Chap 26

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It's been a month since asher and I have talked and I finally decided to speak with him. Just for some closure and the sake of my sanity.

So here I am.

Sitting across from him in this small ass cafe.

"So.." he begun
"I want to apologize for what you think you saw."
"What you think I saw?"  My response laced with confusion.

"Yes. She came up to me and just started kissing me and wouldnt let go no matter how hard I tried to push her off."

I leaned back into my chair and took a sip of my coffee.

"Why should I believe you."

"Have I gave you any reason not to trust me?"

"No, not really. Other than the fact that you cheated on me with some white girl"

I leaned forward and put my hands on the table and he grabbed it.

"Fine." I gave in.

"Can we try again please" He asked as he caressed my hands

"Fine, why not"

I debated telling him on how I slept with Jayden. It was nothing special. No strings attached. I barely knew him and it was just a one time thing. But.....I'm trying to be more open so....

"I have something to tell you."


"I slept with someone else." I waited for his reaction and he just stared at me dead in my face so I decided to plead my case. "It was nothing serious I just went to this party with Imani to get over you and we ran into her old friend Jayden. And I was a tad bit just a little bit wasted." I pinched my fingers to show him. "And we had sex just casual boring sex. No feelings or strings attached. And if it makes you feel any better he wasn't any good."

(A/n: don't forget to vote and comment I love to see all your comments 🙃)

He kept quiet and than stormed out the cafe. I gathered my things and followed behind him.

"Asher." He continued walking towards his car.


He turned around and looked at me.

"What the fuck. Why did you storm off like that."

"No reason. Other than the fact that you fucked someone else while we were still together!"

"We technically weren't together. I saw you kissing another girl so I went had slept with someone else."

"That's not the same fucking thing Sage. And if you wouldn't have ignore me for the past month you would've know that I didn't kiss her she kissed me."

"Oh whatever your acting as if u were in the same position as me you wouldn't do the same."

"No sage. I wouldn't."

He turned around and continued walking to his car. He got in and drove off. And all I could do was stand there in pure shock.

I dugged in my bag and pulled out my phone. 'Imani💕🤞🏾'. The phone rung for a few seconds before she picked up.

"Hey girl. Wssp. Waittt you never told me about how you and Jayden went! Ouuu it's big ain't it."

"I'll explain all that and more later. But for right now can u pick me up from Pete's cafe by the school."

"What you doing all the way over there."

"I'll explain when you get hereee."

"Fine be there in 20."

I hung up and went back inside the cafe. 30 minutes later Imani texted me informing me she was outside. I walked outside and got into the passenger side.

"Can we go to your house I don't wanna be home right now."

"Sure." She reached and turned up the music. Poison by Brent Faiyaz playing from the Bluetooth. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes.

"I have something to tell you."


"I slept with someone else."

My heart dropped. I was speechless. I know I fucked up and it wasng my fault but this, this is all her fault.

She started ramble on but it all just faded into a blur. Next thing I know I'm pushing out my chair and storming out the restaurant. I need air, a lot it.

"Asher." I continued walking towards my car.


I turned around and looked at her.

"What the fuck. Why did you storm off like that." Why is she acting like I don't have a reason to storm off.

"No reason. Other than the fact that you fucked someone else while we were still together!" I screamed at her. I saw her flinch and I took a step back and tried to calm down.

"We technically weren't together. I saw you kissing another girl so I went and slept with someone else."

"That's not the same fucking thing Sage. And if you wouldn't have ignored me for the past month you would've know that I didn't kiss her she kissed me."

"Oh whatever your acting as if u were in the same position as me you wouldn't do the same."

"No sage. I wouldn't."

I turned around and continued walking to my car. Once I got in the car I leaned my head back against the headrest and just thought about everything. Did all we have not matter to her? Like yes I understand that she saw me kissing someone but that was it and it wasn't even my fault. And she just took that as an excuse to sleep with someone.

Sage doesn't have one night stands. It's not like her. How am I supposed to know she won't go back to him. I started my car and turned up the music. "Me and your mama" by childish bambino came on. I turned up trying to drown out my thoughts.

Okayy y'all that was chap 26!! Probably 3 more chapters and than we're doneeeee. Imma save the big speech and thank you for when I finish this book but I just wanna say thank y'all for all the love and support you have showed me while writing this book. Had me truest feeling like s1 Kat from euphoria.

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