Chapter 1: unfortunate events

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All the people you meet in your life , there are so many . They come in like waves , trickling in and out with the tide . Some waves are much bigger and make more of an impact than others . But Sometimes , the waves bring with them things from deep in the bottom of the sea and they leave those things tossed onto the shore .

Settling down , living in a comfortable environment , making friends and having fun are Emily's dreams . Sometimes , we don't appreciate staying in the same town or village for a long time and we always want to leave . But , i see that stabilization and settlement  might be a good idea . So many people and Emily especially think  staying with their loved ones and avoid moving is great . So that's what she did . She tried to be happy .

Emily and her parents are always moving . Because of their jobs , they have to travel a lot and change their house multiple times . Therefore , Emily was so tired of moving so , she asked them to let her settle down , continue her education without disturbing her life and live with her brother who works  in Boston . Emily , a girl aged 16 years old , pretty, intelligent, talented and a little bit stubborn . Unfortunately all her relationships with boys didn't end up well . Whether , she was forced to break up with her boyfriend because of all the moving shit or they broke her heart . That's why she decided to began a new life with new friends and forget about all her heart-breaking relationships . Fortunately her parents didn't refuse her request and agree to let her live with her brother Maxon , a tall boy aged 25 years old . he has brown eyes and black hair just like his sister .  They look so much alike but their personalities are the total opposite . Maxon is an arrogant ,greedy and so overprotective guy , on the other hand , Emily is a nice and kind person . Maxon didn't miss an opportunity to ruin his sister's dating life . But sometimes , it is cute to feel like you have someone to protect you but his overprotectiveness always bothers her . Maxon is a really attractive guy and the fact that he can date whoever he wants and prevent her from dating is annoying . But the good thing now  is that he is working now and probably he doesn't have time to annoy her anymore . So , Emily is so excited to began a new life . First , she settled in her brother's apartment and of course it was a mess so she had to organize it . She was lucky because it still is three days for the second semester to began . Emily's brother is a pilot so he can go for a weak then go back . She liked that because she can have the house just for herself maybe will bring some friends if she meets some . Now , she believes that time can definitely heals all wounds , she will forget that she was broken , frustrated and devastated . She is so optimistic she will be happy . she will not waste a single second . Live hard , dream harder , chase her dreams , seek adventures and make new friends who deserve her love . Three days before the first day of school , she bought whatever she needs , she is ready for her first year of high school despite all the fear and terror she was feeling . She was strong but  afraid of being heart-broken another time because life is a bitch and she knows that sometimes it doesn't go the way you expect but she was strong and she will always be . She promised herself to fight no matter what comes in her way and she will stay strong . At least she believes in that. It's the first day of school. She woke up early in the morning . Actually she was so excited that she couldn't sleep the night before . The apartment is just a few miles away from the high school . Her brother went to work that morning  so the house will be empty at least for a weak . She is a big girl now , she can take care of herself , cook , clean and study . It's gonna be hard but she thinks she can do it . After waking up  ,  she wore her most beautiful clothes , she arrived to the school , stood in front of the big door imagining a brightening future full of adorable moments, a lot of friends and big smiles . The school is so big so beautiful , like any amarican highschool . She entered the school and searched for her class  passing by the basketball court where she saw so many handsome guys playing basketball but she is going to concentrate on her studies .Right now she doesn't have time for boys and she is done with heart-breaking relationships but suddenly and from nowhere a ball hit her head causing a severe wound . Apparently , one of the handsome guys threw a basketball by accident at Emily's head . She was so irritated, angry she didn't know what to do and she doesn't want to get into a fight in her first day of highschool . The whole basketball players were looking at her . It was embarrassing . Her head was bleeding . The guy who threw the ball came and apologize to her . She didn't say a word and run to the girls' bathroom , she looked at the mirror , cursed under her breath then  cried convincing herself that what happened seconds ago was just a bad luck and it won't happen again . She found some toilet paper , wiped the blood on her forehead . Suddenly , the handsome boy enterred the bathroom   with a disinfectant "hexomedine" and some cotton balls , He ordered the girls in the bathroom who were putting some make up to get out so they did . Emily was a little bit surprised when she saw him . It's odd  but what he did was so fucking attractive . She thought : " Shit , no Emily no more toxic boys in your freaking life . I don't want to judge people but he seems like a one " The stood in from of her , closing the distance between them , he was so fucking close than she was almost drowning in the blue of his eyes . He said apologetically :" I'm so sorry , believe me it was an accident . Take this(pointing to the disinfectant and cottons) you can sanitize your injury and please accept my apology I will not forgive myself for making a beautiful girl like you cry " . She blushed and thought : " my instincts never disappoint me . He is definitely one of those sarcastic not funny guys , also bastards who dates two girls in the same time . Anyway , let's take some  benifits , eventually he hit my head with his stupid ball . "  then she said : " ok I will forgive you just for one condition " , he frowned then she continued : " you need to buy me ice cream " . They begun laughing and he accepted her request . And he offered to take her on a school tour so she couldn't refuse . And after talking for a long time , she realised that she wasn't right about him . He was definetely funny . And at her first day of school , she managed to have a  funny  friend like Garrett who has the same age as her . The bell rang announcing that her school tour with her new friend ended . Actually, she was happy because she thought that Garrett will help her make a lot of friends but the opposite happened . when she entered the class , all the girls was staring at her with a terrifying look , she didn't understand what was going on . she saw Garrett too, they were in the same class .  What a coincidence !  She smiled to him and  introduced herself to the class then sit in the only empty table , near a girl who seemed to be kind then she said : " hi I'm Emily. You? The girl answered kindly  :"hi I'm Tate

