyance, he clambered out of the covers and pulled on a shirt. He opened his door, but was stopped in his tracks when he heard someone strumming an acoustic guitar and singing soulfully along. He knew it was Brian. Carefully, he made his way to the living room, listening to the sweet melodies that Brian was crooning. He leant on the doorframe and watched the guitarist getting lost in this new song that he seemed to be very passionate about. Roger's heart leapt as Brian's fingers danced across the fretboard, his skill almost making the guitar sound like it was singing its own song.

Eventually, Brian stopped playing and became aware of eyes on him. He raised his gaze and a smile crawled across his face as he saw Roger standing there watching him like he hung the moon and stars.

"Good morning, Bri." Roger said, trying and failing to hide the grin spreading across his face when Brian set the guitar down and spread his hands.

"Come here." Brian requested, beckoning Roger over and enveloping him in a hug.

"I can't believe that we've still managed to hide it all.." Roger sighed, resting his chin on Brian's shoulder.

"I know, it's pretty impressive..but I do really miss you.." Brian replied with a hint of sadness and longing.

"Yeah..ever since we moved in with the others, it's been hard to adjust. I miss our old flat that we just had for the two of us." Roger pulled away from Brian as he spoke, pouting up at the guitarist, who sighed and nodded.

"I agree. But, you know that we are broke right now and have to save all the money we can. As soon as we can start recording our next album, with our new management, then we can get another flat together and we won't have to pretend anymore." Brian smiled reassuringly at the blond, who returned the grin.

"Enough of this negativity..what was that song you were playing just now?" Roger asked, falling backwards onto the sofa dramatically.

"Oh.." Brian flushed a light pink at the subject change, back to his song.

"It's a concept song, really. Have you ever heard of Einstein's theory of time relativity?" Brian questioned, earning a blank look from the drummer. He sighed and shuffled closer to Roger.

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