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(A/N: Had this idea for a while's sad!! Once again skip if you don't want to be upset, although I'd love if you read this, I am really proud of this one!)

Words: 2366

Death's POV

I'd always liked them. They were adorable to me. I knew I wasn't supposed to, I knew I shouldn't. But still I did. I became sort of attached to them..I'd watch them whenever I had any spare time, which wasn't very often. It was as if they were my comfort. They helped me get through my job on those hard days when I had to take people who didn't deserve to leave yet. I dreaded the day when I'd have to visit them properly..

'They' were two men called Brian Harold May and Roger Meddows Taylor. They were two of the four members of the band Queen. I was astounded when I first saw them. I was just passing by as I had to take the poor, lost soul of a stray cat that was outside their home. I peered in and saw these two youthful men, snuggled under a blanket together on a sofa, mugs of hot chocolate in their hands. I was immediately drawn to them for reasons I cannot explain. As I regretfully took the soul of that poor kitty, I watched them share a lingering kiss. I was intrigued and made my way into the house and observed from a closer point of view. They were adorable. I found out who they were, and although I had to leave almost immediately to take the soul of a lonely old man, I made sure I was going to come back. And so, they became my sort of comfort..

Whenever I'd had an upsetting day and I had some free time, I would go and watch them. Whatever it was they were doing, it always helped me feel at ease with everything. That time I had to take the soul of a young girl who was killed by a speeding car..and then had to take the souls of her parents when they committed suicide together. A job like this does take a toll on you. I found out that I had an hour's break that evening, so I hurriedly made my way over to their shared home. I found them curled up together in their bed, fast asleep. They'd had a stressful day at the studio with their band mates Freddie Mercury and John Deacon. They had been recording their album Hot Space, and both of them had a distaste for the disco elements. But of course, they found comfort in each others arms after a long day.

Then there was the time there was a fire at a school. No-one survived, it spread too quick and the fire alarm happened to be broken that had a worrying effect on me. I was thrilled to find out that I had two hours of free time. I swiftly found my comfort..and watched them as they peacefully ate dinner together, and watched as they shared some heated kisses and descended into a pit of desire. I watched as they made love over the kitchen counter.

Now..I know it may seem strange that I am watching them at any free time I have, creepy even. I do not do it for the 'pleasure' as you may call it, I do not feel such emotions. I did it simply because they made me happy, something I didn't often get to experience in my job. I know it may seem slightly wrong that sometimes I watched them have sex, but to me, it wasn't any different from their sweet kisses and cuddles. All of their togetherness made me happy, no matter what it was. And besides, I saw many crude things on my journeys around the planet every day. I've seen many a couple share passionate, hot moments together. It was just part of my job.

Anyway, I am getting side tracked. The last moment I remember that sticks out in my head was the day of a horrible terrorist attack. I had to take so many innocent souls that disturbed me that humans could be so cruel to each other. I needed comfort, and I knew exactly where to go. I only had half an hour this time, but I was hoping it was going to be enough to make me feel a little better. They weren't at their home, but I soon found them at a pet shop, clutching each others hands. Roger was bouncing around and looking at all the animals, much like a child, whilst Brian looked at him with such affection. They ended up going home with a small, abandoned kitten that they did not buy from the pet shop, but found on the street. I was thankful for them as I was sure I would've had to take that poor kitten's soul not long after. They named her Squeaky.

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