💫 Rhapsody Over London!

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Brian's POV

We've done it! We've finished our tour! I can't describe how euphoric I felt as we took our bows for our last show in Tampere. I was aching and stiff, and it's been one hell of an effort, but we're finished! This might have been our best tour ever, so many young faces. So much variety in the audience. And god, the audience! Every single show we've played we've hardly had to work! The audiences have been so keen and so incredible!

It's been fun, but I'm immensely glad that it's over. Touring only gets harder every day that we age, and I'm not sure how much longer we'll be able to go on. But I do know that we'll try.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" Adam's still energetic voice cuts me out of my thoughts as we walk to the dressing room for the final time.

"And you, Adam. I'll never get over how effortlessly you sing our songs." Rog replies, patting Adam on the shoulder.

"Effortless? I must've fooled you!" Adam chuckles, shaking his head.

"You alright Bri?" Of course Roger notices. He notices everything these days.

"Yes, yes. I'm just thinking." I reply, nodding to Adam as he holds the door for me.

"What of?" Roger asks, looking up at me with those inquisitive blue eyes. The ones that always give me flashbacks of years and years ago, times when he's given me that same look.

"Just about this tour. How incredible it's been but also about how tired I am." I answer honestly. I can't lie to him these days, he sees right through me. He always has really.

"Do you think you can do it again?" He questions bluntly. He looks calm but I can see an air of panic in his eyes. I take his hands in mine to calm him.

"I'm not sure, but I really hope so. I think I just need a long break and then I'll be alright again." I tell him, squeezing his hands. His palms are rough and calloused, but the feeling is so familiar and so comforting to me that it doesn't bother me.

"Are you sure? If you don't think you can go on you shouldn't force yourself." I can see how serious he is. I know he's been extra worried about me ever since my health problems a few years back.

"Rog, I promise. If I don't feel up for it, then..," I stop briefly as I consider that the show we just played could possibly be our last. "Then we just..won't go again." I finish, gulping as it really settles in. I may never get out on stage again. Roger looks at me with worry and I can tell he thinks there's more to it.

"He's right, Bri. If you don't feel like you can do this again, we won't." Adam chips in, his eyes caring but sad. I know how much he enjoys himself on our tours.

"No, no. I can't fathom not doing this again. Maybe not a massive tour like this time, but a smaller one. But I promise, I will be fine with a long rest." I say firmly, letting go of Roger's hands. I need them to believe it, so I can try and believe it better myself.

"Alright, but please, don't overwork yourself. Please." Roger almost begs, and I realise how scared he is for me.

"I won't, I promise. I'm not hurting too much..just a bit sore in places but that's to be expected. I've always had that. Other than that, I'm feeling fine." I assure him, patting his head because I know he hates it. He glares at me but he can't hold it for long. I grin at him as I go over to my table and wipe my face with the flannel.

We didn't share a dressing room with Adam before, but now we know him so well and it helps us all to get warmed up before a show. It was a little awkward at first, but now we're very comfortable around each other. I glance over at him, our boy, and he's carefully wiping his make up off. I smile to myself. Adam is possibly the best thing that's happened to me since Freddie died. He's so incredible, and there's really no voice to match his.

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