chap 12

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"Sage that was honestly amazing." "Thanks, my aunt taught me." I put my head on top of his. We just stayed like that. Taking in everything. It was nice.

"Well I think I should go home for real now." "If you must. Thanks for staying a little longer." "It's no problem really."I got off the bench and grabbed my bag from the couch. "Do you need a ride?" Asher asked, following me to the front door. "Nah not this time." He nodded his head and opened the door for me." "Until next time Sage." "Until next time Asher."


It was Thursday which meant after school I had plans with Tyler. I'm excited I can't wait to see what he has planned. I was getting ready for the day to 'Match into Water' by Pierce the Veil. My music taste is pretty bi-polar. One minute I'm rocking to Erykah Badu and the next I'm bumping just about heavy metal. I decided to look a little nicer than normal today since i was going out later so I put on white crop top, beige pants, and an oversized cardigan.

 I decided to look a little nicer than normal today since i was going out later so I put on white crop top, beige pants, and an oversized cardigan

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I was in the cafeteria looking for a table. With Imani gone I realized that I don't have many friends. Yea I have Trish but she's already with her main friend group. At this point I would rather sit by myself than with them. "Sage!" I turn around to see who's calling me. Then my eyes land on Tyler waving his arms in the air. I laugh to myself and make my way towards him. "Hey." "Hey, are we still down for later." "Yup." "I can't wait, I have a fun day planned for us." "Sooo are you gonna tell me??"

(imagine tyler as ethan cutkosky-his pic in in 'chracters and aesthetics'- i feel like i need to blck character in here. The only reason i make the boys white is cause imma feel weird if she dated a black boy for example and she left him for someone white Anywaysss)

"Nope, it's a surprise." He said, pretending to zip his lips. "I'm not a fan of surprises."

"Well you're gonna like this one."

(a/n: i feel like i jump around alot in this story-should i make the parts like that one ^^ longer? )


"You ready?" Tyler asked, leaning on the locker next to mine.

"I guess now or never."




I followed him about 2 blocks to his car. "Well this is it." I looked in front of me and saw a white convertible.

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