chap 15

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Tw:abuse(not too much detail)

















"I'M FUCKING IN LOVE WITH YOU OKAY!" Love. Damn. I was not expecting to say that. "But you just run around with toxic ass Tyler all day" Next thing I know she pulled me into a kiss. Uhh does she feel the same?

I have kissed quite a few girls before but there is something special about this one. She pulled away and spoke. "Can you, uh, take me home." "Yea sure."


The car ride was pretty quiet, kinda awkward. We were almost at her house and we haven't said a single word to each other. I put the car in park and looked at her. "Well this is you." "Yup. Thanks for the ride." As soon as I saw she made her way inside I drove off and called Jake.


"Yo can I come over."

"You already know I have no problem with that."

"Bet be there in 10."

I have no idea how Sage and I are going to be around each other now. Or let alone if she would even leave her stupid ass boyfriend.

I pulled up to Jake's house and got out. I found the spare key from one of the plants by the door and went inside. He was in his room playing COD. "Yoo Ash wanna get on." "Nah I'm good I just need to talk." "You. Talk. This must be important." He took off his headset and turned off the console. "Okay shoot."


"And that's everything that happened with me and Sage" I told him everything from her singing to me, to us watching the sunset, our talk about Tyler, and us kissing in the rain. "So... you're in love with her?"

"I think so but I don't know if she feels the same. After I told her she just kissed me then told me to take her home."

"So what do you wanna do?"

"I wanna be with her but I don't think she can because of bitch ass Tyler."

"So.. why don't you take Tyler into your hands." "You mean fight him."

"That's exactly what I mean." "Sage is going to hate me."

"Who cares your helping her. For all we know Tyler could've done more to her than she told you." He's right but I'm afraid this is only going to make everything worse.

"Well help her cause Imani and I got a little thing going on. We can do like double dates and shit."

"Wait y'all are in something serious?"

"Nope. Not yet. We've just been talking and hanging out."

"Man, look at you! Dont fuck it up"

"I won't."





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