1000 Hours

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(A/N: Some context. This one shot is based off of me and bohemianradio❤️❤️. Roger and Brian are both 16, and Roger is the adopted son to Freddie and Deaky. Brian and Roger are online friends, and Roger lives in England while Brian lives in Iceland. Set in the modern day.)

Words: 3731

Voyeur POV

Roger was lounging around on the sofa lazily, scrolling through Instagram. He came across a photo that made him grin widely. John was just walking past and noticed the huge grin on his son's face, so he peered over the blond boys shoulder to see a familiar face on his phone screen. He glanced at Freddie who was reading a fashion magazine and lazing around on the floor, a few cats on him. Freddie met his husband's glance and looked at Roger, also noticing the wide smile.

"It's that curly haired boy again." John commented with a neutral tone. Roger became aware he was being watched and turned his phone off with a scowl.

"Leave me alone pap.." he groaned.

"Isn't that his internet friend..Billy, is it?" Freddie commented, standing up and causing a few cats to yowl and run away.

"No, it's Brian. And he's my best friend.." Roger explained with a sigh. He'd lost count of how many times he'd had this conversation with his dad's.

"But you haven't even met him." John said, running a hand through his son's hair.

"Doesn't matter. I know everything about him, he knows everything about me. We have a lot in common, and besides, he's really friendly and smart." Roger couldn't help the smile that spread across his face when he talked about Brian.

"Mm, ok. Where's he live again?" Freddie asked, starting to feel interested in this mystery friend.

"Iceland." Roger shrugged as if it was nothing.

"Woah, that's far." John chimed in and Roger nodded.

"I know, and it sucks. Because if I could have one wish, it would be to meet Brian. He means so much to me.." Roger sighed sadly. Freddie and John shared a look, only now starting to appreciate how much this 'Brian' meant to their son.

"Well, how old is he?" Freddie asked, wanting to find out as much as possible.

"16, same age as me. He said that he would fly over to here to see me if it didn't cost a fortune. You have no idea how badly I want to meet him. It's my only life goal currently.." Roger sighed, his head filling with jokes and moments that they'd shared.

"What about acing your A Levels?" John chirped.

"Oh, that can wait. Brian is top priority." Roger explained, waving his hands around dramatically. His parents shared a look of understanding. There was more to this than their son was letting on.

"Is it just a friendship?" John asked, still running his hands through Roger's blond hair.

"What do you mean?" Roger questioned.

"Are you dating?" Freddie deadpanned and Roger started choking and went bright red.

"No, dad! Our relationship is very strange, yeah. We compliment each other and tell each other we love each other and shit, but we're not dating." Roger tried to say it as it was, but completely failed at convincing his dad's.

"Sounds pretty gay to me." Freddie concluded and Roger groaned.

"I ship it." John giggled and watched as his sons face turned mortified.

"Oh my god.." he sounded exasperated and his dad's just laughed.

"Ok, ok. On a more serious note, are you sure you don't like Brian in that way?" Freddie asked again, and Roger was silent for a bit. Roger hadn't even considered that a possibility before, and now wasn't sure. But he knew that if he said he did like Brian he'd never hear the end of it.

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