- Are all the girls mean all the time or  especially this day  ? Emily said frowning

- You didn't understand that they are jealous of you ? Tate said laughing

- What ? of me ? why ? What the hell did I do to them ? she said sadly

- WTF . Are you kiddng me ? . You literally stayed in the bathroom with the most popular guy of the school  , Tate said sarcastically

She said under her breath : " Shit i didn't think that he is that popular . So i'm their enemy now . Emily , admit the truth . You're litterally the most unlucky person in this damn planet . God , help me 

They couldn't finish the conversation because the teacher warned them to be quiet but Emily couldn't concentrate trying to find a solution to her problem and apparently the only one is to avoid Garrett  . After the class , this handsome but unfortunatelly popular guy  tried to talk to her but she just ignored him . Actually she doesn't have a choice they will hate her if she doesn't But after thinking about it a bunch of times ,  she realized that they already hate her no matter what she does so fuck it . At least she had Tate . They became friends but Tate is a musician she always have rehearsals and she was always busy . So Emily decided to hang out sometimes with Garrett . He was so nice to her , she met his friends who were kind too . She was happy . She told him all her secrets ,about her heart-breaking and devastatingr relationships . He did too . He told her about his cruel father who hits his mother . He told her about his insecurities , he was so afraid to become like his father because he can't control his temper , actually she noticed that too after the multiple fights that he got into for ridiculous reasons . She was scared about him too . The ice looked so shiny and smooth until you get close enough to it , suddenly all the uneven edges and crisscrossed skate marks became visible . That's Garrett I guess covered with skate marks that nobody seems to notice . But the coolest thing about this whole thing that he trusted her and opened up to her . Emily and Garrett got along , they became bestfriends . But Emily wanted to help Garrett and she knows that when he gets angry , he can't behave wisely so she tried to calm him whenever he gets irritated and he liked her for that . Actually , Garrett was kind and nice but a playboy too . The boy had a very bad reputation that's why Emily was afraid to be friends with him especially after she got close to him after him telling her about his life,his insecurities after all of this she was scared of falling in love with him , she was afraid of being heart-broken again . They spent so many hours face timing each other , he told her about all the girls who broke their hearts ,she always gets angry because she knew that feeling and he always comfort her by saying that he apologized to them but he was lying he never does . He only apologized to her the first day they met , he just told her his problem with his father he loves her but afraid to break her heart like he always does and Emily , she convinced herself that they are just friends but deep down she knew that she was so fucking in love with him

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