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(A/N: ok so this is quite different from anything I've written before but I hope you like it!)

Voyeur POV

Brian was drunk off his ass. He'd been celebrating graduating uni and getting his PhD with his friends Freddie and John, and he'd made the wonderfully smart decision to walk home. Alone. In the dark. In the middle of the night. It felt like a good idea at the time, but as he stumbled blindly down the gloomy road he wasn't so sure. There wasn't a soul around, it was completely deserted. It made sense as it was probably about 2am, but still, Brian basked in the silence of the night.

And then, out of nowhere, a huge dog, no, creature came bounding out of nowhere and collided with him. He hit the floor with a groan and felt the pain of grazes on his knees and palms. He looked around in confusion, wondering what it was that had knocked him over. He didn't see anything immediately, but he soon spotted a pair of glowing blue eyes looking at him from the shadows of an alley to his left. He recalled being hit by a huge beast, but because of his intoxication, he found that he wasn't scared.

"Come here.." he slurred to the eyes watching him. A huge paw emerged from the dark, and an enormous wolf followed. It's coat was grey, but seemed to have a sort of yellow aura to it. It's eyes were a piercing azure colour, staring cautiously at Brian as he laid on the floor and beckoned the creature closer. It's paws must have been as big as Brian's head, and it itself must have been about the height of Brian when he was sat up straight, possibly taller. It was truly massive.

Carefully, the creature took a few steps forward, closer to Brian. Brian had no inhibition and reached out calmly, wiggling his fingers and trying to reach the creature. It huffed and sent a spiral of misty air out from its snout. It finally took a few more steps and Brian immediately started petting it's huge head. Seeing it up close, Brian was even less intimidated. It was literally just a huge, fluffy wolf. Brian adeptly massaged the beasts head, his fingers carding through its thick fur.

"Cute.." the drunk man mused, continuing to stroke the creature like it was an average dog. The beast huffed again, pushing it's head into Brian's hand and stepping closer. Brian grinned and carried on petting the wolf.

"Soft..big wolf thing.." Brian giggled at his own analogy and the wolf moved even closer and sat down, towering above Brian, but somehow not even slightly threatening to the man. Brian could now feel the heat radiating off of the wolf like a furnace.

"You're warm.." he commented, moving his hand to scratch the beasts stomach. It leaned into the touch and almost sighed appreciatively, it's stunning eyes tracking Brian's every move and also watching the surroundings.

Brian was feeling increasingly ill, and he knew he really should be at home asleep, but instead, he was petting a massive wolf after being knocked over by it.

"Shit.." he murmured, feeling his stomach churn. He didn't pay much mind to what he was doing with his hand, and the creature must have noticed because it stood again and started nudging Brian with it's cold, wet nose. Brian felt extremely dizzy and fell backwards, lying on the floor. He tried to say 'I don't feel well' but it came out more like an incoherent mumble. He felt the beast nose at his stomach, and before be could register much else, he passed out.


Brian woke up on his doorstep, absolutely freezing and terribly confused as to why he hadn't been able to crawl the last few feet through his door. His stomach rolled aggressively as he scrambled to grab his key from his pocket. He managed to open the door and he ran through his house into the bathroom, violently throwing up into the toilet. He leant his head on the cool porcelain as everything throbbed and he regretted drinking so much. The last thing he remembered was leaving the bar on his own and walking home. Or did someone drop him back? He couldn't quite remember. He threw up a bit more and felt his stomach quell a little, so he felt it was safe to stand and wash his face. He gulped down a lot of water and scrubbed at his face, feeling a little more human. He checked his coat pockets and was relieved to find his wallet and his phone were still there, and he knew he had his key because he'd unlocked the door with it. He grabbed a few pills and a tall glass of water and headed to his room, falling back onto the bed with a groan. He switched his phone on and dragged the brightness down to a minimum, seeing he had a few messages from Freddie.

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