chap 7

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I was on my way to my next class when I heard my name being called. "Sage!" I turned around and see Tyler running towards me. We only have like 2 classes together and we barely even talk. I kinda forgot he existed, not gonna lie.

"Oh hey Tyler what's up." "You look really pretty."

"Thank you." I said with a genuine smile. "I was uh wondering if you wanted to hang out after school. "  I stopped in my tracks to turn and face him. "I totally get if you don't want to considering we don't really speak bu-"

"Tyler, chill out. I'm down." I continue walking. "So what do you want to do"

"We can roller skate at Brooklyn Bridge, but if you don't like that we can find something else."

"Bro stop second guessing yourself, we can do that. Meet me at my locker after school it's on the 4th floor "

"Okay see you then." How am I just now realizing I have 1 class left than school is over. This is my first time really hanging out with a boy before. Would you consider this a date? I mean he didn't say that it was a date. But it kinda feels like one. Do I want it to be one? No.


I'm at my locker touching my appearance waiting for Tyler to come. "You ready?" I smiled at him. "Let's go."


"Tyler don't you dare fucking let go of me!" I screamed at him. I was practically holding on to him for dear life. I probably should've proposed something else to do considering that I don't know how to skate.

"But if you fall, you're gonna take me with you."

"Have you ever heard that song lyric that goes 'if we go down then we go down together' I think that applies here". He just laughed at me.

"This is not funny" "You're right it's not, it's kinda cute." Not gonna lie if I was pale you would have seen my cheeks heat up. Which is weird because that's only the type of stuff you read about.

"Come on, let's try to move. We've been standing at the entrance just about the whole time". "Okay but just don't let go of me."

After a while of skating, holding on to him for dear life, I decided to let go of him and try by myself.

"Look at me go." I see a kid run into my way. They look like 10. So no harm can be done. "Move you little shit.". And guess what they did not move. So I fell on my ass. And all I see is Tyler dying of laughter. "Fuck you!"


"I had fun today." Tyler said. We were walking up to my house. After I fell we decided to leave and get food and here we are. "Me too."

"Well this is me." I turned and saw him staring at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Next thing I know he pulled me into a kiss. I was hesitant first but I slowly melted into it. I didn't feel right but it didn't feel wrong. But hey, name someone whose first kiss was perfect. After a while he pulled away, our foreheads touching. "Until next time Sage." And with that I pulled away and went inside. I went to my room, wiped off my makeup and changed my clothes. I don't even know what happened today. It's not that Tyler isn't attractive, but I've seen better. He's a sweet guy really and we share quite a few common interests. But I don't know if I could see myself with him. There's no red flags so what could go wrong.

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