💫 Friday I'm In Love

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Voyeur POV

Words: 4030

"So, ladies and gentlemen, who will Daniel pick?" Roger announced as he watched the brunette next to him carefully. He kept the microphone at his mouth and waited for the brunette to make a decision. Eying the 10 women in front of him carefully, Daniel eventually nodded to himself and touched Roger's arm.

"I think I got it, man." The man told Roger, who nodded and prompted the man to tell him. The brunette leaned down to whisper a name in Roger's ear carefully.

"I choose Rita." Daniel said definitively, and pulled away. Roger nodded to show that he had heard before sending a discrete cue to the lighting crew to start the countdown, and held up a number of fingers to show which woman was chosen. The lights went out, and then all of the podiums of every woman were flashing and blinking, as if they themselves were begging to be chosen.

"25 women started this show! Only 10 women and one man remain! Who will it be?" Roger's voice rang around the silent studio, as the countdown started.

"10!" He chanted, and all the women's podiums lit up, all of the girls having keen smiles.

"9!" He called, and one random podium light went off.

"8!" Another dimmed light.

"7!" And another.

"6! 5! 4!" Three more lights out. Only 4 women remained.

"3!" Another light gone, only 3 women still had a chance to be the object of Daniel's affections.

"2!" Roger was becoming increasingly excited, as he always was when the countdown was nearing the end.

"1!" He finally said, and only one light was left on. Rita's, as Daniel had chosen. The woman in question let out a dramatic gasp, and stared at Daniel. Standard reaction Roger thought, wondering when the next unique reaction would be.

"Daniel, would you like to say anything to Rita before we send you off together?" Roger asked, holding his microphone up to Daniel. The blond could only just reach, the man was 6 foot 4 after all.

"I chose you because I was just instantly drawn to you. Your beautiful eyes were the first thing.." et cetera, et cetera. The same waffle that every single man said every single time. Roger loved his show, but it got a bit repetitive from time to time. Maybe he was just jealous that he was still single himself. Even though he ran a bloody dating show.

The buzzer snapped him out of his thoughts, signaling that Daniel had gone up and pressed the button on Rita's podium, solidifying her win. The audience started chanting 'kiss' and as usual, the two shared an over the top kiss before walking away, hand in hand. The camera panned back to Roger and he flashed a devilish smile.

"Well, on that note, series 4 of Friday I'm In Love, graciously sponsored by The Cure, is over!" Roger closed out the series as usual, as the title song started playing around the studio. Everyone burst into applause as Roger waved to the audience.

"I'm Roger Taylor, your host, and Friday I'm In Love will be back again next May every Friday night on your TV! Stay tuned loyal viewers, we will have 25 more women battling it out to win over a new mystery man's affection!" Roger ended the show with his usual flare, before hurrying out of the main studio and into his private dressing room. As soon as the door was shut, Roger flung himself onto the plush sofa and lay there for a bit, wiping the sweat from his brow. Those studio lights were hot. He grabbed a fresh towel from the pile on the side and rubbed his face with it. Traces of his mascara were left on the towel but he didn't care, he didn't pay for the towels anyway. Not that his bank balance would take much of a hit if he did have to pay for the towels.

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